I am having this strange problem with a magento installation 1.9.1.
After template changed and nothing else my previous extension for layered navigation manadev layered navigation has a strange behavior with ajax loading.
When I hit a category and choose a filter with few products everything works fine.
But I have some filters with more than 1000 products each.I have magento default loading up 30 products.
When you hit one of these filters it tries to load all the products in same ignoring the setting of 30 products.
So when I hit a filter or category with 2000 products I get a page with 2000 products loading one by.
This kills my server and of course isn't working.
I tried everything I know but still all products from database are pulled together instead of getting them by portions (items per page).
When I turn off ajax everything is working fine. I use Varnish,Apache,APC,Memcached. I see no error at all except in frontend layered navigation page ESI processing not enabled but this is because we have caches off for development.
So for some reason ajax magento default number of products.
Any help please?
I have setup Magento 1.9.3 on my server and uploaded all products and categories from admin panel, but when i go to front-end category page and filter products by category/size/color.
But in the result the selected filter shows twice in layered navigation. I have checked layout xml and html but I didn't get why this is happening.
See the attached screenshot:
In my case layer_view block was called twice insidecatalog_category_layered block in catalog.xml layout. I removed one and problem had been resolved.
suddenly, catalog product view page is not showing any product. only link is working but showing empty page.
What i need to do?
For simple product, check if you have status: enabled, inventory qty >= 1 and stock availability: in stock. For configurable product also check if you have status: enabled, visibility: catalog, search, and that you have at least one associated simple product active. Refresh indexes and cache, then check your frontend.
If you used a Dataflow Profile to run an import job from a CSV file and either the profile or the file contents were formated incorrectly, then some of your product attribute values are off and your products are not showing.
Also, check your browser console for errors that might break your HTML/CSS/JavaScript when the page is rendering. Check your browser extensions too, use different browser, different PC and/or different IP.
I have a problem on magento backend that I am not sure what is happening. Shopping cart price rule was working completely fine, but suddenly the rule page look like this:
screenshoot of shopping rule page
The content of each tab is loaded inside the tab div itself instead of on the content area on the right. Content area is completely empty.
No code was touched in relation with promotions code, or admin/core code at all. I don't see any issue on console or not js code loaded. This is the only page affected (shopping cart price rule page), catalog rule works fine as well as any other with same structure (product page, customer page and such).
I was recently playing around with promotion too much, creating, deleting and editing. And solved a 500 issue on cart page increasing php memory limit. Not sure if related with this issue.
On apache logs it only displays the following when I access that page:
client denied by server configuration: /www/app/etc/local.xml
Could someone help me in where to look in order to solve this issue or have a hint about what could be the issue?
I am completely lost with this one. Magento version 1.7.
I finally found the issue. It was a extension related.
Recently I had some issues on cart page and at some point I disabled a promotion extension (Amasty shipping rules) though magento backend, on system/advanced extensions list.
Seems like the extension is disabled but still used on promotion page, adding the structure for the feature but not showing what is supposed to show (because is disabled) and breaking the layout.
Enabling again the extension or removing the extension on files avoid the issue.
1) clear the cache maybe you made a update and your cache is wrong. you can clear in the admin side clear all the types, or erase all inside /www/var/cache
2) clear the page history in your browser, all is fine but your machime show that weird.
3) after that check the browser console, because is a css problem, maybe a file is lost or change the permitions.
I recently upgraded a Magento to v1.7.0.2 from Magento connect. Now everything seems to work fine except that the Manage Customer grid in the admin breaks when trying to sort or navigate to other page.
So what I have realized is that we get a blank response in the ajax that is responsible to load the customer grid.
Apart from the customer grid, we have checked all the other grids seem to be working fine. Please let me know if further details are required.
working with Magento 1.5.1 my grouped products don't show their associated products in the frontend (the list with their prices), however everything is fine on the backend and the other type of products (Simple and configurable) are ok in frontend.
It just don't load the grouped.phtml file, how could I debug the page loading process ? or even better, any ideas how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance
The problem was an extension that overwrites the grouped product generation file and it created a conflict.
After commenting a code line in its .xml, everything's back to normal.