Ruby activerecord result to array - ruby

My aim is to take the result of my activerecord search and print it into a nice array but the print part is where I am having trouble.
I first build my oracle connection with the following which works in isolation.
def oracle_connection(adapter, database, username, password)
adapter: adapter,
database: database,
username: username,
password: password)
I then create my query with the following function:
def query
"select * from owner.appn where appn_id = #{$id}"
And here is the part where I am asking the question on. I want to pass the result of the query being returned out into an 2D array. Below is what I currently have to execute the active connection query.
def oracle_query_into_array(query)
result_set = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(query)
if result_set.present?
#add logic here
return nil

I'm assuming you have reasons to use the underlying connection calls rather than the abstractions that are common practise.
With the ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(query) I would expect this to return true if it executes. What you want is a cursor on the data, so try this:
result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query(query)
puts result.to_a
=> [array of results]
A usual abstraction (ActiveRecord::Base) would take the form of creating a model to represent your data, so in your case, this could look like:
class Appn < ActiveRecord::Base
This will be automatically mapped to a table within your connection called Appnn allowing you to update the above code to:
results = Appn.where(appn_id: $id)
puts results.to_a
=> [array of results]


Inserting an Array into Postgres Database from a Ruby File

I'm trying to transfer all the information from my Ruby file into a Postgres database. I am able to transfer the information when I do not have an array column, so I am assuming the error message I am getting is because of the array column I am trying to add. The error message I am getting is:
in `exec_prepared': ERROR: missing dimension value (PG::InvalidTextRepresentation)
Here is the code I used to connect my Ruby file to my Postgres database:
require 'pg'
class Postgres
# Create the connection instance. Scraping is the name of the database I am adding this information to
def connect
#conn = PG.connect(:dbname => 'scraping')
# Create our venue table
def createVenueTable
#conn.exec("CREATE TABLE venues (venue_number varchar(15) UNIQUE,...,img_array varchar[]);")
def prepareInsertVenueStatement
#conn.prepare("insert_venue", "insert into venues(venue_number,...,img_array) values ($1,...,$24)")
# Add a venue with the prepared statement.
def addVenue(venue_number,...,img_array)
#conn.exec_prepared("insert_venue", [venue_number,...,img_array])
When I check my Postgres database, the img_array column is made, however, I am unable to populate it. Please help! Thank you.
I would suggest using serialization to handle this so that you are actually just writing a string rather than an actual array.
require 'pg'
require 'yaml'
class Postgres
# Create the connection instance. Scraping is the name of the database I am adding this information to
def connect
#conn = PG.connect(:dbname => 'scraping')
# Create our venue table
def createVenueTable
#changed img_array to a varchar(8000) for storing serialized Array
#conn.exec("CREATE TABLE venues (venue_number varchar(15) UNIQUE,...,img_array varchar(8000));")
def prepareInsertVenueStatement
#conn.prepare("insert_venue", "insert into venues(venue_number,...,img_array) values ($1,...,$24)")
# Add a venue with the prepared statement.
def addVenue(venue_number,...,img_array)
#conn.exec_prepared("insert_venue", [venue_number,...,serialized(img_array)])
#serialize the Object
def serialized(obj)
#deserialize the Object
def deserialized(obj)
Abstracted Usage Example just to show serialization
a = [1,2,4,5]
serialized = YAML.dump(a)
#=> "---\n- 1\n- 2\n- 3\n- 4\n- 5\n"
#=> [1,2,3,4,5]
#Also works on Hash Objects
h = {name: "Image", type: "jpeg", data:[1,2,3,4,5]}
serial = YAML.dump(h)
#=> "---\n:name: Image\n:type: jpeg\n:data:\n- 1\n- 2\n- 3\n- 4\n- 5\n"
#=> {:name=>"Image", :type=>"jpeg", :data=>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
Hope this helps you out with handling this issue.
If you need to store more than 8000 characters you can switch to varchar(MAX) or text column definitions. I would recommend varchar(MAX) because the data will be stored as a standard varchar until it exceeds 8000 character at which point the db basically converts it to a text column under the hood.

Can not pass a DBI::DatabaseHandle object as an argument to a ruby gem method

I'm new to ruby so forgive me in advance if this is a silly question. I've googled for answers but nothing relevant comes up and it seems the answer should be obvious.
I'm attempting to pass a DBI::DatabaseHandle as function argument and I'm getting a wrong "number of arguments" error when I run the function. Here's my code...
require 'rubygems'
require 'dbi'
class CmsTest
def self.get_dbi_connection(hostname, user, password)
connection = DBI.connect("DBI:OCI8:" + hostname, user, password)
return connection
def self.query(connection, sql)
puts connection
puts sql
request = connection.prepare("#{query}")
fetched = []
request.fetch do |row|
fetched << row.to_h
return fetched
rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e
log "An error occurred"
log "Error code: #{e.err}"
log "Error message: #{e.errstr}"
So my code that calls this looks like so...
require 'rubygems'
require 'cms_test'
connection = CmsTest.get_dbi_connection('foo', 'bar', 'fubar')
CmsTest.query(connection, "<some sql query>")
So the first argument is a DBI::DatabaseHandle object and the second is some sql query string. When I run that I get this...
`query': wrong number of arguments (0 for 2) (ArgumentError)
This even though the query signature contains two arguments and and I'm passing the method two arguments. The really weird thing for me is that if I put and exit statement anywhere in the method body after the puts it will show that the method did indeed receive 2 arguments...
select licensor_id, licensor_name from cf_licensor
I can't make any sense of this. Please help.
You have a method named query:
def self.query(connection, sql)
and then inside query you try to call query:
request = connection.prepare("#{query}")
# -- method call ---------------^^^^^
You probably want to use sql there and there's no need for string interpolation:
request = connection.prepare(sql)

ActiveRecord conditions across multiple tables.

