Image without extension in src not loading in IE alone, and works perfect in all other browers - image

I have below HTML code:
<img title="hotelThumbImage" id="hotelThumbImage01" width="140px" height="129px"
It renders in IE as below:
It renders in all other browser like FireFox and Chrome as:
Related question : How to make a Servlet call form UI which returns the Content itself and place an img tag using Script in the output?

My project is suffering from this too, and it's because IE prevents download/display of files which have a different encoding than their extension. It has something to do with malicious code being able to be hidden as image files simply by changing the extension of the file.
Firefox and Chrome are smart enough to display it as an image so long as the encoding is that of an image, but IE takes no chances, it seems.
You'll have to add the extension that matches your image's encoding for it to display in IE.
Edit: It's also possible that your server is sending the file with a header denoting plain text. Again, Firefox and Chrome are smart enough to handle it, but IE isn't. See:

Welcome to IE world... :(
What i would do, in order to have better control of the situation is to modify the getter method, so in Holiday.getPkgCode():
public String getPkgCode() throws IOException {
if (!this.pkgCode.contains(".")) {
String ext = ImgUtil.determineFormat(this.pkgCode);
return this.pkgCode + ImgUtil.toExtension(ext);
} else {
return this.pkgCode;
To use it you will need to catch exceptions and this ImgUtil class adapted from here:
class ImgUtil {
public static String determineFormat(String name) throws IOException {
// get image format in a file
File file = new File(name);
// create an image input stream from the specified file
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(file);
// get all currently registered readers that recognize the image format
Iterator<ImageReader> iter = ImageIO.getImageReaders(iis);
if (!iter.hasNext()) {
throw new RuntimeException("No readers found!");
// get the first reader
ImageReader reader =;
String toReturn = reader.getFormatName();
// close stream
return toReturn;
public static String toExtension(String ext) {
switch (ext) {
case "JPEG": return ".jpg";
case "PNG": return ".png";
return null;
NOTE: I placed an image (jpg) without extension placed in C:\tmp folder
public class Q37052184 {
String pkgCode = "C:\\tmp\\yorch";
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Q37052184 q = new Q37052184();
// the given getter!!!

You have to set the Content Type property of responses' header in the servlet.
For example in spring 4 mvc,
#GetMapping(value = "/b2c/images/?url=FixedPkgB2c/FF-252-325")
public ResponseEntity<byte []> getImageThumbnail() {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.setContentType(media type));
byte [] content= ...;
return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(headers).body(content);


ABCPdf - Image not a suitable format

In the end, my goal is to send a raw image data from the front-end, then split that image into however many pages, and lastly send that pdf back to the front-end for download.
But every time I use the theDoc.addImageFile(), it tells me that the "Image is not in a suitable format". I'm using this as reference:
To troubleshoot, I thought that the image might not be rendering correctly, so I added a File.WriteAllBytes to view the rendered image and it was exactly what I wanted, but still not adding to the PDF. I also tried sending the actual path of a previously rendered image thinking that the new image might not have been fully created yet, but it also gave me the same error. Lastly, I thought PNGs might be problematic and changed to JPG but it did not work.
Here is the code:
public IActionResult PrintToPDF(string imageString)
// Converts dataUri to bytes
var base64Data = Regex.Match(imageString, #"data:image/(?<type>.+?),(?<data>.+)").Groups["data"].Value;
var binData = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data);
/* Ultimately will be removed, but used for debugging image */
string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
string imgName= "Test.jpg";
string filename = Path.Combine(path, imgName);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filename, binData);
using (Doc theDoc = new Doc())
// Using explicit path
theDoc.AddImageFile(#"C:\Users\User\Documents\Test.jpg", 1);
// Using variable
//theDoc.AddImageFile(filename, 1);
// What I really want
//theDoc.AddImageFile(binData , 1);
theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
Response.Headers.Add("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=test.pdf");
return new FileStreamResult(theDoc.GetStream(), "application/pdf");
Try something like this (not tested, but cleaned up from my own code):
public int AddImageFile(Doc doc, byte[] data, int insertBeforePageID)
int pageid;
using (var img = new XImage())
doc.Page = doc.AddPage(insertBeforePageID);
pageid = doc.Page;
return pageid;
To add a JPEG from a byte array you need Doc.AddImageData instead of Doc.AddImageFile. Note that AddImageFile / AddImageData do not support PNG - for that you would definitely need to use an XImage. The XImage.SetData documentation has the currently supported image formats.

