How to use ActiveDirectory with Spring-Security LDAP - spring

I'm trying to setup Spring Security for LDAP authentication on my Spring MVC application. I can't seem to get the simple/principal authentication to work with the LdapAuthenticationProvider, so I'm trying to use the ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider, which does it by default.
I get a NameNotFoundException with the detailMessage after the context is created (and I think LDAP bind has occurred), from this line (310 in
return SpringSecurityLdapTemplate.searchForSingleEntryInternal(context,
searchControls, searchRoot, searchFilter,
new Object[] { bindPrincipal });
Error message:
[LDAP: error code 32 - 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100213, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
The search filter is looking for an object with class "user" with a userPrincipalName equal to the username I authenticated with, and concatenated with the domain name for my domain. For example, "". The attribute with that value exists, as I can authenticate with JXplorer in this method, and subsequently perform that search to find my user object.
The configuration for my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter subclass, where I wire in an AuthenticationManagerBuilder, is basically this:
public void init(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider provider =
new ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider("", "LDAPS://,dc=company,dc=com");
What is causing the NameNotFoundException? Is this the proper way to configure ActiveDirectory Authentication?

Face palm. The URL of the LDAP server should not include the X.501 domain component part, at least in my directory's case. I guess that makes sense as the first constructor argument is the domain's name (in FQDN style). So the constructor arguments should then be...
new ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider("", "ldaps://");
The error message hinted at this, as the bind completed, but the search failed. The exact error had " NO_OBJECT" as the reason, which was the clue that the search base was off. My originally configured search essentially added the search base (DCs) twice.


Rest camel passing objects between endpoints

My camel setup calls two service methods. the response of the first one is passed into the second one and then output the final response as json webpage. Fairly simple nothing too complicated.
Further breakdown to give some more context.
Method_1. Takes in scanId. This works ok. It produces an object called ScheduledScan .class
Method_2. Takes in object previous instance of ScheduledScan .class and returns a list of ConvertedScans scans. Then would like to display said list
Description of the code
public void configure() throws Exception {
.to("bean:SentinelImportService?method=getScheduledScan").outType(ScheduledScan .class)
The methods that are called look like the following
ScheduledScan getScheduledScan(#Header("scanId") long scanId);
List<ConvertedScans > convertScheduledScan(#Body ScheduledScan scheduledScans);
It is returning the the following error
No body available of type: path. .ScheduledScan but has value:
of type: java.lang.String on: HttpMessage#0x63c2fd04. Caused by: No type converter available
The following runs without the error, i.e. without method 2. So I think im almost there.
Now from reading the error it looks like im passing in a HttpMessage not the java object? I'm a bit confused about what to do next? Any advice much appreciated.
I have found some similar questions to this message. However I am looking to pass the java object directly into the service method.
You should setup the outType as the last output, eg what the REST response is, that is a List/Array and not a single pojo. So use .outTypeList(ConvertedScans.class) instead.

Grails Spring Security Static Rules

I want all users to be authenticated before accessing my application. Following is the setting in Config.groovy:
"/**": ["ROLE_ADMIN"],
"/login/auth": ["permitAll"]
The reason I put "/login/auth": ["permitAll"] is that any user can have a chance to log in and be authenticated. However, when I access http://localhost:8080/myapp/, it redirects to http://localhost:8080/myapp/login/auth and throws the error: The page isn't redirecting properly. Can you please advise what mistake I have committed here?
For first you must say to spring security what type of mapping you will be use.
grails.plugins.springsecurity.securityConfigType = 'InterceptUrlMap'
For second 'permitAll' changed to 'IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY'
And for third, if spring security find /** he didn't see another under this line. So your code must be like this:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.securityConfigType = SecurityConfigType.InterceptUrlMap
grails.plugins.springsecurity.interceptUrlMap = [
"/login/auth": ["permitAll"],
"/**": ["ROLE_ADMIN"]
TrongBang and Koloritnij are on the right track. But they're not completely correct in the context of your question. They're suggesting that you switch to a different authentication setup. (Which that will work but it doesn't solve the problem in the context of your setup.)
If you wish to keep the annotations, you're going to have to call out the controller that OAuth uses.
‘/springSecurityOAuth/**’: [‘permitAll’]
The plugin maps that controller path, but the static rules still interprets the controller and methods from that.
This took some digging for me to find this out. I had your same issue, and I blogged about this (and it includes some of the details about how the Spring Security Oauth plugin works.
The solution from Koloritnij is correct. However, it threw the following error when using SecurityConfigType.InterceptUrlMap:
ERROR: the 'securityConfigType' property must be one of
'Annotation', 'Requestmap', or 'InterceptUrlMap' or left unspecified
to default to 'Annotation'; setting value to 'Annotation'
I have changed it to 'InterceptUrlMap' only and it worked:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.securityConfigType = 'InterceptUrlMap'
grails.plugins.springsecurity.interceptUrlMap = [
"/login/auth": ["permitAll"],
"/**": ["ROLE_ADMIN"]

