Image Mean Normalization - image

I am wondering if I understood the mean normalization of images correctly.
As far as I know, you calculate the mean value over all pixels (lets assume it is in grayscale). Then, for each pixel, you subtract this mean value.
But how should one deal with negative values which could arise? For example, the whole image has a mean value of 100, but one specific pixel has an intensity of 90. After this normalization, the pixel's value would be -10.

This may not be quite what you're looking for but one option that avoids negative numbers in your output would be to normalize to the range of values present rather than to the image mean.
The equation would be: X' = (X - Xmin)/(Xmax - Xmin). This rescales the image to be between 0 and 1 (no negative values involved). If you'd like to save it as an easily view-able greyscale you could multiply values by 255 to rescale it.
It may also be worth noting that unless the entire image has a constant intensity, there is guaranteed to be some negative values after subtracting the mean (not simply a possibility that they could arise).

You don't have to deal with negative inputs, the model can handle them. It is good practice, for a Neural Network for example, to have inputs in the range [-1, 1]


Different methods to normalize images

I want to normalize images whose pixel can have negative values and found two different ways to do that. Given a two-dimensional matrix X I can do the following:
a) X = 0.5*((X/max(abs(X))+1)
b) X = (X-min(X))/(max(X)-min(X))
Since I'm not an expert, I'm not sure which of the two is the more useful way to normalize images. Does one of the two options have certain advantages?
For GLCM is does not at all matter where the 0 level is, what matters is the differences between intensities. Thus, I would pick the method that linearly stretches between the min and max intensity. This method uses the output range best, and therefore introduced the least quantization error.
When comparing GLCM results across images, it is best if all images are stretched the same way. I would select a global min and max, keep those constant for all images in the set.
Note that for other purposes, the answer will be different.
The second approach will use the full range between 0 and 1, which may be what you want. The first approach will map 0 always to 0.5. When the data is symmetrically spread around 0, also the first approach will use the full range between 0 and 1.
Up to you to decide what you want.

Parametric Scoring Function or Algorithm

I'm trying to come up with a way to arrive at a "score" based on an integer number of "points" that is adjustable using a small number (3-5?) of parameters. Preferably it would be simple enough to reasonably enter as a function/calculation in a spreadsheet for tuning the parameters by the "designer" (not a programmer or mathematician). The first point has the most value and eventually additional points have a fixed or nearly fixed value. The transition from the initial slope of point value to final slope would be smooth. See example shapes below.
Points values are always positive integers (0 pts = 0 score)
At some point, curve is linear (or nearly), all additional points have fixed value
Preferably, parameters are understandable to a lay person, e.g.: "smoothness of the curve", "value of first point", "place where the additional value of points is fixed", etc
For parameters, an example of something ideal would be:
Value of first point: 10
Value of point #: 3 is: 5
Minimum value of additional points: 0.75
Exact shape of curve not too important as long as the corner can be more smooth or more sharp.
This is not for a game but more of a rating system with multiple components (several of which might use this kind of scale) will be combined.
This seems like a non-traditional kind of question for SO/SE. I've done mostly financial software in my career, I'm hoping there some domain wisdom for this kind of thing I can tap into.
Implementation of Prune's Solution:
Google Sheet
Initial value (a)
Second value (b)
Minimum value (z)
Your decay ratio is b/a. It's simple from here: iterate through your values, applying the decay at each step, until you "peg" at the minimum:
x[n] = max( z, a * (b/a)^n )
// Take the larger of the computed "decayed" value,
// and the specified minimum.
The sequence x is your values list.
You can also truncate intermediate results if you want integers up to a certain point. Just apply the floor function to each computed value, but still allow z to override that if it gets too small.
Is that good enough? I know there's a discontinuity in the derivative function, which will be noticeable if the minimum and decay aren't pleasantly aligned. You can adjust this with a relative decay, translating the exponential decay curve from y = 0 to z.
base = z
diff = a-z
ratio = (b-z) / diff
x[n] = z + diff * ratio^n
In this case, you don't need the max function, since the decay has a natural asymptote of 0.

Showing two images with the same colorbar in log

I have two sparse matrices "Matrix1" and "Matrix2" of the same size p x n.
By sparse matrix I mean that it contains a lot of exactly zero elements.
I want to show the two matrices under the same colormap and a unique colorbar. Doing this in MATLAB is straightforward:
bottom = min(min(min(Matrix1)),min(min(Matrix2)));
top = max(max(max(Matrix1)),max(max(Matrix2)));
caxis manual
caxis([bottom top]);
caxis manual
caxis([bottom top]);
My problem:
In fact, when I show the matrix using imagesc(Matrix), it can ignore the noises (or backgrounds) that always appear with using imagesc(10*log10(Matrix)).
That is why, I want to show the 10*log10 of the matrices. But in this case, the minimum value will be -Inf since the matrices are sparse. In this case caxis will give an error because bottom is equal to -Inf.
What do you suggest me? How can I modify the above code?
Any help will be very appreciated!
A very important point is that the minimum value in your matrix will always be 0. Leveraging this, a very simple way to address your problem is to add 1 inside the log operation so that values that map to 0 in the original matrix also map to 0 in the log operation. This avoids the -Inf error that you're encountering. In fact, this is a very common way of visualizing the Fourier Transform if you will. Adding 1 to the logarithm ensures that the transform has no negative values in the output, yet the derivative or its rate of change remains intact as the effect is simply a translation of the curve by 1 unit to the left.
Therefore, simply do imagesc(10*log10(1 + Matrix));, then the minimum is always bounded at 0 while the maximum is unbounded but subject to the largest value that is seen in Matrix.