Spring MVC Resources not refreshing

I'm working on an image manager system for my Spring MVC project, with the basic functions of displaying the gallery of all images stored in the local image folder, deleting images and uploading new images.
I would like that, once a new image is uploaded, the page reloads the images gallery, including the image just added. What it happens in fact is that the new image is correctly saved on the HD, but it doesn't automatically show up in the resources/img folder in the Java project; therefore, once the page is reloaded, the new image is not there. Only when I manually refresh the project, the new image appears in the resources/img folder.
The odd thing is, I don't have the same problem with the delete method: once an image is deleted, it disappears from the HD AND the resources/img folder, and the page reloads the gallery without showing the image just deleted.
Any idea where the problem could be?
Here is my controller
public class imagesManagerController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/imagesManager", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView readImages
(#RequestParam(value = "error", required = false) String error) {
// create model and link it to jsp imagesManager
ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("imagesManager");
// return content from images folder and add it to model
File imgsPath = new File("C:/Users/Alessandro/workspace/SpringMVCBlog/WebContent/resources/img");
String[] imgsNames = imgsPath.list();
model.addObject("imgsNames", imgsNames);
//if upload fails, display error message
if (error != null) {
"Please select a file to upload");
return model;
#RequestMapping(value = "/imagesManager/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String handleFileUpload (#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
//get img name
String imgName = file.getOriginalFilename();
//create file path
String folder = "C:/Users/Alessandro/workspace/SpringMVCBlog/WebContent/resources/img/";
File path = new File (folder+imgName);
if (!file.isEmpty()) {
try {
//get bytes array from file
byte[] bytes = file.getBytes();
//create output stream
BufferedOutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(path));
//write img content on path
//close stream
//if upload is successful, reload page
return "redirect:/imagesManager";
} catch (Exception e) {
return "You failed to upload " + imgName + " => " + e.getMessage();
} else {
return "redirect:/imagesManager?error";
#RequestMapping(value = "/imagesManager/delete", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String deleteFile(#RequestParam (value="imgName") String imgName) {
//create file path to be deleted
String folder = "C:/Users/Alessandro/workspace/SpringMVCBlog/WebContent/resources/img/";
File path = new File (folder+imgName);
// delete file
if (path.delete()) {
//if delete is successful, reload page
return "redirect:/imagesManager";
} else {
return "Delete operation failed";
The problem is in the path:
It is refreshing probably due to IDE server auto-deployment. Test with %TEMP% path and check.
1) You should not save uploaded files to the application server file system.
2) You should not save uploaded files to the application folder as it is part of the deployment. It will only be deployed once and that folder is only for the application files.
Instead, use the cloud or a dedicated file system.

loading a pdf in-browser from a file in the server file system?