log4net on WebApi 2.1 using ExceptionLogger

How does one properly implement WebApi 2.1's ExceptionLogger so that log4net logs the correct values for method, location and line?
What I'm trying to achieve is a global exception logger to log all unhandled exceptions in a WebAPI 2.1 v5.1.2 app running .NET 4.5.1. I've read quite a few articles including the one linked below explaining how to implement the ExceptionLogger, and it works great, except that I can't get log4net to output the values I really want to record.
For example, if I log an exception from a controller, everything is correct. When I log from the ExceptionLogger, I'm getting the values from the Logger itself, and not the method that initiated the exception. I tried a few things listed in my code below, but they're not quite right. Here's what I get.
I know the text is small, but the table shows the different values log4net writes. The first log is from the controller, everything is great. The 2nd entry is from log.Logger.Log in the code snippet. The last entry is from log.Error in the snippet.
The final method in the snippet attempts to use a limiting type as I've read from other implementations of log4net wrappers, but it just throws an error, as described in the snippet.
public class GlobalExceptionLogger: ExceptionLogger
//private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
public override void Log(ExceptionLoggerContext context)
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace(context.Exception);
Type methodDeclaringType = stackTrace.GetFrame(2).GetMethod().DeclaringType;
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(methodDeclaringType);
string message = context.ExceptionContext.Exception.Message;
//this methods works but writes the location, method name and line from this method, not the caller
//location: System.Web.Http.ExceptionHandling.ExceptionLogger.LogAsync(:0)
//method: LogAsync
//line: 0
log.Logger.Log(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, log4net.Core.Level.Error, message, context.ExceptionContext.Exception);
//this methods works but writes the location, method name and line from this method, not the caller
//location: Company.AppName.Api.GlobalExceptionLogger.Log(c:\TFS\AppName\AppName.Api\GlobalExceptionLogger.cs:38)
//method: Log
//line: 38
log.Error(message, context.ExceptionContext.Exception);
//this method throws an error in the log4net debug: log4net:ERROR loggingEvent.LocationInformation.StackFrames was null or empty.
log.Logger.Log(methodDeclaringType, log4net.Core.Level.Error, message, context.ExceptionContext.Exception);
Your method of getting the stacktrace is not recommended, because the code will behave differently on debug/release or precessor architecture. The method stackTrace.GetFrame(2).GetMethod() will give you the method on the real stack, with taking into consideration the optimalizations of the runtime for processor architecture, linq rewrites etc.
An alternative method of getting the member name:
public static string LogError(Exception ex, [CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
You should have a look at this question:

Spring, property file, empty values

I have configured spring security with a ldap server (but continue reading, it's not a problem if you have no knowledge about it, this is really a spring problem). All runs like a charm. Here is the line I use for that:
<ldap-server ldif="" root="" manager-dn="" manager-password="" url="" id="ldapServer" />
If I fill ldif and root attributes, it will run an embeded server:
<ldap-server ldif="classpath://ldap.ldif" root="dc=springframework,dc=org" manager-dn="" manager-password="" url="" id="ldapServer" />
If I fill other fields, it will run a distant server:
<ldap-server ldif="" root="" manager-dn="dc=admin,dc=springframeworg,dc=org" manager-password="password" url="ldap://,dc=org" id="ldapServer" />
All this stuff run correctly. Now I want to use Spring mechanism to load such parameters from a property file:
So I replace attribute values like this:
<ldap-server ldif="${ldap.ldif.path}" root="${ldap.ldif.root}" manager-dn="${ldap.server.manager.dn}" manager-password="${ldap.server.manager.password}" url="${ldap.server.url}" id="ldapServer" />
and create a property file with:
Now, the funny part of the problem. If I fill the following properties in the file:
It runs a distant server as expected.
If I fill the property file like this:
ldap.ldif.path= classpath:ldap.ldif
ldap.ldif.root= dc=springframeworg,dc=org
It does not run, complaining that the ldap url is missing. But the problem is that if I change the spring configuration from:
<ldap-server ldif="${ldap.ldif.path}" root="${ldap.ldif.root}" manager-dn="${ldap.server.manager.dn}" manager-password="${ldap.server.manager.password}" url="${ldap.server.url}" id="ldapServer" />
to (by just removing the reference to the variable ${ldap.server.url})
<ldap-server ldif="${ldap.ldif.path}" root="${ldap.ldif.root}" manager-dn="${ldap.server.manager.dn}" manager-password="${ldap.server.manager.password}" url="" id="ldapServer" />
It runs !
My thoughs are that spring does not replace the attribute value with the property config one if this one is empty. But I find it strange.
Can you give me some clue to understand that ? And what's the best to do to configure my ldap server via a property file ?
EDIT: this is due to a poor design choice (look at accepted answer), an issue has been opened on jira :
Ok, I think this is a spring security bug.
If I debug and look at the class LdapServerBeanDefinition, there is a method called "parse". Here is an extract:
public BeanDefinition parse(Element elt, ParserContext parserContext) {
String url = elt.getAttribute(ATT_URL);
RootBeanDefinition contextSource;
if (!StringUtils.hasText(url)) {
contextSource = createEmbeddedServer(elt, parserContext);
} else {
contextSource = new RootBeanDefinition();
contextSource.getConstructorArgumentValues().addIndexedArgumentValue(0, url);
String managerDn = elt.getAttribute(ATT_PRINCIPAL);
String managerPassword = elt.getAttribute(ATT_PASSWORD);
if (StringUtils.hasText(managerDn)) {
if(!StringUtils.hasText(managerPassword)) {
parserContext.getReaderContext().error("You must specify the " + ATT_PASSWORD +
" if you supply a " + managerDn, elt);
contextSource.getPropertyValues().addPropertyValue("userDn", managerDn);
contextSource.getPropertyValues().addPropertyValue("password", managerPassword);
If I debug here, all variables (url, managerDn, managerPassword...) are not replaced by the value specified in the property file. And so, url has the value ${ldap.server.url}, managerDn has the value ${ldap.server.manager.dn} and so on.
The method parse creates a bean, a context source that will be used further. And when this bean will be used, place holders will be replaced.
Here, we got the bug. The parse method check if url is empty or not. The problem is that url is not empty here because it has the value ${ldap.server.url}. So, the parse method creates a context source as a distant server.
When the created source will be used, it will replace the ${ldap.server.url} by empty value (like specified in the property file). And....... Bug !
I don't know really how to solve this for the moment, but I now understand why it bugs ;)
I cannot explain it, but I think you can fix your problem using defaulting syntax, available since Spring 3.0.0.RC1 (see).
In the chageg log you can read: PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer supports "${myKey:myDefaultValue}" defaulting syntax
Anyway, I think that the problem is because "" is valid value, but no value in the property file don't.
I think that url="" works because url attribute is of type xs:token in spring-security XSD and empty string is converted to null (xs:token is removing any leading or trailing spaces, so "" can be recognized as no value). Maybe the value of ${ldap.server.url} is resolved as empty string and that is why you've got an error.
You can try use Spring profiles to define different configurations of ldap server (see Spring Team Blog for details about profiles)
I believe there is an issue here while using place holders. The following will most probably solve the problem:
Create a class which extends PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer and override its method convertPropertyValue()
in the method you can return the property as empty string if you find anything other than a string which is of type LDAP url i.e. ldap://,dc=org
Also you need to configure your new specialization of class PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer in the context file.
Hope this helps.
You can define empty String in the file as following:
com.core.estimation.stopwords=\ \

ReloadRoutes with ServiceRoute throws "A route with the resolved virtual path has already been added" exception

We have build a RouteProvider that stores route data in a database. Occasionally (mostly during development), we want to reload the route table without having to restart the application. For that we call the ReloadRoutes method on the provider and that worked very well until we added a ServiceRoute to our RouteCollection.
Since then, when trying to add the serviceRoute the second time (after routes.Clear()), the ServiceRouteHandler throws an exception. It is like the clear method on the RouteCollection did not clear it all. Now how can I clear the serviceroute ?
private void LoadRoutes(RouteCollection routeTable)
//Add some Route (woks fine)
// Add the service route to the application (throw exception the second time)
routeTable.Add(new ServiceRoute("Services/RouteProvider/", new WindsorServiceHostFactory<DefaultServiceModel>(), typeof(IRouteProviderService)));