Given data range, need clever algorithm to calculate granularity of graph axis scales

Drawing a graph. Have data points which range from A to B, and want to decide on a granularity for drawing the axis scales. Eg, for 134 to 151 the scale might run from 130 to 155, to start and end on "round" numbers in the decimal system. But the numbers might run from 134.31 to 134.35, in which case a scale from 130 to 135 would (visually) compress out the "significance" in the data -- it would be better to draw the scale from 134 to 135, or maybe even 134.3 to 134.4. And the data values might instead run from 0.013431 to 0.013435, or from 1343100 to 1343500.
So I'm trying to figure out an elegant way to calculate the "granularity" to round the low bound down to and the upper bound up to, to produce a "pleasing" chart. One could just "hack" it somehow, but that produces little confidence that "odd" cases will be handled well.
Any ideas?
Just an idea:
Add about 10% to your range, tune this figure empirically
Divide size of range by number of tick marks you want to have
Take the base 10 logarithm of that number
Multiply the result by three, then round to the nearest integer
The remainder modulo 3 will tell you whether you want the least significant decimal to change in steps of 1, 2, or 5
The result of an integer division by 3 will tell you the power of ten to use
Take the (extended) range and compute the extremal tick points it contains, according to the tick frequencey just computed
Ensure that all data points actually lie within that range, add ticks if not
If needed, add minor ticks by decreasing the integer above by one
I found a very helpful calculation which is very similar to the axis scale of excel graphs:
It is written for excel but I used and transformed it into objective-c code for setting up my graph axis.

Generate random sequence of integers differing by 1 bit without repeats

I need to generate a (pseudo) random sequence of N bit integers, where successive integers differ from the previous by only 1 bit, and the sequence never repeats. I know a Gray code will generate non-repeating sequences with only 1 bit difference, and an LFSR will generate non-repeating random-like sequences, but I'm not sure how to combine these ideas to produce what I want.
Practically, N will be very large, say 1000. I want to randomly sample this large space of 2^1000 integers, but I need to generate something like a random walk because the application in mind can only hop from one number to the next by flipping one bit.
Use any random number generator algorithm to generate an integer between 1 and N (or 0 to N-1 depending on the language). Use the result to determine the index of the bit to flip.
In order to satisfy randomness you will need to store previously generated numbers (thanks ShreevatsaR). Additionally, you may run into a scenario where no non-repeating answers are possible so this will require a backtracking algorithm as well.
This makes me think of fractals - following a boundary in a julia set or something along those lines.
If N is 1000, use a 2^500 x 2^500 fractal bitmap (obviously don't generate it in advance - you can derive each pixel on demand, and most won't be needed). Each pixel move is one pixel up, down, left or right following the boundary line between pixels, like a simple bitmap tracing algorithm. So long as you start at the edge of the bitmap, you should return to the edge of the bitmap sooner or later - following a specific "colour" boundary should always give a closed curve with no self-crossings, if you look at the unbounded version of that fractal.
The x and y axes of the bitmap will need "Gray coded" co-ordinates, of course - a bit like oversized Karnaugh maps. Each step in the tracing (one pixel up, down, left or right) equates to a single-bit change in one bitmap co-ordinate, and therefore in one bit of the resulting values in the random walk.
I just realised there's a problem. The more wrinkly the boundary, the more likely you are in the tracing to hit a point where you have a choice of directions, such as...
* | .
. | *
Whichever direction you enter this point, you have a choice of three ways out. Choose the wrong one of the other two and you may return back to this point, therefore this is a possible self-crossing point and possible repeat. You can eliminate the continue-in-the-same-direction choice - whichever way you turn should keep the same boundary colours to the left and right of your boundary path as you trace - but this still leaves a choice of two directions.
I think the problem can be eliminated by making having at least three colours in the fractal, and by always keeping the same colour to one particular side (relative to the trace direction) of the boundary. There may be an "as long as the fractal isn't too wrinkly" proviso, though.
The last resort fix is to keep a record of points where this choice was available. If you return to the same point, backtrack and take the other alternative.
While an algorithm like this:
i = random(0, n)
i ^= >> (i % bitlen)
yield i
…would return a random sequence of integers differing each by 1 bit, it would require a huge array for backtracing to ensure uniqueness of numbers.
Further more your running time would increase exponentially(?) with increasing density of your backtrace, as the chance to hit a new and non-repeating number decreases with every number in the sequence.
To reduce time and space one could try to incorporate one of these:
Bloom Filter
Use a Bloom Filter to drastically reduce the space (and time) needed for uniqueness-backtracing.
As Bloom Filters come with the drawback of producing false positives from time to time a certain rate of falsely detected repeats (sic!) (which thus are skipped) in your sequence would occur.
While the use of a Bloom Filter would reduce the space and time your running time would still increase exponentially(?)…
Hilbert Curve
A Hilbert Curve represents a non-repeating (kind of pseudo-random) walk on a quadratic plane (or in a cube) with each step being of length 1.
Using a Hilbert Curve (on an appropriate distribution of values) one might be able to get rid of the need for a backtrace entirely.
To enable your sequence to get a seed you'd generate n (n being the dimension of your plane/cube/hypercube) random numbers between 0 and s (s being the length of your plane's/cube's/hypercube's sides).
Not only would a Hilbert Curve remove the need for a backtrace, it would also make the sequencer run in O(1) per number (in contrast to the use of a backtrace, which would make your running time increase exponentially(?) over time…)
To seed your sequence you'd wrap-shift your n-dimensional distribution by random displacements in each of its n dimension.
Ps: You might get better answers here: CSTheory # StackExchange (or not, see comments)
