log4net on WebApi 2.1 using ExceptionLogger - asp.net-web-api

How does one properly implement WebApi 2.1's ExceptionLogger so that log4net logs the correct values for method, location and line?
What I'm trying to achieve is a global exception logger to log all unhandled exceptions in a WebAPI 2.1 v5.1.2 app running .NET 4.5.1. I've read quite a few articles including the one linked below explaining how to implement the ExceptionLogger, and it works great, except that I can't get log4net to output the values I really want to record.
For example, if I log an exception from a controller, everything is correct. When I log from the ExceptionLogger, I'm getting the values from the Logger itself, and not the method that initiated the exception. I tried a few things listed in my code below, but they're not quite right. Here's what I get.
I know the text is small, but the table shows the different values log4net writes. The first log is from the controller, everything is great. The 2nd entry is from log.Logger.Log in the code snippet. The last entry is from log.Error in the snippet.
The final method in the snippet attempts to use a limiting type as I've read from other implementations of log4net wrappers, but it just throws an error, as described in the snippet.
public class GlobalExceptionLogger: ExceptionLogger
//private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
public override void Log(ExceptionLoggerContext context)
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace(context.Exception);
Type methodDeclaringType = stackTrace.GetFrame(2).GetMethod().DeclaringType;
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(methodDeclaringType);
string message = context.ExceptionContext.Exception.Message;
//this methods works but writes the location, method name and line from this method, not the caller
//location: System.Web.Http.ExceptionHandling.ExceptionLogger.LogAsync(:0)
//method: LogAsync
//line: 0
log.Logger.Log(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, log4net.Core.Level.Error, message, context.ExceptionContext.Exception);
//this methods works but writes the location, method name and line from this method, not the caller
//location: Company.AppName.Api.GlobalExceptionLogger.Log(c:\TFS\AppName\AppName.Api\GlobalExceptionLogger.cs:38)
//method: Log
//line: 38
log.Error(message, context.ExceptionContext.Exception);
//this method throws an error in the log4net debug: log4net:ERROR loggingEvent.LocationInformation.StackFrames was null or empty.
log.Logger.Log(methodDeclaringType, log4net.Core.Level.Error, message, context.ExceptionContext.Exception);

Your method of getting the stacktrace is not recommended, because the code will behave differently on debug/release or precessor architecture. The method stackTrace.GetFrame(2).GetMethod() will give you the method on the real stack, with taking into consideration the optimalizations of the runtime for processor architecture, linq rewrites etc.
An alternative method of getting the member name:
public static string LogError(Exception ex, [CallerMemberName] string callerName = "")
You should have a look at this question:


