Cheat Engine vs Ollydbg [closed] - debugging

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Closed 8 months ago.
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What is the difference between both programs besides that one is used for cheating at games and the other is a debugger? I know that Cheat Engine is a memory editor. But what does Ollydbg do exactly; does it only edit .exe files?

CE it's focused on memory editing and analisys, Olly can do the same as CE but its focus is code analysis and patching, there is tasks that you can use both, a case is that CE can easily find a portion of code that changes memory (Olly can do it too but CE makes it very easy) and than you can modify the code with olly.

OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analyzing debugger with a lot of tools Emphasizing on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases
where source is unavailable.
but cheat engine is simple and user friendly app designed
for easier searching in memory and making simple scripts for trainers.


What are simple but efficient parallel loops in Microsoft visual studio 2019? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am writing a numerical program using C++, I need to run some lines of my code in parallel. Also, I need to lock some parameters during calculation to keep them safe from unwanted changes.
I do not have a strong background in Concurrency and parallelism.
I need to know what is the simplest parallelization method in Microsoft VS 2019 considering these requirements?
I am looking forward MS solutions and of course I am not mean Open MPI.
It helps more if you provide some examples.
Thank you very much.
You might want to look into use of /Qpar flag for compiler and #pragma loop. There is online documentation on that.

Analysis of hostile code. How to deal with packer and how to figure out the language it is written on? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I received a tailored email with an infected attachment from a public email. I would like to more about the payload. What is the right way to study this? I would like to use a debugger. Easier, but riskier option is to run it on Windows guest/Linux host on a sacrificial box without wifi card and comparing disk images before and after infection.
If I go the debugger way, how should I unpack the code?
How to tell in what language the malware was written?
Can any code be debugged by changing defensive conditional jumps (like "if debugger present" jump, or there are other pitfalls?
How likely is it for malware jailbreak vmware and infect Linux host?
This is a time consuming project. You should familiarize yourself with several tools:
You will need to identify packer. PEID is a good start.
Unpacking tools (GUNPacker).
Debuggers (OllyDbg or WinDbg).
Code analysis tool (LordPE).
Binary Analysis Tools (PE Explorer).
At least get confident using these tools on your own code. Otherwise, it might be better to contact professionals.

Multi-platform "easy" window programming [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i'm thinking about programming a tool that would be useful in windows and mac (as we use those at work) and it's 100% necessary that is inside on a OS window.
The first thing that came to my mind was to use java - as it's cross platform - but, is there any alternative to program cross platform window based programs?
Has anyone tried to use C# windows forms with Mono in other OS's?
I'm interested in a garbage collected language if possible as I don't want to think about possible memory leaks for a tool that can be slower or faster without any trouble.
Also if it's possible to be as easy as it is in visual studio + C# it would be awesome!
Any idea will be appreciated, thanks!
Java is fine if you're comfortable with it.
Many languages have bindings to cross-platform toolkits: for example Python is very pleasant and has PyQt4 or WxPython, both of which can be used to make GUIs which work nicely on Windows or Mac.
In the manage-your-memory world, using Qt from within C++ is actually very pleasant (they have a nice API). I find it creates more elegant applications than my Java code (they feel a tad more native) though YMMV.

What programming languages are installed by default on Windows 7? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I was planning on learning a way to create my own programming language and I wanted to know what language to write a compiler with. C? C++?
Windows Vista and newer come with the .NET Framework installed by default. That in turn already provides a compiler for the .NET languages (most notably C# and VB.NET). It's the only provided language you could possibly write an efficient compiler in. Other languages are VBScript and JScript (via windows Scripting Host) and batch files, so nothing you'd really want to implement more complicated stuff in.
Depending on the complexity of the language you want to create, a C++ implementation may provide better performance, though. No offense, but you don't quite make the impression that you really know how to implement a compiler for a new language. Greg Hewgill's link should give you some starting points there. The thing is, creating a new (formal) language is anything but a trivial task. Yes, the tools to do it are free, and so is the knowledge. But you should really already have a solid understanding of the programming language you want to write the compiler or interpreter in before even attempting to do it.
I suggest you use C#; DLR is great for this purpose.

Is there a performance hit when running obfuscated code? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am proposing the addition of code obfuscation to the standard build process at my organization. One of the questions being asked is whether there is a performance hit to running obfuscated code vs. running unobfuscated code.
What is your experience? Have you seen a reduction in performance at runtime because you obfuscated your Java or C# code?
It depends on how you are obfuscating it. If you use one of the tools that replaces all the names of objets and functions, then there should be no change at all. The compilers don't care what you call anything, whether it's useful to a developer (fetchProjects()) or just (funcA()).
You may wish to read about my over-obfuscation experiments: Impact of Flow Obfuscation on Performance.
