GET image 404 (Not Found) - image

For my web app ,Some of the images keep giving me 404, which cannot be found. But I can see them on my local server, and they are uploaded to github when I push the code.
for example, none of the images can be found in this page.
I made sure that the first image is available with the correct url:
but most of the images in this page work fine.
Any ideas?

Your paths are case sensitive. For example, you have an image referencing:
Change that to and it works.


Image not loading in page on WAMP localhost 403 forbidden error, but clicking its link works

I have the following code in my localhost project in WAMP
<img src="/imgs/quickstartVideo.jpg" width="357" height="200" alt="quick start video">
The image won't appear - console says "403 (forbidden)". However, if I right click to view the page source, and click the image's link, the image appears.
The page loads js and css files that are using the same sort of relative URL.
Why does it tell me it's forbidden, yet lets me load it when I click it? How do I get it to just load please?
My dir structure is:
c:\wamp\www\js (js files are loading fine)
UPDATE: it's displaying correctly in MS Edge, but not Chrome.
Thank you
Solved -the issue was an IfModule mod_rewrite I'd set up in htaccess to stop image hotlinking on my production domain. Commented it out for localhost development, and, funny enough, my images are working again.

Is there a file size limit for pictures deployed as html sites on heroku?

I'm having issues getting a .JPG picture file to display on Heroku app site. The picture loads locally when I open the html file in my browser locally but I get 404 unable to find image when I push it to heroku.
A 404 error means not found, this does not correspond to file size so does not suggest there is a limit, check you have the correct path to the image.

Image upload error using HTmlExtendEditor

I am using Ajax htmleditorextender to upload a image.
In local solution, able to upload the image successfully.
Once I published into IIS, Image upload is not happening.
Please Find the attached Screenshot for the same.
enter image description here
It seems you set up AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd incorrectly.
Please make sure it is located at the root path of the web site or adjust AjaxFileUploadHandler path in Web.config accordingly.
Here is the relevant issue:

Magento not showing images even if they are in the server

I've installed a Magento theme I bought and since the very first moment it doesn't load images. The weird thing is this:
The site show this:
If I get the url of the first image (Right Click: "Get image url") shows this:
I navigate to this url the images don't exist and I get a 404 error.
The weird thing is that that image is IN MY server and accessible from the server, like this:
As last thing in the root folder public_html I loaded the same image and that gets showed up:
I'm not understanding what I'm doing wrong....
Check the media folder for a .htaccess file and remove it.

Localhost is no longer working properly

I just built a site using Xampp and it worked great. I just transferred my site (that I used to develop by updating to live server) to localhost, and it isn't working right at all.
The images do not show and the pages are not refreshing properly.
I had to change the CSS images to /folder/x instead of just x, which I can understand I guess, but why are my HTML images suddenly not working?
One of the pages, the paths are even absolute, but the page just isn't updating even though it's saved in the local folder.
What gives? All I did differently was added a password to root user in MySQL and tried (and failed) at some mod_rewrites, which I removed.
It points the images from localhost/ instead of localhost/folder, even adding folder/x doesn't work.
You probably forgot to convert a link or made a mistake.
Remember that /images/x.png means that it's trying to find the folder images from root and not from the current folder your site is located in. Try using ./images/x.png instead.
Perhaps you could post an example from your site?
Try looking at the Apache access logs and see whether you can find a request for an image with the wrong path.
