ABCPdf - Image not a suitable format - image

In the end, my goal is to send a raw image data from the front-end, then split that image into however many pages, and lastly send that pdf back to the front-end for download.
But every time I use the theDoc.addImageFile(), it tells me that the "Image is not in a suitable format". I'm using this as reference:
To troubleshoot, I thought that the image might not be rendering correctly, so I added a File.WriteAllBytes to view the rendered image and it was exactly what I wanted, but still not adding to the PDF. I also tried sending the actual path of a previously rendered image thinking that the new image might not have been fully created yet, but it also gave me the same error. Lastly, I thought PNGs might be problematic and changed to JPG but it did not work.
Here is the code:
public IActionResult PrintToPDF(string imageString)
// Converts dataUri to bytes
var base64Data = Regex.Match(imageString, #"data:image/(?<type>.+?),(?<data>.+)").Groups["data"].Value;
var binData = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data);
/* Ultimately will be removed, but used for debugging image */
string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
string imgName= "Test.jpg";
string filename = Path.Combine(path, imgName);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filename, binData);
using (Doc theDoc = new Doc())
// Using explicit path
theDoc.AddImageFile(#"C:\Users\User\Documents\Test.jpg", 1);
// Using variable
//theDoc.AddImageFile(filename, 1);
// What I really want
//theDoc.AddImageFile(binData , 1);
theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
Response.Headers.Add("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=test.pdf");
return new FileStreamResult(theDoc.GetStream(), "application/pdf");

Try something like this (not tested, but cleaned up from my own code):
public int AddImageFile(Doc doc, byte[] data, int insertBeforePageID)
int pageid;
using (var img = new XImage())
doc.Page = doc.AddPage(insertBeforePageID);
pageid = doc.Page;
return pageid;

To add a JPEG from a byte array you need Doc.AddImageData instead of Doc.AddImageFile. Note that AddImageFile / AddImageData do not support PNG - for that you would definitely need to use an XImage. The XImage.SetData documentation has the currently supported image formats.


Setting link URL with Google Docs API doesn't result in update of image

I'm trying to update a placeholder image with a new image that has an updated URL. The URL in fact is a valid Google Static Map URL that I'm using in other contexts successfully. I'm using the Google Document API to manipulate the document. Following the code I've been using:
var element = body.findElement(DocumentApp.ElementType.INLINE_IMAGE).getElement();
var imageMap = element.asInlineImage();
// if there was an image found in document
if (imageMap != null) {
// get current parent and index inside parent
var parent = imageMap.getParent();
var childIndex = parent.getChildIndex(imageMap);
// remove image from paragraph
imageMap = imageMap.removeFromParent();
// get static image url for territory
var url = getStaticMapURLForTerritory(id);
// create a new image
parent.insertInlineImage(childIndex, imageMap)
This seems to work fine in that it does update the image url correctly. However, the image itself (the result of the url) is not updated. When I click on the link URL it does return the correct image.
Is there a way to force a refetch of the image blob associated with the URL? I've also attempted to use UrlFetchApp but that complains about a missing size parameter (google static api) which is certainly included in the url string and within the max 640x640 bounds.
I've exhausted all my options unless....
TIA, --Paul
setLinkUrl only does that: sets the link. To actually add a new image you'll have to get its blob:
function replaceImage() {
// [...]
// get static image url for territory
const url = getStaticMapURLForTerritory(id)
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url)
// create a new image
parent.insertInlineImage(childIndex, response.getBlob())
Class InlineImage (Google Apps Script reference)

Byte Image Rotation in .Net Core

I've an IFormFile image file (from postman as form data), which I convert into byte array. Before converting it into byte array, I want to rotate it into its actual position (if user input image as 90°(right). I'm implementing web api in core 2.0.
byte[] ImageBytes = Utils.ConvertFileToByteArray(model.Image);
public static byte[] ConvertFileToByteArray(IFormFile file)
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
return memoryStream.ToArray();
Any help, Thanks in advance.
In my project I need to crop and resize the images users upload. And I am using a fantastic library called ImageSharp from Six Labors. You can use its image processor to do the transformation such as Resize, Crop, Skew, Rotate and more!
Install via NuGet
I am actually using their nightly build through MyGet.
Visual Studio -> Tools -> Options -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Sources
Hit the "Plus" button to add a new package resource
I typed "ImageSharp Nightly" as the name and put "" as the source url.
On Browse, search "SixLabors.ImageSharp" (In my case I also need "SixLabors.ImageSharp.Drawing" but in your case you might only need to core library. Always refer back to their documentations).
Crop & Resize
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing.Transforms;
using SixLabors.Primitives;
using System.IO;
namespace DL.SO.Project.Services.ImageProcessing.ImageSharp
public CropAndResizeResult CropAndResize(byte[] originalImage,
int offsetX, int offsetY, int croppedWidth, int croppedHeight,
int finalWidth, int finalHeight) : IImageProcessingService
IImageFormat format;
using (var image = Image.Load(originalImage, out format))
image.Mutate(x => x
// There is .Rotate() you can call for your case
.Crop(new Rectangle(offsetX, offsetY, croppedWidth, croppedHeight))
.Resize(finalWidth, finalHeight));
using (var output = new MemoryStream())
image.Save(output, format);
// This is just my custom class. But see you can easily
// get the processed image byte[] using the ToArray() method.
return new CropAndResizeResult
ImageExtension = format.Name,
CroppedImage = output.ToArray()
Hope this helps you - from a big fan of ImageSharp library!
Magick.NET, The ImageMagick wrapper for .Net Core can be used for many file manipulations, see
byte[] byt = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(byt);
using (Image img = Image.FromStream(ms))
RotateFlipType r = angle == 90 ? RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone : RotateFlipType.Rotate270FlipNone;
Using your existing code you can do the following

