Issue with IE recording in Jmeter - jmeter

I tried recording .net application with Jmeter. I kept getting 'Page can't be found' error during recording. I changed the IE proxy server setting and configured the port number.
Not sure why it's not able to capture anything within the page.

Prepare JMeter for recording, the fastest and the easiest way is using JMeter Templates feature
From JMeter's main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording and click "Create"
Start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder:
Prepare Internet Explorer for recording:
Configure IE to use JMeter as the proxy:
Install JMeter's MITM certificate into IE:
If your machine uses corporate proxy for Internet access - configure JMeter to use this proxy
That's it, you should be able to record now.


Unable to login into OKTA application when using jmeter's recording controller (proxy)

I'm able to login into the OKTA application, when I'm NOT recording the jmeter script using jmeter's proxy server(using Test Script Recorder). But, as soon as I setup my browser to use jmeter's proxy server (Test Script Recorder) for recording, I'm NOT able to login into the application itself. I see error "Please try your request later.The system is having techical difficulties". But the application works fine without proxy and i am able to login to OKTA application.
Open jmeter. In test paln add test script recorder and change the browser IE Lan settings port to 8888 which is specified in the recorder.
Launch Application.
Give username and click on next
Error is encountered. "Please try your request later.The system is having techical difficulties"
But it works fine when i launch the application without any proxy.
Most probably you need to import JMeter's self-signed certificate into your browser, the file is called ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt and it's being generated in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation when you start JMeter proxy server.
See HTTPS recording and certificates chapter of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder documentation for more detailed explanation.
Remember when something goes wrong most probably you can find a clue in jmeter.log file
There is an alternative way of recording a JMeter test: JMeter Chrome Extension, in this case you won't have to worry about proxies and certificates, just execute your use case in browser and once done you will be able to export the recorded script in form of JMeter .jmx file
This probably is due to the way Jmeter is parsing(and resending) the OKTA data(token, response etc.).The data parsed and sent by Jmeter proxy is unacceptable by the server and hence the error.Try saving the .har and then convert to jmx for jmeter use and see the difference.
Using Jmeter extension on Chrome might help too for recording.

Unable to record application running on local host in Internet explorer using JMeter Test script recorder

I am trying to do record a test script using JMeter (version 4) Test Script Recorder for performance testing of my application. After configuring the proxy, The recorder is not recording my application URL running on localhost in Internet Explorer (IE 9). But other URLs are getting recorded in JMeter. I tried to record my application using Chrome which is working fine.I have unchecked the Bypass proxy server for local address in Proxy settings.
I recommend you to use Mozilla Firefox to record your script because Firefox allows you to manage proxies and certificates independently of system settings.
Get more information about recording:
Apache JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
JMeter Recording Guide
Make sure to check Use the same proxy server for all protocols box in the "Advanced" tab of the Internet Explorer proxy settings and there are no localhost,, etc. in the "Exceptions"
Some applications cannot route traffic to a local proxy server so you may need to add a loopback adapter
If you're recording an application which operates over HTTPS protocol you will need to install JMeter's self-signed certificate into Trusted Root Certification Authorities:
It doesn't really matter which browser you're using for recording as applications mostly differentiate the browsers basing on User-Agent header so you can record using whatever browser and then change User-Agent string in the HTTP Header Manager to IE9
According to JMeter Best Practices you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so consider upgrading to JMeter 5.0 (or whatever is the latest version available at JMeter Downloads page)

Jmeter script Recording

What is the purpose of JMeter Recorder? With Work Bench, how can I record a Script for Android Native application? I need to record a Script for Native application, is that possible, and how can find errors for Tested Application? What is the procedure to do?
Thanks in advance.
If your application is using HTTP or HTTPS protocols you can record its network activity using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
First of all make sure JMeter and Android device are on the same network (i.e. connected to the same Wi-Fi) and the machine running JMeter is not blocking port 8888 in the firewall
Prepare JMeter for recording. The fastest way is using JMeter Templates feature. From JMeter's main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create, expand Workbench -> HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and click Start button
Optional step (if your application is using HTTPS only). Locate ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file under JMeter's "bin" folder, send it to yourself by email, open the email on Android device and install the certificate from the attachment
Configure Android device to use JMeter as a proxy. Use IP address or hostname of machine running JMeter as a proxy host and 8888 as a proxy port. Depending on your application network transport and Android version you may have to use a 3rd-party tool like Proxy Droid to set up the proxy configuration
Start your application - JMeter should capture the network requests under the Recording Controller.
In case if you experience any problems update the question with the exact errors. Also it worth checking out A Step by Step Guide to Performance Testing on Native Mobile Apps for an alternative solution.

How to record a Script By using JMeter

when i change the proxy settings the Save button is not getting enable, can anyone help me to to record the script by for Android Application.
please share Videos to Record a script for android.
Thanks In Adavance.
Make sure your Android device is connected to the same network as the machine running JMeter
Prepare JMeter for recording, the fastest and the easiest way is using templates feature, from JMeter's main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create
Expand Workbench -> HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and click "Start"
Configure your mobile device to use JMeter as a proxy, use IP address or hostname of machine where JMeter is running as proxy host and 8888 as proxy port
If application you're trying to record is using HTTPS transport you will need to import JMeter's self-signed certificate onto the device. Locate ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file (it is being generated in JMeter's "bin" folder when you start HTTP(S) Test Script recorder) and send it to yourself via the email. Once done - open the attachment on the Android device and follow installation dialog. You may also need a 3rd-party tool like ProxyDroid in order to configure HTTPS proxy.
See Load Testing Mobile Apps Made Easy guide for comprehensive instructions.

Jmeter - script recording

I am new to Jmeter and trying to learn it on my own. I am setting up proxy setting in the browser and trying to record the script. But as soon I set the proxy in the browser, am not able to access the internet through that browser.Which is preventing me from recording to the script?
Kindly help me with this issue.
Starting from JMeter 3.0 default port for the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is 8888
The easiest way to get JMeter configured for recording is using JMeter Templates feature. From JMeter's main menu choose:
File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create
Don't forget to start JMeter Proxy Server
Expand "Workbench"
Select "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder"
Click "Start" button
You will see a message regarding Root CA Certificate - it is OK, just information regarding JMeter generated a dummy certificate - ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt. If you will need to record the site which uses HTTPS - you will need to import it into your browser
