Graphics Magick installation on Mac El Capitan 10.11.3 for TYPO3 - macos

I'm frustrated. I'm a total beginner in this (TYPO3), know well about HTML/CSS though but all the info I found on the web reads like Chinese for me. Like that one:
I have no clue what that means!
I've downloaded GM, extracted the zip and double-clicked the configure file. The installation finished without any problems (as far as I can tell).
So here's the ting: can anybody please tell me, how this sort of installation is suppossed to be completed? I need it from the very beginning, actually from unpacking the zip.
Do I have to have another program, like this terminal program on the Mac, where you have to type in command lines? Do I have to write or edit code somewhere? Do I need to create folders? Where, in the TYPO3-Backend, can I check if it even works?
TYPO3 is installed and it works perfectly so far. THANKS A LOT! :)
PS: I really like to learn this (!), but my head is bumping right now :(

Easy way:
If you want to "just install" GM I suggest you to use one of OS X package managers like homebrew or macports. They can simplify configuration, building and installation process for you. So you'll only need to open Terminal and type (depending on chosen package manager):
brew install graphicsmagick or port install graphicsmagick
To verify that your installation is successful open Terminal and type gm version, as result you should see version and other details of your installation.
Fundamental way:
If you want learn how to build and install GM from sources, I recommend you to start reading official documentation. And then, by the way, read about "Make" and other tools used in build process.

As #Oles Savluk pointed easiest way to install such stuff is using homebrew. When you'll install it already, open new terminal window and use command which gm to find the path it will be i.e.: /usr/local/bin/gm - copy/write it and use in the TYPO3's Install Tool in proper place.


How to install GnuPlot on windows?

A Unix (mac/Linux) user who has been forced to work on a windows machine here :)
I have scripted loads of work in GnuPlot and don't want to switch to other programs at this moment. I would appreciate it if you could help me know how to install GnuPlot On windows (more specifically windows 10). questions:
I know there are two options according to this page, Cygwin and MinGW. which one is better?
I have MinGW installed and I know I need to install one of the options from this page but I don't know which one(s)! and how.
I have searched the internet but it seems most of the search results are for compiling. I don't want to go through compiling and all the hassle.
I tried installing the binary from this link, and when I try to run the program this is the error I get:
Unable to execute file:
C:\Program Files\gnuplot\bin\wgnuplot.exe
CreatProcess failed; Code267.
The directory name is invalid.
I would appreciate it if you could give me a very simple stepwise installation (1 2 3 ...), preferably with visuals, and instructions.
P.S. A nice way to install Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) on Windows and keep them updated, is to use package managers like Chocolatey. There are GnuPlot chocolatey packages here. Just install choco as instructed here. Then use choco install Gnuplot to have the software installed.
You don't have to install MinGW or Cygwin. Actually packages compiled in MinGW are compatible with Windows. Just download the binary of gnuplot from Their repo and you are good to go.
Additional points:
When installing, check which terminals you want to set up; also
check if you want the installer to add the PATH variable to your
system. Also, create a desktop shortcut.
After installation, you should see the desktop shortcut. Clicking on it should open a terminal-based gnuplot (which hopefully you are familiar with).
Please note that I have used the x11 terminal (you can get this working by installing xming). There are other options such as windows and qt terminals, but I am not an expert on using these.
You should have Administrator rights on this machine.
Right click on MinGW, Run as Administrator, install - should be OK.
Good luck!
BR, Alex
You can try
$~ scoop install gnuplot
Installing 'Gnuplot' (5.4.5) [64bit] from main bucket
gp545-win64-mingw.7z (37.7 MB) [=======================================] 100%
Checking hash of gp545-win64-mingw.7z ... ok.
Extracting gp545-win64-mingw.7z ... done.
Linking ~\scoop\apps\Gnuplot\current => ~\scoop\apps\Gnuplot\5.4.5
Creating shim for 'gnuplot'.
Creating shortcut for GNUPlot (wgnuplot.exe)
'Gnuplot' (5.4.5) was installed successfully!

