Update highcharts chart series from meteor subscription in angularjs-meteor - angular-meteor

The way I have been doing it so far is to use Meteor.call and reset all the series in the callback, adding all the points all over. I then fetch new data using $interval every 5 seconds or so. This is obviously not very efficient and my data set is growing.
Now I'm trying to switch to a Meteor subscription since it feels like the right tool for the job.
The first challenge was how to add (a single time) all the points that are already in the collection. I solved that by using the onReady callback of a subscription.
Now my question is: how do I process the subsequent updates to the series on the chart?
I have a helper collection which is supposed to receive the updates and although this works transparently when used in an ng-repeat, I find it difficult to interact with outside of this use case.
I tried to $watch it but the watcher does not trigger.
The Higcharts documentation has a pure Meteor example on how to do what I want: http://www.highcharts.com/blog/195-meteor-standalone, but how do can I adapt it for angularjs-meteor?

Use ng-highcharts, and make sure your series is linked to the helper result.


GA3 Event Push Neccesary fields in Request

I am trying to push a event towards GA3, mimicking an event done by a browser towards GA. From this Event I want to fill Custom Dimensions(visibile in the user explorer and relate them to a GA ID which has visited the website earlier). Could this be done without influencing website data too much? I want to enrich someone's data from an external source.
So far I cant seem to find the minimum fields which has to be in the event call for this to work. Ive got these so far:
So far the Custom dimension fields dont get overwritten with new values. Who knows which is missing or can share a list of neccesary fields and example values?
Ok, a few things:
CD value will be overwritten only if in GA this CD's scope is set to the user-level. Make sure it is.
You need to know the client id of the user. You can confirm that you're having the right CID by using the user explorer in GA interface unless you track it in a CD. It allows filtering by client id.
You want to make this hit non-interactional, otherwise you're inflating the session number since G will generate sessions for normal hits. non-interactional hit would have ni=1 among the params.
Wait. Scope calculations don't happen immediately in real-time. They happen later on. Give it two days and then check the results and re-conduct your experiment.
Use a throwaway/test/lower GA property to experiment. You don't want to affect the production data while not knowing exactly what you do.
There. A good use case for such an activity would be something like updating a life time value of existing users and wanting to enrich the data with it without waiting for all of them to come in. That's useful for targeting, attribution and more.
Thank you.
This is the case. all CD's are user Scoped.
This is the case, we are collecting them.
ni=1 is within the parameters of each event call.
There are so many parameters, which parameters are neccesary?
we are using a test property for this.
We also got he Bot filtering checked out:
Bot filtering
It's hard to test when the User Explorer has a delay of 2 days and we are still not sure which parameters to use and which not. Who could help on the parameter part? My only goal is to update de CD's on the person. Who knows which parameters need to be part of the event call?

how to do mixpanel.people.increment in Segment

I'm using Segment and have Mixpanel enabled. I used to track our user's life time revenue like this:
mixpanel.people.increment('Lifetime Revenue', 21.99);
The question is how do I do this in Segment?
Looked everywhere, it seems like they do have increment setting under advanced setting. However, I still don't know how to fire those events/trackers.
I too was wondering on how to do this, based on Mixpanel's article (https://mixpanel.com/blog/2014/07/21/revenue-best-practices). I did a lot of back and forth with Segment's tech support, and after a couple of days of repeatedly telling them to read the article, they finally got me to an engineer who actually read it, and was able to answer my question about this as well. Here's his answer:
It looks like a few things need to happen for this lifetime revenue value to be tracked.
First, track_charge needs to be called. Fortunately we're already firing a track_charge call when revenue is passed as a trait in track calls. You can see where that happens in the code here.
Secondly, a the people.increment() needs to be called. We also fire this on the page as you can see here, but it doesn't look like we currently have a way to pass through the revenue in that people.increment call.
Looks like your best bet here would be to fire off the increment and set calls directly. As you may know, we're loading the Mixpanel library on the page so all you have to do is execute the calls within an analytics.ready() method. Doing so ensures that the native calls only fire when the Mixpanel library has properly loaded on the page.
For reference, here are the calls you'd want to place within the ready() method.
mixpanel.people.increment("Lifetime Value", 27);
mixpanel.people.set("Last Item Purchase", new Date.toISOString());
To increment events, log into your account at Segment.com, select the Mixpanel integration, then select "Advanced Options". Within "Advanced Options", there's a text field labeled "Events to Increment in People" where you can specify events you'd like to be incremented.

What is *like* a promise but can resolve mutliple times?