EchoBot: How does control flow from BotController to EchoBot

I am looking at the EchoBot sample and trying to understand it. I see that BotController is mapped to api/messages and HttpPost which in turn invokes Adapter.ProcessAsync. But how does this translate into EchoBot.OnMessageActivityAsync call? I tried to set up a breakpoint and see the call stack but that doesn't help ( see attached screenshot).
I understand BotFrameworkHttpAdapter is invoked via dependency injection. But I don't know how we end up in EchoBot eventually.
To find the answer to this you really have to dive into the source code, so I hope you've got your scuba diving gear because we're going deep.
Step 1
Inside the BotController.cs file the following piece of code is called:
await Adapter.ProcessAsync(Request, Response, Bot);
which calls the ProcessAsync method on the IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter interface.
Step 2
Inside the Startup.cs file we have the following line:
services.AddSingleton<IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter, BotFrameworkHttpAdapter>();
which says that every time we ask for an IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter, provide the same instance of BotFrameworkHttpAdapter - essentially a static variable, you can read more about dependency injection service lifetimes here.
Step 3
Inside the Microsoft.Bot.Builder package we have the implementation for the ProcessAsync method, that can for our purposes be reduced to the following line:
var invokeResponse = await ProcessActivityAsync(authHeader, activity, bot.OnTurnAsync, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
which calls ProcessActivityAsync which is another function that lives in this library - the important part here is the bot.OnTurnAsync parameter being passed in.
Step 5
Also inside the Microsoft.Bot.Builder package is the implementation for ProcessActivityAsync:
return await ProcessActivityAsync(claimsIdentity, activity, callback, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
which calls an overload of the same method, but before we move on from here, the callback parameter is the bot.OnTurnAsync parameter that was passed through before.
Step 6
The overload of ProcessActivityAsync is also implemented inside the Microsoft.Bot.Builder package, and can be simplified to this line:
await RunPipelineAsync(context, callback, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
where callback is bot.OnTurnAsync.
Step 7
Digging deeper still we find the implementation of the RunPipelineAsync method inside of the Microsoft.Bot.Builder package which is were things start to get a bit fuzzy... Theoretically we want to fall through to the else block where the callback (i.e. bot.OnTurnAsync) is called:
// Call any registered Middleware Components looking for ReceiveActivityAsync()
if (turnContext.Activity != null)
// Other code
// call back to caller on proactive case
if (callback != null)
await callback(turnContext, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
However, back in Step 6 we also had this line:
using (var context = new TurnContext(this, activity))
where the context is created, and the activity property is initialised. This same context is pass through to the RunPipelineAsync call, which means that we will not fall through to the else block...
But there are the following comment on the RunPipelineAsync method:
/// <param name="callback">A callback method to run at the end of the pipeline.</param>
and inside the remarks section:
...Once control reaches the end of the pipeline, the adapter calls
the <paramref name="callback"/> method...
So I believe is it safe to say that our callback method is being executed which means that we continue by bubbling back up the chain to resolve the function that callback maps to (bot.OnTurnAsync).
Step 8
In BotController we pass in an instance of IBot to the ProcessAsync method, and in Startup we wire up all requests for an IBot to return an instance of EchoBot like so:
// Create the bot as a transient. In this case the ASP Controller is expecting an IBot.
services.AddTransient<IBot, EchoBot>();
The EchoBot implementation inherits from the ActivityHandler class:
public class EchoBot : ActivityHandler
Step 9
The ActivityHandler class provides a default implementation for the OnTurnAsync method which I will simplify to:
switch (turnContext.Activity.Type)
case ActivityTypes.Message:
return OnMessageActivityAsync(new DelegatingTurnContext<IMessageActivity>(turnContext), cancellationToken);
// Other cases
which the OnMessageActivityAsync method on the same class that has an implementation that returns a completed task, i.e. is a no-op, however it is a virtual method - classes which inherit ActivityHandler can provide their own implementation.
Step 10
A custom implementation for OnMessageActivityAsync is provided inside the EchoBot class:
protected override async Task OnMessageActivityAsync(ITurnContext<IMessageActivity> turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($"Echo: {turnContext.Activity.Text}"), cancellationToken);
where the user's input is echoed back to them, and thus our journey ends.
Regarding Step 7, the Microsoft team are pretty active on SO for things tagged with botframework so it might be best to get #mdrichardson or #tdurnford to clarify what happens here.
As an aside in Visual Studio you can debug some library code by enabling the following option:
Tools --> Options --> Debugger
Uncheck "Enable Just my Code"
Also if you enable navigation to decompiled sources (you will have to accept a legal notification popup) by doing this:
Tools --> Options --> Text Editor --> C# --> Advanced
Check "Enable navigation to decompiled sources"
You will be able to inspect the source code of external packages within Visual Studio itself.

Rest camel passing objects between endpoints

My camel setup calls two service methods. the response of the first one is passed into the second one and then output the final response as json webpage. Fairly simple nothing too complicated.
Further breakdown to give some more context.
Method_1. Takes in scanId. This works ok. It produces an object called ScheduledScan .class
Method_2. Takes in object previous instance of ScheduledScan .class and returns a list of ConvertedScans scans. Then would like to display said list
Description of the code
public void configure() throws Exception {
.to("bean:SentinelImportService?method=getScheduledScan").outType(ScheduledScan .class)
The methods that are called look like the following
ScheduledScan getScheduledScan(#Header("scanId") long scanId);
List<ConvertedScans > convertScheduledScan(#Body ScheduledScan scheduledScans);
It is returning the the following error
No body available of type: path. .ScheduledScan but has value:
of type: java.lang.String on: HttpMessage#0x63c2fd04. Caused by: No type converter available
The following runs without the error, i.e. without method 2. So I think im almost there.
Now from reading the error it looks like im passing in a HttpMessage not the java object? I'm a bit confused about what to do next? Any advice much appreciated.
I have found some similar questions to this message. However I am looking to pass the java object directly into the service method.
You should setup the outType as the last output, eg what the REST response is, that is a List/Array and not a single pojo. So use .outTypeList(ConvertedScans.class) instead.