DSS(Darwin Streaming Server) install failed on OS X10.10

I want to build a Darwin Streaming Server on my mac for iOS development test. But after taking the following steps which I searched from google, it fails all the time.
Method 1:
Download from ->Mac OS X Install -> Streaming Server;
Install the dmg;
It tries to open but fails with "This webpage is not available ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED".
Method 2:
Download the source code of 6.0.3 version;
$ tar xvf DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.tar
$ cd DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source
$ wget
$ patch -p0 < dss-6.0.3.patch
$ ./Buildit
Then, it fails with the following words.
Darwin Streaming Server
I don't know your platform. I'll assume this is a Linux x86 platform.
Please edit the BuildServer script & PlatformHeader.h to add your platform.
Building for Darwin.x86_64 with gcc
xcodebuild DarwinStreamingServer
=== BUILD LIBRARY TARGET AtomicLib (Library) OF PROJECT StreamingServer WITH CONFIGURATION Development ===
Check dependencies
Jam is deprecated and has been removed; targets that use Jam must be upgraded to native targets. For more information on doing this, consult the Xcode documentation.
The following build commands failed:
Check dependencies
(1 failure)"
I tried to run ./Install, it showed me
Unable to perform install
You must be logged in as root to install Darwin Streaming Server
and I don't know what to do now.
PS: I've installed Xcode on my mac and didn't find any available document about Darwin Streaming Server, or I missed it?
Hope for any help. Thanks.
Calios and Jessica, thank you for your answers. I'm running using OS Windows 7 and installing DSS 5.5.5 for windows, and I also meet the condition same as with you.
However, after I followed your instructions, it's not close enough with our needs, because the button will lose meaning in presentation.
So I started digging more information from another articles, and I found interesting perception from a developer at this article. He said the following:
Maybe this has something to do with the perl script which generates the web sites?*
So starting from Jens's perception, I tried to downgrade my Perl Script from version 5.26 to 5.8. This resolved my problem, the interface displays correctly as in the DSS Tutorial.
Right now I'm still working on testing the DSS function
I hope this solution will help others.
Well, finally I solved this issue with the help of my friend.
Here's the steps of solution.
I've given up compiling and building on my own and downloaded the dmg file.(version 6.0.3)
Install the dmg as directions.
Then, go to /usr/sbin in terminal and find and QuickTimeStreamingServer.
Run them.
Check if they're running with ps aux|grep streaming.
Open http://localhost:1220/parse_xml.cgi in Safari or Chrome. It will show some textfield and a button.
However, there's no words at all ! Go to /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/AdminHtml and edit setup_assistant2.html.
Find line 333 and change it from return "$message{$name}"; to return $name;.
Then it shows some understandable words, though not exact words.
Till now, it can be partly work. However, in some steps I mentioned above, for example, html editing step, I really don't know why the words just don't show and just have a try.
Save the exact steps I did here for memory. It will be wonderful if it can help anyone or anyone have some good idea about it.
#SouravGupta, I am a newbie for stackoverflow, so I could not add comment to reply your question.
I just installed DDS 6.0.3 on Mac OS X El Capitan. I hit the same problem you had. I found that ** return "$message{$name}"; ** is no longer in setup_assistant2.html. It is in parse_xml.cgi (/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/AdminHtml). Just search for "sub foundString". There were two return places there. You need to change both in order to make it work.
It seems that DDS web admin software has localization function. Html files only contain string keywords. It suppose to use that "foundString" function to get translated string from keywords. However, for some reason, it returns empty string here even if there is a "messages" file inside html_en folder. I could not spend more time to figure out why right now.
QTSS/DSS Web Admin 6.0.3 requires Perl version 5.16 and earlier. OS X 10.11 El Capitan installs both Perl versions 5.16 and 5.18, but it defaults to using Perl version 5.18.
In order to run QTSS/DSS Web Admin in OS X 10.11 El Capitan, you need to examine each of the Perl script (.pl) within the AdminHtml folder and change the line #!/usr/bin/perl to #!/usr/bin/perl5.16.

Mac installing libraries using the terminal

I have researched this and found answers on SO on this topic yet remain confused.
Trying to get started with Git. I'm new to shell scripting too so hopefully after this I'll be more familiar with it.
I'm reading this page about how to get up and running with Git:
I created a directory on my desktop called "git" and navigated to it in the terminal. With my level of experience in shell scripting this was a victory. Then, following a blog post on how to download fromt he terminal ran this command:
curl -O
That worked, or at least a new file was added to the "git" directory that I created.
Reading down the instructions one is told that "To install Git, you need to have the following libraries that Git depends on: curl, zlib, openssl, expat, and libiconv"
OK. Um. How? I did read some blog posts and SO answers on how to do this but failed. The first one for example - type zlib and hit enter - command not found? How do I either check if it's already installed or how do I install it? What about the others?
I tried following this blog post:
I typed:
sudo make install
Wasn't even sure what to expect. The first two commands said not found the last one asked me for a password.
I then tried ./configure --help
Was then told "No such file or directory"
Needless to say I don't know what to do next. How do I install the libraries on a Mac using the terminal? curl, zlib, openssl, expat, and libiconv
I'm pretty sure all those libraries are preinstalled on your Mac.
If not, installing Xcode (free on the AppStore) would do the trick.
Xcode actually comes with git (but not the latest version) so if you install Xcode you don't need to install git separately.
To answer your question more generally, you might want to install Homebrew.
It's a command line tool to install software and libraries and it's pretty easy to use.
It's great that you are discovering the shell. You should read some tutorials for beginners. If you like it, you will learn very fast and in a few weeks, you will understand exactly why the command you tried didn't work. Have fun learning!
As Simon suggested you should install Xcode, however the CLI tools are not installed automatically. They must be downloaded through Xcode's, preferences. In Preferences click the Downloads tab then install next to Command Line Tools.
If any of the required tools are not automatically installed with Xcode, Homebrew is a great, easy to use, utility that can install nearly any UNIX or Linux command with the following syntax:
brew install <SomeAppName>
The Homebrew website has easy to follow instructions for setting it up initially. So if anything you need is missing try using that.
In Xcode 5, to download Command Line Tools, choose Open Developer Tool under "Xcode", then More Developer Tools> from the sub Menu. This takes you to an Apple web page - you'll need a Developer username/password to get to the Downloads page.
Choose the right CLT for your system, download and install from the dmg/pkg.

