How do I access the Magento system config? - magento

I've just recently installed Magento 2.0.2 (I'm new to Magento) and have been following some tutorials and documentation to do it.
I've noticed that a lot of screenshots and tutorials ask to go to System > Configuration but when I log into my Magento admin, there is no such option (screenshot below). I tried to go into Web Setup Wizard where is asked me for a public/private access key which I generated and entered, now when I go into the Web Setup Wizard, it just shows this (screenshot 2 below).
I don't know what to do, can anyone please enlighten me?

In Magento 2, You can access the Configuration section from Store >> Configuration


magento 2.2 adding a new theme installation

I´m having problems understanding how to install a new theme in my magento 2.2 and i was hopping someone could help me understand what it is, what i did was:
I installed magento 2.2 from here. and then choose "Full release with sample data" community edition 2.2.0. The installation went well and i can access to my admin panel adn everything else.
Next i found this template and downloaded the package Bizkick v1.0.3, unzipped it and then i have two directories, which are "app" and "pub". After this i dragged these to my magento root, overwrite the ones that were there and now, i CANNOT access anything, not my initial page nor my admin, i have tried with other themes and the same thing keeps happening. I also have disabled my cache in the admin like the instructions said and them perform the above but with no luck.
Can anyone enligh me?

Domino Designer proxy server settings

I am trying to install an Eclipse plugin in Domino Designer. There are many useful tutorials how to do it. However, when I enter the remote site in the Application Locations window > Remote Location
I get this error code:
CWPPR0031W: The requested provisioning operation(s) completed with partial success.
Network connection problems encountered during search.
Unable to access "".
Unable to access site: "" [Server returned HTTP response code: "403 Forbidden"
My company uses a proxy server to access the internet. I suspect, the error is caused By Domino Designer trying to access the link directly. Is there any way to tell Designer to go through our proxy server?
It looks like you're trying to install Mercurial into Domino Designer. I know in the past David Leedy and Declan Lynch had to install older versions, because Domino Designer is based on an older version of Eclipse. I'm not sure of the details for that. But I know both David and Declan now recommend using SourceTree for management of local mercurial source control repositories. It's better documented (several NotesIn9 episodes as well as Show 103 from Connect 2014 which I presented with Declan) and mor Domino developers use it (as well as non-Domino developers) so if you hit problems, there will be more of a cummunity to help.
All of those settings will be handled by the location set in the Notes client.
Go to File>Preferences>Locations> and edit the current location
In the basics tab there is an option for proxy configuration. You should be able to drop in all of your configs right there.
this site helps me to install a eclipse color theme for the domino designer.
first I had the same proxy problem like you, but this guide helps me, perhaps you to.

Getting modules working in Joomla 3.1.4

I am experimenting with Joomla 3.1.4. Whenever I add a new module the template does not show at all in the front-end. The site is blank. On disabling the new module it starts showing properly again. Even a basic hello world type of module does not seem to work and nor does a third party extension I have tried.
I can see them in the extension manager and in the module manager and they have installed successfully. Frustrated with all this I decided to install a new 3.1 template which too installed successfully. However this template does not show anything in the front-end either with my module enabled. It almost seems that there is some sort of security restriction which is disabling the template from rendering whenever any change is made to the basic installation.
Can someone please give pointers to resolving this odd behaviour?
Probably one or some of the core files required for the modules to work are missing.
Head to Global configuration and make sure your Error reporting is set to development. Reload the page and update your question with the error message.
Why not try the newer Joomla 3.1.5 (Download page)? I know that 3.1.4 had at least one problem which could possibly cause server errors in conjunction with extensions (the most likely reason for the blank page that you see).
In general, when encountering a blank page, the first thing to do should be to check the error log of your webserver!

Joomla voting doesn't save

I have a problem I cant figure out. When I started the website the voting system worked... but now many hours later it doesn't save the vote anymore.
I hope some of you have tried the same or have an idea about what can be wrong.
You can see a post on my site here:
Rather hard to tell only by looking at it and not having access to the code, so these are the only things I can suggest.
Ensure you have the latest Joomla version (2.5.6)
Switch to the default Joomla template and try voting again.
Install JDump to see if its a PHP related problem.
Install a fresh copy of Joomla and your template on a subdomain and after each extension you install, test the vote.

How to debug magento application

I am working with Magento but i didn't find a very good way to debug my modules. For example, many time, i got a blank page with no php error and no apache error. For example, in backend, if one grid controller isn't well set, i don't have an error.
How to debug Magento module?
It sounds like you want to enable Developer mode. Add this to your .htaccess file:
You may also want to enable display errors in index.php:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
The best way I have found to debug is with X-Debug in a local environment. You can also use log files to help debug in a production environment, if your unable to run X-Debug in the environment.
I've got a more detailed posting here:
Consider also installing XDebug
This thread is old but useful.
Debugging tools and tricks are important as it saves lots of time of a developer.
Here is a compiled list My company Uses.
Use of Eclipse debugger: Magento is installed on a desktop using Eclipse debugger we apply breakpoints and other debugging tricks.
Use of Bug commerce as suggested in above post.
Use of Mage::log for error log and exception log.Also Magento Report files.
Use of Varien Object getData, debug.
Use of back trace: Mage::log(Varien_Debug::backtrace(true, true), null, 'backtrace.log')
Remote server level debugging.
var_dump PHP function to echo and exit.
If you are (want to be) a real Magento Developer, here is the best combination of IDE and plugin you must use to work on your Magento Projects.
First of all, phpStorm the best IDE you can find.
Exist a very helpful plugin called magicento that you can use auto-complete, find in path magento, create modules very quickly and without issue, other great stuff you can use with that plugin.
Of course need to install Xdebug (be carefully if you already run a project with ioncube, bc you need to make some trick there, Xdebug doens't work properly with ioncube loader).
This last item on the list is something I need to be reviewing but I think should be great to debugging porpoises, MagentoDebugger Chrome App.
Let me know if you need something else or any help installing some of the stuff.
You can look in var/log/exception.log or system.log in the magento root. These are the directories for Magento excepetions and logs. Otherwise you might need to increase the php error log level.
Alan Storm created a Commerce Bug to help with some inline development issues.
Please try to use this magento debugger, it's chrome extension. it's realy speeds up a work. Just need to configure on the backend once and use Chrome extension.
Here easy to debug blocks, mails. Easy profile your extensions, etc.