Application.Current.Properties - System.AggregateException

I'm trying to get some data from Application.Current.Properties storage. Unfortunately, any time I want to use this Dictionary, I see this error:
An exception of type 'System.AggregateException' occurred in mscorlib.ni.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: One or more errors occurred.
And in details I found this:
{"Error in line 1 position 206. Element 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays:Value' contains data of the 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays:ArrayOfstring' data contract. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this contract. Add the type corresponding to 'ArrayOfstring' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer."}
It seems like I tried to save some non-string data to Application.Current.Properties. Unfortunately I can't run .Clear() method to erease all data, bacause I receive this error any time I'm trying to access this property.
What should I do to make it work?
Well, as its name suggests AggregateException, is just a container for one or more exceptions which may be thrown when using PLINQ or TPL.
As such exceptions may be thrown on different threads and may also occur concurrently, the system automatically catches and rethrows them within an AggregateException wrapper to ensure that they all get reported in one place. The exceptions themselves are exposed via the InnerExceptions property.
You can catch an AggregateException and check which exceptions it actually contains with code such as the following:
// perform some parallel operation
catch (AggregateException aex)
string messages = "";
foreach(Exception ex in aex.InnerExceptions)
messages += ex.Message + "\r\n";
So I suggest you do this to see what is causing the problem
Please, remove your app from your device, Settings - Applications- Uninstall, this works for me. The Auth Object was crash in debug mode.Clean and Rebuild can be Helpfull to.

AX2012 - Pre-Processed RecId parameter not found

I made a custom report in AX2012, to replace the WHS Shipping pick list. The custom report is RDP based. I have no trouble running it directly (with the parameters dialog), but when I try to use the controller (WHSPickListShippingController), I get an error saying "Pre-Processed RecId not found. Cannot process report. Indicates a development error."
The error is because in the class SrsReportProviderQueryBuilder (setArgs method), the map variable reportProviderParameters is empty. I have no idea why that is. The code in my Data provider runs okay. Here is my code for running the report :
WHSWorkId id = 'LAM-000052';
WHSPickListShippingController controller;
Args args;
WHSShipmentTable whsShipmentTable;
WHSWorkTable whsWorkTable;
clWHSPickListShippingContract contract; //My custom RDP Contract
whsShipmentTable = WHSShipmentTable::find(whsWorkTable.ShipmentId);
args = new Args(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
contract = new clWHSPickListShippingContract();
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
I don't know if I'm clear enough... But I've been looking for a fix for hours without success, so I thought I'd ask here. Is there a reason why this variable (which comes from the method parameter AifQueryBuilderArgs) would be empty?
I'm thinking your issue is with these lines (try removing):
The style I'd expect to see with your contract would be like this:
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
contract = controller.getDataContractObject();
And for the DataProvider clWHSPickListShippingDP, usually if a report is using a DataProvider, you don't manually set it, but the DP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase and has an attribute SRSReportParameterAttribute(...) decorating the class declaration in this style:
class MyCustomDP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
// Vars
You are using controller.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract(contract); wrong, as this is more for run-time modifications. It's typically used for accessing the contract for preRunModifyContract overloads.
Build your CrossReference in a development environment then right click on \Classes\SrsReportDataContract\parmRdpContract and click Add-Ins>Cross-reference>Used By to see how that is generally used.
Ok, so now I feel very stupid for spending so much time on that error, when it's such a tiny thing...
The erronous line is that one :
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
Because WHSPickListShipping is the name of the AX report, but I renamed my custom report clWHSPickListShipping. What confused me was that my DataProvider class was executing as wanted.

ReloadRoutes with ServiceRoute throws "A route with the resolved virtual path has already been added" exception

We have build a RouteProvider that stores route data in a database. Occasionally (mostly during development), we want to reload the route table without having to restart the application. For that we call the ReloadRoutes method on the provider and that worked very well until we added a ServiceRoute to our RouteCollection.
Since then, when trying to add the serviceRoute the second time (after routes.Clear()), the ServiceRouteHandler throws an exception. It is like the clear method on the RouteCollection did not clear it all. Now how can I clear the serviceroute ?
private void LoadRoutes(RouteCollection routeTable)
//Add some Route (woks fine)
// Add the service route to the application (throw exception the second time)
routeTable.Add(new ServiceRoute("Services/RouteProvider/", new WindsorServiceHostFactory<DefaultServiceModel>(), typeof(IRouteProviderService)));
