ActiveRecord conditions across multiple tables. - activerecord

I'm trying to retrieve cars from my database where each car has a manufacturer, and can have multiple styles.
For example, a ford fiesta is a coupe, sedan and hatch.
I've got my relationships set-up in my models, but now I want to create a query to return the results. The query construction will depend on what parameters are supplied.
This is what I've got so far
conditions = {}
conditions[:manufacturer_id] = params[:manufacturer_id] unless params[:manufacturer_id].blank? # this works!
conditions[:style_id] = "style_id IN (?)", params[:style_ids] unless params[:style_ids].blank? #this breaks it :(
cars = Car.find(:all, :conditions=> conditions)
return render :json => cars
The error getting returned is
PG::Error: ERROR: column cars.style_ids does not exit of course this is because the style_id is in a join table called cars_styles. Is there a way to tell ActiveRecord which table to look for within the condition?
The key thing here is that I want to only have one controller method which takes the params in existence and then creates the right query. So if I don't have a manufacturer_id, it will only query the styles, or if vice versa. Of course, I'll be adding other params later too.

I ended up doing this with scoped queries like this
scope :from_manufacturer, lambda{|manu|{:joins => :manufacturer, :conditions => " = #{manu}" }}
scope :from_style, lambda{|style|{:joins => :style, :conditions => " = #{style}"}}
def self.get_cars(params)
scope = self
[:manufacturer,:style].each do |s|
scope = scope.send("from_#{s}", params[s]) if params[s].present?
Works great!


Simplify multiple calls to ActiveRecord #find down to single line/SQL statement

I'm having a little brain block when it comes to condensing the use of two #find methods in ActiveRecord down to a single statement and SQL query.
I have a Sinatra route where the slug of both a parent and child record are supplied (the parent has many children). Atm I'm first finding the parent with a #find_by_slug call and then the child by #find_by_slug again on the matched parents association.
This results in two SQL queries that in my mind should be able to be condensed down to one easily... Only I can't work out how that's achieved with ActiveRecord.
Model, route and AR log below. Using ActiveRecord 3.2
I realised I need to clarify the exact outcome to require (I write this very late in the day). I only require the Episode but atm I'm getting the Show first in-order to get to the Episode. I only require the Episode and figured their must be a way to get at that object without adding the extra line and getting the Show first.
class Show < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :episodes
class Episode < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :show
Sinatra route
get "/:show_slug/:episode_slug" do
#show = Show.find_by_slug show_slug
#episode = #show.episodes.find_by_slug episode_slug
render_template :"show/show"
ActiveRecord logs
Show Load (1.0ms) SELECT `shows`.* FROM `shows` WHERE `shows`.`slug` = 'the-show-slug' LIMIT 1
Episode Load (1.0ms) SELECT `show_episodes`.* FROM `show_episodes` WHERE `show_episodes`.`show_id` = 1 AND `show_episodes`.`slug` = 'episode-21' LIMIT 1
If you only need the #episode, you can maybe do
#episode = Episode.joins(:shows).where('shows.slug = ?', show_slug).where('episodes.slug = ?', episode_slug).first
If you also need #show, you've got to have two queries.

