I set the certificate generated by jmeter in the trusted root certificate authorities, but everything TestScriptRecorder all the same asks to set the certificate.
The fastest and the easiest way of configuring JMeter for recording is using JMeter Templates feature.
From JMeter main menu select File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create
Default port for HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder originated from template is 8888
Make sure you have "Use the same proxy server for all protocols" box CHECKED
Make sure "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" box is NOT CHECKED
started recording my test on macOS, with below steps and I am receiving BELOW RESULTS
"If you use a proxy server…
Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure that the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: Go to Applications > System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies and deselect any proxies that have been selected."
2. Went to JMeter result tree
Response message:
2.1 Connection reset
ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy certificate 443
2.2 Response message:Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown
ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy certificate
JMeter test Steps:
Go to Jmeter and select "Recording" from "Templates"
provided paramters due creation
hostToRecord: www.tesla.com/en_eu
recording file: recordingtesla.xml
scheme to record: https
STRANGE THING: Template was created, but going to "User Defined Variables" I see another value provided (another website, which I have used couple of times in my previous tests?)
STRANGE THING 2 Going to "Https Test Script Recorder, field domains use the same website, from point 3 (again i HAVE PROVIDED tesla and I can see a previously used website??)
HTTP(S) Script recorder and port set to 8888 (saved)
User Defined Variables ->
name: host, value: AGAIN the same website from point 3 &4 (used previously, not putting it for this test)
name: scheme, value: https
Going to "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder", pressing start button
-(Root ca showing up)
-Target Controller is a Recording controller
-Grouping is Do not group samplers
-Went to tesla website (was already opened before I have pressed "Start"
-I click someting on tesla website and test stopped
1. DNS Servers
2. Proxies settings for all of below (and selected) is localhost: 8888
Secure Web HTTPS
3Auto Proxy Discover (without selected localhost & 8888- no fields for this)
Jmeter certyficate should be valid till 2024, I have renewed certyficate, following this instruction -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64043676/cannot-update-jmeter-root-ca-certificate
**Expired: Monday, 26 December 2022 at 10:52:55 Central European Standard Time
marked as trusted **
4. am using Chrome browser
Delete the certificate from the keychain completely
Delete proxyserver.jks and ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt files in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
Clear your Chrome browsing history completely
When creating the recording test plan from the template use www.testla.com without any paths
When you start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder JMeter will generate new ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file. Default validity is 7 days unless you change proxy.cert.validity property
Import this certificate into your browser. At this stage I would suggest using Firefox instead of Chrome because:
Firefox has its own certificates storage and Chrome uses the system one
Firefox has its own proxy configuration and Chrome uses the system one
It would be also a good idea to exclude other domains than tesla.com from recording scope
Your recording should be successful
Also be aware of an alternative way of recording a JMeter test: JMeter Chrome Extension, in this case you won't have to worry about proxies and certificates
It works for now but, still seems not correct
When I set proxy.cert.dynamic_keys false and it finally started recording with some 200 statuses:
Use dynamic key generation (if supported by JMeter/JVM).
If false, will revert to using a single key with no certificate.
Defaults to: true
BUT SOME TESTS ARE STILL 443 because of cert
Response message:Connection reset
ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy certificate
Tried your recommendations also uninstalled and installed JMeter again, cleared and using Firefox for now, cert is valid until 16.01.2023, I have set jmeter.properties file to “#proxy.cert.validity=365” (with hash) and I have checked Firefox -> settings -> cert view and there is 16.01.2023 so looks like again I have to uninstall and install again?
Is it correct that when test finished and I want to user browser + internet again I need to go to Firefox settings -> proxy and set back from manual mode (localhost 8888 + https) to no proxy?
If I stay with manual there is an error:
“The proxy server is refusing connections
An error occurred during a connection to www.tesla.com.
Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct.
Contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working.”
I tried recording .net application with Jmeter. I kept getting 'Page can't be found' error during recording. I changed the IE proxy server setting and configured the port number.
Not sure why it's not able to capture anything within the page.