Send an image rather than a link

I'm using the Microsoft Bot Framework with Cognitive Services to generate images from a source image that the user uploads via the bot. I'm using C#.
The Cognitive Services API returns a byte[] or a Stream representing the treated image.
How can I send that image directly to my user? All the docs and samples seem to point to me having to host the image as a publically addressable URL and send a link. I can do this but I'd rather not.
Does anyone know how to simple return the image, kind of like the Caption Bot does?
You should be able to use something like this:
var message = activity.CreateReply("");
message.Type = "message";
message.Attachments = new List<Attachment>();
var webClient = new WebClient();
byte[] imageBytes = webClient.DownloadData("");
string url = "data:image/png;base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes)
message.Attachments.Add(new Attachment { ContentUrl = url, ContentType = "image/png" });
await _client.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(message);
The image source of HTML image elements can be a data URI that contains the image directly rather than a URL for downloading the image. The following overloaded functions will take any valid image and encode it as a JPEG data URI string that may be provided directly to the src property of HTML elements to display the image. If you know ahead of time the format of the image returned, then you might be able to save some processing by not re-encoding the image as JPEG by just returning the image encoded as base 64 with the appropriate image data URI prefix.
public string ImageToBase64(System.IO.Stream stream)
// Create bitmap from stream
using (System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromStream(stream) as System.Drawing.Bitmap)
// Save to memory stream as jpeg to set known format. Could also use PNG with changes to bitmap save
// and returned data prefix below
byte[] outputBytes = null;
using (System.IO.MemoryStream outputStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
bitmap.Save(outputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
outputBytes = outputStream.ToArray();
// Encoded image byte array and prepend proper prefix for image data. Result can be used as HTML image source directly
string output = string.Format("data:image/jpeg;base64,{0}", Convert.ToBase64String(outputBytes));
return output;
public string ImageToBase64(byte[] bytes)
using (System.IO.MemoryStream inputStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
inputStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
return ImageToBase64(inputStream);

How do i display images in Microsoft bot framework with only the base64 encoded string of the image?

i tried the below code, and here is the output i get in emulator
message.Attachments.Add(new Attachment()
ContentUrl = $""
There appears to be a max size for data uri images, however your initial code looks good to me and isn't throwing an explicit internal server error (as it would if the datauri is too large).
I've implemented something similar:
var reply = message.CreateReply("Here's a **datauri image attachment**");
reply.Attachments = new List<Attachment> {
new Attachment()
ContentType = "image/jpg",
Name = "datauri"
Which results in the emulator showing this image (I need more rep to embed images.. ugh..)
Update: a data uri version of a ~20kb image works just fine, however a data uri version of a ~140kb image fails with a "500 internalservererror" in the emulator. Guess there is a size limit after all..
As such, can you validate that he datauri you're using is a valid image? Can you create a simple html page with an img element, paste in the value in your ContentUrl and see the image in the html page? Or even just paste it into a browser address bar.
When you want to display images you can use markdowns.
var replyMessage = "[ImgName](" + ImagesUrl + ")";
return message.CreateReplyMessage(replyMessage);
Bot Framework Markdown Documentation
================= Convert Base64 string to Image ==========================
public void SaveImage(string base64)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(base64)))
using (Bitmap bm2 = new Bitmap(ms))
bm2.Save("SavingPath" + "ImageName.jpg");
Then you can use the URL.

How to successfully parse images from within content:encoded tags using SAX?

I am a trying to parse and display images from a feed that has the imgage URL inside tags. An example is this:
*Note>> http://someImage.jpg is not a real image link, this is just an example. This is what I have done so far.
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) {
chars = new StringBuilder();
if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("content:encoded")) {
if (!atts.getValue("src").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("null")) {
Log.d(TAG, "inside if " + feedStr.getImgLink());
} else {
Log.d(TAG, feedStr.getImgLink());
I believe this part of my programming needs to be tweaked. First, when qName is equal to "content:encoded" the parsing stops. The application just runs endlessly and displays nothing. Second, if I change that initial if to anything that qName cannot equal like "purplebunny" everything works perfect, except there will be no images. What am I missing? Am I using atts.getValue properly? I have used log to see what comes up in ImgLink and it is null always.
You can store the content:encoded data in a String. Then you can extract image by this library Jsoup
Suppose content:encoded raw data stored in Description variable.
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(Description);
Element image"img").first();
String url = image.absUrl("src");