ActiveRecord, find by polymorphic attribute

Having this:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :historizable, :polymorphic => true
user = User.create!
I can:
Event.create!(:historizable => user)
But I can't:
Event.where(:historizable => user)
# Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'events.historizable' in 'where clause'
I have to do this instead:
Event.where(:historizable_id =>, :historizable_type =>
Code that reproduces the issue:
This has been implemented in Rails master and will be available in
Rails 4. Thanks.
– #carlosantoniodasilva
I do this:
This is a proper AR query, you can chain it with other scopes and stuff:<your event conditions here>)
EDIT: AFAIK the other way around you must specify both fields (makes sense: you could have a user with id 4 and another thing with events, like a Party, also with id 4).
EDIT2: Regarding "Why does create work and where doesn't": create is more highlevel than where, because the former deals with "a complete model", while the latter manages things at the database table level.
ActiveRecord's create (AFAIK) uses a combination of new + update_param somewhere down the line.
update_param uses your model's xxxx= methods for assigning each individual property.
In your example, historizable= is a method built by the belongs_to expression. Since the belongs_to "knows" that it's polymorphic, it can deal with the type and id.
On the other hand, when you pass a hash to the where clause, the parameters there only refer to database fields. Rails provides scopes for "higher level" access:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :by_historizable, lambda { |h| where(:historizable_id =>, :historizable_type => }
Event.by_historizable(user).where(<your other queries here>)
I've heard that this might change in Rails 4, and where might be more "intelligent". But I have not checked yet.
Event.joins(:historizable).where(:historizable => {:historizable_type => user})

Can I retrieve objects with Sequel from a complex query that limits results to fields from a single table?

I have a model whose rows I always want to sort based on the values in another associated model and I was thinking that the way to implement this would be to use set_dataset in the model. This is causing query results to be returned as hashes rather than objects, though, so none of the methods from the class can be used when iterating over the dataset.
I basically have two classes
class SortFields < Sequel::Model(:sort_fields)
set_primary_key :objectid
class Items < Sequel::Model(:items)
set_primary_key :objectid
one_to_one :sort_fields, :class => SortFields, :key => :objectid
Some backstory: the data is imported from a legacy system into mysql. The values in sort_fields are calculated from multiple other associated tables (some one-to-many, some many-to-many) according to some complicated rules. The likely solution will be to just add the values in sort_fields to items (I want to keep the imported data separate from the calculated data, but I don't have to). First, though, I just want to understand how far you can go with a dataset and still get objects rather than hashes.
If I set the dataset to sort on a field in items like so
class Items < Sequel::Model(:items)
set_primary_key :objectid
one_to_one :sort_fields, :class => SortFields, :key => :objectid
then the expected clause is added to the generated SQL, e.g.:
>> Items.limit(1).sql
=> "SELECT * FROM `items` ORDER BY `sortnumber` LIMIT 1"
and queries still return objects:
>> Items.limit(1).first.class
=> Items
If I order it by the associated fields though...
class Items < Sequel::Model(:items)
set_primary_key :objectid
one_to_one :sort_fields, :class => SortFields, :key => :objectid
order(:sort1, :sort2, :sort3)
...I get hashes
?> Items.limit(1).first.class
=> Hash
My first thought was that this happens because all fields from sort_fields are included in the results and maybe if selected only the fields from items I would get Items objects again:
class Items < Sequel::Model(:items)
set_primary_key :objectid
one_to_one :sort_fields, :class => SortFields, :key => :objectid
order(:sort1, :sort2, :sort3)
The generated SQL is what I would expect:
>> Items.limit(1).sql
=> "SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` LEFT OUTER JOIN `sort_fields` ON (`sort_fields`.`objectid` = `items`.`objectid`) ORDER BY `sort1`, `sort2`, `sort3` LIMIT 1"
It returns the same rows as the set_dataset(order(:sortnumber)) version but it still doesn't work:
>> Items.limit(1).first.class
=> Hash
Before I add the sort fields to the items table so that they can all live happily in the same model, is there a way to tell Sequel to return on object when it wants to return a hash?
If you use #eager_graph, you must use #all instead of #each to retrieve the results in order for the graph to be processed (since you cannot eagerly load without having all instances up front), or use the eager_each plugin (which makes #each call #all internally).

How can I avoid running singular expressions against arrays in activerecord and rails 3?