Prepare JMeter for recording, the fastest and the easiest way is using JMeter Templates feature
From JMeter's main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording and click "Create"
Start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder:
Prepare Internet Explorer for recording:
Configure IE to use JMeter as the proxy:
Install JMeter's MITM certificate into IE:
If your machine uses corporate proxy for Internet access - configure JMeter to use this proxy
That's it, you should be able to record now.
I am trying to load test for my web application. I followed all the steps as per JMeter guide. After that enable proxy server also using port number 8080.
Please take a look my proxy server description in Firefox:
Please check my JMETER Configuration
Output after did all configuration
I am new for JMETER load testing, hope you guys will help to solve this problem.
Remove localhost and from "No Proxy for" area in Firefox
Since JMeter 3.0 default port for HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is 8888 so you either need to switch it back to 8080 in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or configure Firefox to use port 8888. See Bug 59006 for details
You will have slightly better JMeter configuration for recording if you use "Recording" template, from JMeter main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording and click "Create".
The main problem is Firefox expects that you would have installed a trusted Certificate before listening for requests using proxy server (via your port number 8080 as quoted above). Note that this is a Trust issue. Firefox does not trust your requests.
To resolve this issue, see below steps:
In Jmeter, from "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder" once you click "Start" button to start recording and listening to requests, Jmeter creates a temporary "Root CA Certificate" in your Jmeter "bin" directory/folder automatically.
This certificate has to be uploaded on Firefox to enable Trust.
Note that the certificate has validity of 7 days. See screenshot below:
Next go to your "Firefox preferences" and click "Privacy and Security" Tab, scroll down to the "Certificates" section and click "View Certificates" to upload the generated temporary CA Certificate in the previous step (step 1). See image below:
Click the "View Certificates" button to add the temporary Root CA Certificate generated above. Note that the CA Certificate is located in your Jmeter "bin" folder.
See the certificate in the bin folder below:
Upload the Certicate as seen in the screenshot below:
Finally, as soon as the Root CA Certificate has been added to Firefox successfully, go ahead and start recording your requests. Everything should be work without issue.
After adding the certificate to your browser you have to hit 'Start' on the recording on jmeter before you access your website on the browser.
For jmeter test recording, you've to follow this sequence-
Add jmeter test script recorder
Set up the proxy ( you've done till here)
Click start in test script recorder(you must click start only then your links(pages) will load in browser )
Add the certificate generated in jmeter/bin folder(you only need to do this once)
then you can browse using the firefox browser
when i change the proxy settings the Save button is not getting enable, can anyone help me to to record the script by for Android Application.
please share Videos to Record a script for android.
Thanks In Adavance.
Make sure your Android device is connected to the same network as the machine running JMeter
Prepare JMeter for recording, the fastest and the easiest way is using templates feature, from JMeter's main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create
Expand Workbench -> HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and click "Start"
Configure your mobile device to use JMeter as a proxy, use IP address or hostname of machine where JMeter is running as proxy host and 8888 as proxy port
If application you're trying to record is using HTTPS transport you will need to import JMeter's self-signed certificate onto the device. Locate ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file (it is being generated in JMeter's "bin" folder when you start HTTP(S) Test Script recorder) and send it to yourself via the email. Once done - open the attachment on the Android device and follow installation dialog. You may also need a 3rd-party tool like ProxyDroid in order to configure HTTPS proxy.
See Load Testing Mobile Apps Made Easy guide for comprehensive instructions.
I am new to Jmeter and trying to learn it on my own. I am setting up proxy setting in the browser and trying to record the script. But as soon I set the proxy in the browser, am not able to access the internet through that browser.Which is preventing me from recording to the script?
Kindly help me with this issue.
Starting from JMeter 3.0 default port for the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is 8888
The easiest way to get JMeter configured for recording is using JMeter Templates feature. From JMeter's main menu choose:
File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create
Don't forget to start JMeter Proxy Server
Expand "Workbench"
Select "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder"
Click "Start" button
You will see a message regarding Root CA Certificate - it is OK, just information regarding JMeter generated a dummy certificate - ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt. If you will need to record the site which uses HTTPS - you will need to import it into your browser