I am actually trying to figure out where the DBG("") prints are going when I do a music stream using bluez to my headset. So basically I want to know where all the bluez debug messages are getting printed, be it any kind of bluetooth operation. ex: scan, inquiry , connect and so on .
Hopefully someone can help me with this .
Thanks in advance .
I have no Ubuntu here at the moment, but this is the way it works on Fedora and I'm sure it is very similar on Ubuntu, especially the systemd-part:
enable debugging by adding a -d after
in /usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service
Save, then:
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl restart bluetooth
Now you get your information in /var/log/syslog
To add to datafridge's answer above, I didn't have /usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service in Ubuntu 16.04 with BlueZ 5.41.
The file was at /etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.target.wants/bluetooth.service and the entry to be modified was
ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluez5/bluetooth/bluetoothd –d
The logs can also be seen using
journalctl --unit=bluetooth -f
pppd is failing for me on the Mac. I'm trying to connect to a serial port to an embedded device running lwIP. It works from both Ubuntu and Yocto, BUT not from my Mac. Since I do my development on the mac, it would be nice to get it working on the Mac.
Here's how I'm calling it:
sudo pppd /dev/tty.usbmodem336D376733381 115200 noauth debug
I get the following message back:
Mon Aug 23 15:55:51 2021 : publish_entry SCDSet() failed: Success!
So it seems to have failed...but with Success, haha :)
Any suggestions what this could be?
Please note that I have verified that /dev/tty.usbmodem336D376733381 is the correct device and has ppp related data coming from it.
Ok, I figured out what my issue was. I was using two FTDI serial converters connected like a null modem cable:
I did not have the flow control lines connected (because that would require soldering). In the man page for pppd, I saw that hardware flow control is ON by default. Since I didn't have those line connected, flow control was preventing data from flowing resulting in the error I was getting. I added the "nocrtscts" option to my pppd command and it now works. The command I ended up with is:
sudo pppd /dev/tty.usbmodem336D376733381 115200 noauth nocrtscts
I created a Centos 7.3 VM using kickstart using the following command:
virt-install --name=vm1 --disk path=vm1.img,size=20 --vcpus=2 --ram=10240 --os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel7.0 --network bridge=br0 --graphics none --location=http://<IP>/centos7.3 -x "ks=http://<IP>/centos73vm-ks.cfg append ip=<VM IP> netmask= gateway=<gw> bootproto=static console=ttyS0"
This works fine. VM is created, rebooted automatically and the node is usable. However, the problem with this is that I cannot use it to automate since I don't get the control back. To do that, I added the --noautoconsole options of the virt-install command at the end of the above command.
After doing so, VM is installed, but after reboot it does not come up automatically. It remains in shut off state. I need to start it manually. There are no errors on logging to the console. May someone give any leads on how to fix this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
you need to add --wait=-1 so that virt-install waits for the installation to complete before exiting. The vm will then automatically start when the installation completes.
this sure sounds like an issue that was covered on the RedHat customer portal. I'm not sure if that requires a paid license but your company (or you) might have one already?
-- Jonas
Could anybody help me how to shutdown elasticSearch completely ! It starts automatically when system starts.
Yes, it should because you are initialing it in the config file, which fires every time the system starts.
To answer your question, I believe this answer should help.
It probably runs as a service. If it is on linux remove the service file, usually on /etc/init.d/elasticsearch
If it is on windows - there is a service.bat file on the installation/bin folder, you can uninstall using:
service.bat remove
If you are using Ubuntu 15.04+
systemctl disable elasticsearch
For Ubuntu < 15.04
To toggle a service from starting or stopping permanently you would need to:
echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/SERVICE.override
where the stanza manual will stop Upstart from automatically loading the service on next boot. Any service with the .override ending will take precedence over the original service file. You will only be able to start the service manually afterwards. If you do not want this then simply delete the .override.
For more details, you may check this
I'm using a docker with Windows and Hyper-v to create containers. I've added a docker machine vmachine to my docker configuration. First time the machine is created, it gets an IP (although I cannot manage nginx to access it - ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) and finishes the bootup.
When I turn off the machine and then try to boot it, i get stuck in this message
Waiting for SSH to be available...
And it doesn't evolve from there. The machine is booted, however, I get an IPv6 when I input the command docker-machine ip vmachine like - fe80::215:5dff:fe21:10b insted of a IPv4
What am I doing wrong?
Problem here is by default docker uses DockerNAT network switch. You should create a new external network switch instead. This issue is covered here and here. You can create an external network switch using the below command
docker-machine create -d hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch external-switch tempbox1
or you can create one through the UI
Be sure to reboot the device after creating the external switch.
I had a similar issue and non of the solutions worked. Turns out that according to this answer, docker launches SSH with Unix specific elements. This is said to have been fixed in the releases that followed, but I still encountered the 'Waiting for SSH' issue. I resolved this by simply using GIT bash to run all docker related SSH commands.
Use the switch --native-ssh
for example docker-machine --native-ssh .... Get more details from here
docker-machine.exe -debug create --driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "External Virtual Switch" --hyperv-cpu-count "1" --hyperv-memory "1024" --hyperv-disk-size "20000" mydockervm
make sure to have additional VirtualSwitch configure , with external network driver selected , Uninstall virtualbox
Use the debug switch to see the exact error , for me it was not able to allocate memory.
Here's what's solved it for me.
Turns out Windows 10 starting version 1709 has a built in SSH client at C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH. Here's an article discussing it.
Looks like docker is using that SSH implementation and it's not compatible. I didn't look for a proper way to remove the built-in SSH implementatino in Windows 10, and simply renamed the folder. That was enough to fix it for me.
After doing what is mentioned in the above suggestions and if you are running docker on a windows machine try to login using cli. This has worked for me.
If you are using Command Promt Docker will stuck at Waiting for SSH to be available..., So change to use GIT BASH as #Dave Howson said it will work.
If you're using oracle VM you must ensure first that your new cloud vm is running.
I couldn't visit on my mac . I turned on the "web share" already.
and there is no "httpd" process in Activity Monitor
When you say "visit" I assume you mean using your browser.
Your browser tries to connect to a HTTP server. If you don't have httpd or some similar program running on your box then it's no wonder you can't reach it.
Solution: Install and configure a Web server.
Alternate solution: Clarify what you're trying to do, and why.
I would use Terminal (/Applications/Utilities), and then try to start apache from the command line.
Try this to help debug:
sudo bash -x /usr/sbin/apachectl -k start
when it is dying silently. Also, check the error_log at: /var/log/apache2/error_log
You can use TextEdit for the error_log, if you feel more comfortable with a GUI text editor.
Let me know how it goes!