I am looking for a pub/sub mechanism that behaves like a promise but can resolve multiple times, and behaves like an event except if you subscribe after a notification has happened it triggers with the most recent value.
I am aware of notify, but deferred.notify is order-sensitive, so in that way it behaves just like an event. eg:
d.notify('notify before'); // Not observed :(
d.promise.progress(function(data){ console.log(data) });
d.notify('notify after'); // Observed
setTimeout(function(){ d.notify('notify much later') }, 100); // Also Observed
fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/foLhag3b/
The notification system I'd like is a good fit for a UI component that should update to reflect the state of the data behind it. In these cases, you don't want to care about whether the data has arrived yet or not, and you want updates when they come in.
Maybe this is similar to Immediate mode UIs, but is distinct because it is message based.
The state of the art for message based UI updating, as far as I'm aware, is something which uses a promise or callback to initialize, then also binds an update event:
model.onUpdate(myUIComponent.gotData); // doing two things is 2x teh workz :(
I don't want to have to do both. I don't think anyone should have to, the use case is common enough to abstract.
model.whenever(myUIComponent.gotData); // yay one intention === one line of code
I could build a mechanism to do what I want, but I wanted to see if a pub/sub mechanism like this already exists. A lot of smart people have done a lot in CS and I figure this concept must exist, I just am looking for the name of it.
To be clear, I'm not looking to change an entire framework, say to Angular or React. I'm looking only for a pub/sub mechanism. Preferably an implementation of a known concept with a snazzy name like notifr or lemme-kno or touch-base.
You'll want to have a look at (functional) reactive programming. The concept you are looking for is known as a Behavior or Signal in FRP. It models the change of a value over time, and can be inspected at any time (continuously holds a value, in contrast to a stream that discretely fires events).
var ui = state.map(render); // whenever state updates, so does ui with render() result
Some popular libraries in JS are Bacon and Rx, which use their own terminology however: you'll find properties and observables.

Parse.com. Execute backend code before response

I need to know the relative position of an object in a list. Lets say I need to know the position of a certain wine of all wines added to the database, based in the votes received by users. The app should be able to receive the ranking position as an object property when retrieving a "wine" class object.
This should be easy to do in the backend side but I've seen Cloud Code and it seems it only is able to execute code before or after saving or deleting, not before reading and giving response.
Any way to do this task?. Any workaround?.
I think you would have to write a Cloud function to perform this calculation for a particular wine.
This would be a function you would call manually. You would have to provide the "wine" object or objectId as a parameter and then get have your cloud function return the value you need. Keep in mind there are limitations on cloud functions. Read the documentation about time limits. You also don't want to make too many API calls every time you run this. It sounds like your computation could be fairly heavy if your dataset is large and you aren't caching at least some of the information.

How to update/migrate data when using CQRS and an EventStore?

So I'm currently diving the CQRS architecture along with the EventStore "pattern".
It opens applications to a new dimension of scalability and flexibility as well as testing.
However I'm still stuck on how to properly handle data migration.
Here is a concrete use case:
Let's say I want to manage a blog with articles and comments.
On the write side, I'm using MySQL, and on the read side ElasticSearch, now every time a I process a Command, I persist the data on the write side, dispatch an Event to persist the data on the read side.
Now lets say I've some sort of ViewModel called ArticleSummary which contains an id, and a title.
I've a new feature request, to include the article tags to my ArticleSummary, I would add some dictionary to my model to include the tags.
Given the tags did already exist in my write layer, I would need to update or use a new "table" to properly use the new included data.
I'm aware of the EventLog Replay strategy which consists in replaying all the events to "update" all the ViewModel, but, seriously, is it viable when we do have a billion of rows?
Is there any proven strategies? Any feedbacks?
I'm aware of the EventLog Replay strategy which consists in replaying
all the events to "update" all the ViewModel, but, seriously, is it
viable when we do have a billion of rows?
I would say "yes" :)
You are going to write a handler for the new summary feature that would update your query side anyway. So you already have the code. Writing special once-off migration code may not buy you all that much. I would go with migration code when you have to do an initial update of, say, a new system that requires some data transformation once off, but in this case your infrastructure would exist.
You would need to send only the relevant events to the new handler so you also wouldn't replay everything.
In any event, if you have a billion rows of data your servers would probably be able to handle the load :)
Im currently using the NEventStore by JOliver.
When we started, we were replaying our entire store back through our denormalizers/event handlers when the application started up.
We were initially keeping all our data in memory but knew this approach wouldn't be viable in the long term.
The approach we use currently is that we can replay an individual denormalizer, which makes things a lot faster since you aren't unnecessarily replaying events through denomalizers that haven't changed.
The trick we found though was that we needed another representation of our commits so we could query all the events that we handled by event type - a query that cannot be performed against the normal store.