I am sorry if I am asking the question poorly. I have a Rails 3.1 app with models (simplified) like so:
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :merged_children, :class_name => 'Employee', :foreign_key => "merge_parent_id"
has_many :timesheets
def total_time
class Timesheet < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :employee
def in_range(range)
# filter records based on transaction_date in range
def hours_minutes
(hours + minutes/60.0).to_f
Note: The in_range method acts as a scope, essentially, and hours_minutes is a calculation. hours_minutes is valid for each timesheet record in the resulting dataset, and then total_time should sum those values and return the amount.
The "total_time" method is not working because employee.merged_children returns an array and timesheets is meant to run against a single Employee object.
Is there any way to structure the "total_time" so that it still sends one query to the db? It seems inelegant to iterate over the merged_children array, issuing a query for each. Not sure if a direct call to an Arel table would help or hurt, but I am open to ideas.
If we get it right, the resulting SQL should effectively look something like:
SELECT sum(hours + minutes/60.0)
FROM employees e1 join employees e2 on = e2.merge_parent_id join timesheets t on t.employee_id =
WHERE = [] and t.transaction_date BETWEEN [#range.begin] and [#range.end]
Thanks so much!
The easiest thing here might be to add
has_many :children_timesheets, :through => :merged_children, :source => :timesheets
To your employee model,
Then (assuming in_range is actually a scope, or a class method that does a find)
Should be the collection of timesheets you're interested in and you can do something like
Untested with actual data.
range = ((
merge_parent = Employee.find(some_id)
Timesheet.where(:transaction_date => range)
.joins(:employee).where(:employees => {:merge_parent_id =>})
.sum('hours*60 + minutes')
(0.3ms) SELECT SUM(hours*60 + minutes) AS sum_id FROM "timesheets" INNER JOIN "employees" ON "employees"."id" = "timesheets"."employee_id" WHERE "employees"."merge_parent_id" = 1 AND ("timesheets"."created_at" >= '2011-12-13 03:04:35.085416' AND "timesheets"."created_at" < '2011-12-12 03:04:
Returns "0" for me. So hopefully it will return something nicer for you

ROR- Cannot use Find in a 1-many relationship

In Ruby on rails, our model includes orders and payments.
There's 1-many relationship between order and payments.
In the orders model we specify:
has_many :payments, :as => :payable
And a payment record has payable_id that is set to
In a report, I want to select all payments that belong to orders of a given type.
payments = Payment.find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
and adding 'payable.type="a" ' to the conditions doesn't work.
It seems that ActiveRecord doesn't develop this into a correct join statement ( and orders.type='a').
I cannot use explicit SQL here, as the condition contains other things that are inserted there earlier in the code.
Raffi Lipkin
Your conditions clause is wrong.
You state that an Order
has_many :payments, :as => :payable
This tells me that a Payment
belongs_to :payable, :polymorphic => true
This means that the payments table has two columns of note: payable_id and payable_type. This also means that Payments can be applied not just to Orders, but also to other models as well (CreditCardBalances, who knows).
If you want to query for payments of a specific type, i.e. belonging to any instance of a particular class, you need to be querying the field payments.payable_type. This works fine:
Payment.find(:all, :conditions => "payable_type = 'Order'")
Here's a gist that shows what I did to test this. The models created are set up just like described above.
Don't forget that you can extract that into named scopes if it's easier:
named_scope :on_orders, :conditions => "payable_type = 'Order'"
Which makes it
Or dynamically:
named_scope :on, lambda { |type| { :conditions => "payable_type = '#{type.to_s}'" } }
Which then makes it
Payment.on(Order) # or Payment.on(CreditCardBalance) or Payment.on("Order")
Try incliding and reference the actual table id name in the condition, rather than the association alias:
find(:include => "payments", :conditions => ["payment.type = ?", "x"]
You mention 'payment type'. If they're fairly static, have you considered using single table inheritance (STI) to subclass your different payment types? Then Rails will do all the magic to filter on type.
class CreditCardPayment < Payment
It doesn't even need to exhibit different behaviour initially; however you'll probably find that it turns out to be really useful to have different data and polymorphic behaviour around payments.