I'm trying to retrieve cars from my database where each car has a manufacturer, and can have multiple styles.
For example, a ford fiesta is a coupe, sedan and hatch.
I've got my relationships set-up in my models, but now I want to create a query to return the results. The query construction will depend on what parameters are supplied.
This is what I've got so far
conditions = {}
conditions[:manufacturer_id] = params[:manufacturer_id] unless params[:manufacturer_id].blank? # this works!
conditions[:style_id] = "style_id IN (?)", params[:style_ids] unless params[:style_ids].blank? #this breaks it :(
cars = Car.find(:all, :conditions=> conditions)
return render :json => cars
The error getting returned is
PG::Error: ERROR: column cars.style_ids does not exit of course this is because the style_id is in a join table called cars_styles. Is there a way to tell ActiveRecord which table to look for within the condition?
The key thing here is that I want to only have one controller method which takes the params in existence and then creates the right query. So if I don't have a manufacturer_id, it will only query the styles, or if vice versa. Of course, I'll be adding other params later too.
I ended up doing this with scoped queries like this
scope :from_manufacturer, lambda{|manu|{:joins => :manufacturer, :conditions => " = #{manu}" }}
scope :from_style, lambda{|style|{:joins => :style, :conditions => " = #{style}"}}
def self.get_cars(params)
scope = self
[:manufacturer,:style].each do |s|
scope = scope.send("from_#{s}", params[s]) if params[s].present?
Works great!

Why won't Sequel write my database table?

class MakeController < Controller
map '/makenew'
#require 'model/debate'
def debate
if #this line is potentially dangerous!
#---> 1/3 fetch postdata
data = request.subset(:question, :type, :category, :assertion)
data['user_id'] = #id = request.params['id']
#---> 2/3 check permissions
if user.points < 40
flash[:error] = 'You don\'t have enough points to make a debate.'
debate =
#---> 3/3 modify database
flash[:success] = success
flash[:form_data] = debate
redirect 'debates'
rescue => e
#flash[:form_errors] = debate.errors
#flash[:error] = data
flash[:error] = e
#flash[:error] = 'Failure whilst saving. Contact technical support!'
redirect 'debates' #redirect_referrer
end #closes posting conditional
end #closes makesave
The error I get is.
SQLite3::ConstraintException: debates.question may not be NULL
I have checked the postdata for data.question and it is not null.
What is going on?
You need to pass 'data' to #update. Thus:
is wrong, you have to do:
If you don't do this, your debate object has no member assigned and thus its question member is nil, violating your DB constraints.
See the differences between #save and #update here:
Update :
Save :
In a nutshell: #save will save the current model instance to the database, while #update will change a bunch of instance attributes in one operation.
But you have to remember that changing a model instance's attributes DOES NOT write them to the database. You always have to call #save explicitly.
Are you sure that your model accepts mass assignment of primary keys?
Try calling Debate.unrestrict_primary_key
You can check the rules in the Sequel documentation.

Get inserted ID from Sequel prepare

I have a prepared insert statement in Sequel (using Oracle).
prepared_statement = DB[:table_name].prepare(:insert, :name, :value=>:$value)
When I call it the row gets added just fine. :value=>'Some value'
I have a trigger and a sequence set up so the ID will be auto generated. I would like to get back the row (or the id) I just added, but I can't see how. I can't use insert because value is a CLOB and may be greater than 4000 characters.
In JRuby, using the JDBC adapter you can override the insert and pass in the returning clause. The tricky part is that you don't always know what the primary key is at this level so you may have to use ROWID or request all of the columns back.
You end up with something that looks similar to this:
module Sequel
module JDBC
class Database
def execute_insert_with_returning(conn, sql, opts = {})
columns = opts[:key_columns] || ["ROWID"]
q = "{ call #{sql} returning #{columns.join(',')} into #{columns.collect {|_| '?'}.join(',')} }"
stmt = conn.prepare_call(q)
raise "Unable to prepare call for insert" if stmt.nil?
columns.each_with_index do |_, index|
stmt.registerOutParameter(index+1, JavaSQL::Types::VARCHAR)
return nil if 0 == stmt.executeQuery
values = (1..columns.count).inject({}) do |memo, index|
key = columns[index-1].downcase.to_sym rescue nil
memo[key] = stmt.get_string(index) unless key.nil?
end # #execute_insert_with_returning
alias execute_without_specialized_insert execute
def execute(sql, opts={}, &block)
if opts[:type] == :insert
synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn|
execute_insert_with_returning conn, sql, opts
execute_without_specialized_insert sql, opts, &block
end # #execute
end # Database
end # JDBC
end # Sequel
I've done something pretty much like this and it works pretty good. I think we had to override the Sequel::Model as well so it passes the primary key in as opts[:key_columns] but I may be remembering incorrectly.
This is a bit of a load bearing kludge that gets the job done. It would be more elegant to specialize it to the Oracle JDBC adapter and to ensure that all of the error handling code is present from the original execute statement. Given the time I'd love to get something better and give it back to the Sequel project.
The way to get the populated sequence values is through the RETURNING clause of the INSERT
statement, as I discuss in this response to a similar question regarding CodeIgniter.
I'm not sure whether the base version of RoR supports that syntax, but it appears to be possible to extend ActiveRecord to handle it. Find out more.
Sequel's Oracle adapter doesn't have native prepared statement support, so it falls back to issuing a regular query. If you can use JRuby, the jdbc adapter has native prepared statement support, so it should just work there. If you can't use JRuby, you'll have to work on adding native prepared statement support to the Oracle adapter. I don't have access to an Oracle installation, so I can't test any support, but I'll be happy to provide advice if you run into problems.