How can I get a pdf located in a file in a server's directory structure to load in a browser for users of a Spring MVC application?
I have googled this and found postings about how to generate PDFs, but their answers do not work in this situation. For example, this other posting is not relevant because res.setContentType("application/pdf"); in my code below does not solve the problem. Also, this other posting describes how to do it from a database but does not show full working controller code. Other postings had similar problems that caused them not to work in this case.
I need to simply serve up a file (not from a database) and have it been viewable by a user in their browser. The best I have come up with is the code below, which asks the user to download the PDF or to view it in a separate application outside the browser. What specific changes can I make to the specific code below so that the user automatically sees the PDF content inside their browser when they click on the link instead of being prompted to download it?
#RequestMapping(value = "/test-pdf")
public void generatePdf(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res){
res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=report.pdf");
ServletOutputStream outStream=null;
try {
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream(new File("/path/to", "nameOfThe.pdf")));
/*ServletOutputStream*/ outStream = res.getOutputStream();
//to make it easier to change to 8 or 16 KBs
int FILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 4;
byte[] chunk = new byte[FILE_CHUNK_SIZE];
int bytesRead = 0;
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {outStream.write(chunk, 0, bytesRead);}
catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=report.pdf");
res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=report.pdf");
You should also set the Content Length
FileCopyUtils is handy:
public class FileController {
void getFile(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
String fileName = "report.pdf";
String path = "/path/to/" + fileName;
File file = new File(path);
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
response.setContentLength((int) file.length());
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");
FileCopyUtils.copy(inputStream, response.getOutputStream());

How to successfully parse images from within content:encoded tags using SAX?

I am a trying to parse and display images from a feed that has the imgage URL inside tags. An example is this:
*Note>> http://someImage.jpg is not a real image link, this is just an example. This is what I have done so far.
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) {
chars = new StringBuilder();
if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("content:encoded")) {
if (!atts.getValue("src").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("null")) {
Log.d(TAG, "inside if " + feedStr.getImgLink());
} else {
Log.d(TAG, feedStr.getImgLink());
I believe this part of my programming needs to be tweaked. First, when qName is equal to "content:encoded" the parsing stops. The application just runs endlessly and displays nothing. Second, if I change that initial if to anything that qName cannot equal like "purplebunny" everything works perfect, except there will be no images. What am I missing? Am I using atts.getValue properly? I have used log to see what comes up in ImgLink and it is null always.
You can store the content:encoded data in a String. Then you can extract image by this library Jsoup
Suppose content:encoded raw data stored in Description variable.
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(Description);
Element image"img").first();
String url = image.absUrl("src");

How do you save images to a Blackberry device via HttpConnection?

My script fetches xml via httpConnection and saves to persistent store. No problems there.
Then I loop through the saved data to compose a list of image url's to fetch via queue.
Each of these requests calls the httpConnection thread as so
public synchronized void run()
HttpConnection connection = (HttpConnection)"");
String contentType = connection.getHeaderField("Content-type");
InputStream responseData = connection.openInputStream();
outputFinal(responseData, contentType);
public synchronized void outputFinal(InputStream result, String contentType) throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException
// bunch of xml save code that works fine
else if(contentType.equals("image/png") || contentType.equals("image/jpeg") || contentType.equals("image/gif"))
// how to save images here?
What I can't find any good documentation on is how one would take the response data and save it to an image stored on the device.
Maybe I just overlooked something very obvious. Any help is very appreciated.
I tried following this advise and found the same thing I always find when looking up BB specific issues: nothing.
The problem is that every example or post assumes you know everything about the platform.
Here's a simple question: What line of code writes the read output stream to the blackberry device? What path? How do I retrieve it later?
I have this code, which I do not know if it does anything because I don't know where it is supposedly writing to or if that's even what it is doing at all:
** filename is determined on a loop based on the url called.
FileOutputStream fos = null;
fos = new FileOutputStream( File.FILESYSTEM_PATRIOT, filename );
byte [] buffer = new byte [262144];
int byteRead;
while ((byteRead = (buffer ))!=- 1)
fos.write (buffer, 0, byteRead);
catch(IOException ieo)
if(fos != null)
The idea is that I have some 600 images pulled from a server. I need to loop the xml and save each image to the device so that when an entity is called, I can pull the associated image - entity_id.png - from the internal storage.
The documentation from RIM does not specify this, nor does it make it easy to begin figuring it out.
This issue does not seem to be addressed on this forum, or others I have searched.
You'll need to use the Java FileOutputStream to do the writing. You'll also want to close the connection after reading the data from the InputStream (move outputFinal above your call to close). You can find all kinds of examples regarding FileOutputStream easily.
See here for more. Note that in order to use the FileOutputStream your application must be signed.
