UWP: Access to UI elements of others apps - windows

I need to know the UI elements, or the XAML tree of apps the user has started. Is there a way to do this with UWP APIs ? Because I have an android app which is able to ask user permission to retrieve this data. Thanks

All application are runned inside a sandbox and you can't get out if it to get information about other apps. Maybe if you describe what you need it for I can help you a other direction


Background Location Tracking for Android with Xamarin.Forms

I am creating a xamarin form app which require user location after every 10 meter.
I am able to get location when app is running in foreground but unable to get location when app get into background.
Any advice will be great.
You need to create a background service in Xamarin.Android and then call that using dependency services. You could also look at Shiny. It is a good plugin built for this purpose.
Background updates are handled a bit different on each platform. For Android, you will want to integrate a foreground service that subscribes to location changes and the user interface binds to.
You could use the Xamarin.Essentials and MessagingCenter for this.
For more details, please check the code sample in the link below. https://stackoverflow.com/a/63665571/11850033

Programatically Start UWP app after installation

I am creating a Store Build for my UWP app. I would like the app to run automatically (without user intervention) once installed on end-user device. Is that possible? If so, how?
I’m afraid you can’t let the app run automatically after installation.
Currently, uwp doesn’t provide such api to do this. If you do want this feature, please feel free to submit your feature requirement with Windows Feedback Hub app.

Floating widget application on LG webOS Smart TV

I want to write an application in webOS as a widget that will be visible(floating) when other applications are running. Is this possible? I am unable to find any documentation related to this.
I'm not sure about it. I'm never see that behaviour in third party apps, only system apps are able to use 'overlay' feature in alerts and notifications dialogues according to WeOs developer site

Voip or voice call record - Xamarin.forms

I am trying to develop a xamarin.forms app which have the functionality to make call and record it.Why I am writing this question is I want some clarifications regarding this.I cant find a proper solution on web.
1 The app workflow will be like this. When user tap on the number on my app it will open the dialer (in Android and iOS). User will complete the call and return back to app.The app will get the call record and store it.
Is this scenario possible with Xamarin.forms? If possible, any links will be appreciated.
2. Suppose the above scenaerio is not possible, then what will be the best approach? I heard about Twilio voip call sdk for xamarin. Is Twilio really support voip call for xamarin? I found these links, but it seems outdated.
https://www.twilio.com/blog/2014/10/twilio-client-for-xamarin-part-2-ios.html Is there any other voip sdk available which will fullfil my requirement.Any help is appreciated. Because I have been stuck on this for days.
EDIT If I implement Twilio calling in web and calling it as a webview in mobile.Can I make work above scenario?

Is it possible to get an app to open up when entering a beacon region / within range of a beacon/ibeacon

I'm exploring the end user experience for a beacon prototype but I'm struggling to find any end-user scenarios that involve the app becoming active / opening up on the screen when within range.
I can get the app to send a notification and this is the most likely experience on both Android and iOS but does anyone know if it is possible to get the app to open up?
It's unlikely that I'd want real customers to have their experience interfered with in this way, I think it's ok if the app is already running and is open but not if it's running but not open.
On Android this is possible. The reference app for the Android Beacon Library demonstrates how to do exactly this.
On iOS, it is not possible due to OS security restrictions. See here for details. The best you can do is send a local notification to the user when the beacon is detected, then if the user gestures to it, bring up the app.