Installing Cappuccino (Objective J)

I have to confess I am not an expert in Mac OS but I am trying to install Cappuccino. I ran the script and the following files are now in the "narwhal" subdirectory. Trouble is, I have no idea what to do next. There doesn't appear to be an install executable, and no icon has appeared to invoke the development environment. Any help is appreciated.
These are the downloaded files:
I'm assuming you've downloaded the package on the website, there's a shell script. In the terminal run the file:
Then, you're set to install Cappuccino.
Inside the Cappuccino directory type:
jake install
or sometimes
jake sudo-install
is required. (it'll complain about permissions if you need to use sudo-install)
That will install Cappuccino itself.
To create a new cappuccino project you'll need to use the "capp" tool
capp gen MyNewProjectName
or capp --help
will tell you how to use some of the more advanced features of the capp tool.
This will give you a blank project where you can get to work.
There are other tools you can (and will want to) use when you're ready to deploy, but we can get to those when the time comes.
Additionally, the mailing list is very helpful when it comes to these kinds of questions, and it monitored much more closely than SO. :)

How to set up Jeash for Haxe?

I am trying to setup Jeash for Haxe, so I read this:
Now, I found out that I cannot do that just yet:
"This is the first time you are runing haxelib. Please run haxelib setup first"
(and I love the typo in there :P )
So I decided to read this:
I tried what is suggested. First command, I get prompted for a password, so I enter what is necessary when I install software on my comp.
Then I ran "sudo chown jansensan -R /usr/lib/haxe" (replacing "myusername" with my actual username, "jansensan") and then I get an error: "chown: -R: No such file or directory"
Is there a way to get a little bit more information? I mean, the explanation on the Haxe website makes it sound as it if will magically happen, and it is not the case.
For anyone interested (if it helps you understand my issue), my computer is a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard and I intend to code in FDT. BTW, I can already do some Haxe stuff in FDT, why would I need to run the Haxe setup to be able to install Jeash and NME?
haxelib is a lib repositories .It adds libs to your workflow. jeash and NME are one of them.
once you have installed haxe. you just have to run in the terminal haxelib setup.Normally it goes fine.
I'm on macpro snow leopard too.Never had issues with that !.
test haxelib on terminal .. wath does it tell ?
Another alternative is to use the NME installer:
It will install Haxe, Neko, HXCPP, NME and Jeash in one go. NME supports Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, webOS, Flash and HTML5 -- the HTML5 target handled using Jeash.
You're using FDT and no other Haxe installation right? This is important because FDT comes with it's own 'installation' of Haxe.
You have it two ways:
Add it to Haxelib.
Just download the source code and put the jeash library in the
project your using.
Add it to Haxelib.
For command line: you're going to need to make haxelib visible to your command line.
Get started by typing 'which haxelib'. This will tell you
1) if you have haxelib via command line.
2) Where it is.
If there is an error, then it's not visible to your command line. This is ok, you'll just need to add the whole path when calling it. Like this:
Also notice that since FDT 5 is shipped as an OSX bundle you'll have to go 'inside' of it via right click FDT -> 'Show Contents'.
When you have this path (or if you are using your own version of the haXe SDK ), you can use it to call haxelib.
Add it to source path
Download the library source code and physically add it to your source path.
All these suggestions are quite good. An alternative to dealing with all this Terminal writing is to go to and use the installers provided. Afterwards, go in the prefs of FDT > Haxe SDK and add the path where the haxelib was installed, "/usr/lib/haxe" most likely.
