Cannot install extensions in Visual Studio Code, no drop down recommendations - windows

When I try and install an extension in VS Code, nothing happens, and there is no dropdown with recommendations as I type. The bar at the top just has a blue line that perpetually goes from left to right and eventually just closes.
This is on my work computer, would there be a domain restriction that prevents me from installing extensions? Are there alternative ways to install extensions?
Edit: Is there any way to view event logs for VS Code, so see whats happening?


Ruby Solargraph Snippet Does Not Show Up

I have been trying to help my classmates at Flatiron install Solargraph for their Macbooks but the problem I have been encountering is with IntelliSense / pop up.
It seems to provide the method names, and hoover seems to sometimes work, but the definition/snippet pop up does not appear to the right of it like it's supposed to.
We're using VSCode, I did put a check on use language server and I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the extension.
It sounds like the popup with additional info is closed. When you hover over the completion item, a > should appear on the right side of the bar. Clicking it should open the popup. It'll stay open for other items until you close it again.

VS Code Extension Sidebar Not Displaying/Loading

I'm simply wanting to search for extensions in VS Code, so that I can look at a file produced by sqlite3. I go to the extensions tab and click on it but I cannot search for anything. As shown in the screenshot below there is EXTENSIONS to the top left but there is no search bar at all. I cannot click in it or right click in it to bring anything up and I don't know if there is any alternative to search for and get the extension I need.
Screenshot showing Extensions View
I am working on a Ubuntu 18.04LTS OS and I've opened VS Code through Anaconda Navigator (1.9.12). The version of VS Code is 1.45.1. I thought that maybe something here was out of date but I've checked that and they seem to be up-to-date. I've also tried to search for something that's like my problem and the only thing I can find is this issue which was resolved by updating to the most recent versions (I have the most recent versions). I've also tried opening VS Code simply via the terminal but I still have the same problem with the Extensions side bar.

Visual Studio for Mac - Autocomplete doesnt work anymore since mfractor

Im using Visual Studio Community 2017 for Mac.
I installed mfractor. Ever since I installed it my autocompletion in xaml does not work anymore and I do not know how to fix it. I tried to disable mfractor and I even uninstalled it but nothing helped. Two Examples:
Before I could type <SL after the very first character S I was able to see a few options to autocomplete. After writing the two characters SL I could autocomplete it to StackLayout. Not anymore. I dont see a list for autocompletion. I have to manually type every single char and I will never see a list for autocomplete options.
When typing <StackLayout> after typing > there was another autocomplete that I could choose </StackLayout. Well not anymore. I have to type everything myself.
Does anyone know something about this problem and maybe even know how to fix it?
After restarting the Mac and VS, uninstalling/disabling mfractor a few teams I had to realize that nothing worked.
But I accidentally found a way to fix it. I created a few Forms ContentPage XAML files in hope of that fixing something and got this message: You´ve reached your limit of two MFractor-enabled XAML files for today. Upgrade to Mfractor Professional for unlimited use.
Since then my autocompletion works again. Even with Mfractor enabled.

Live Server closes when I click anywhere in VS Code

Hi All: I'm very new to VS Code and know no coding. I'm trying to teach myself HTML and CSS by watching videos and reading tutorials. I mention this so that perhaps will give me some understanding if my nomenclature is incorrect.
To make a long story short through my learning's so far it sounds like VS Code is the premier code editor.
So I've downloaded and installed it. So far so good. The video I was watching introduced me to the "Live Server" extension, so I installed it. The problem is once opened, the Live Server window closes any time I left click on anything else in VS Code or if I open another Google tab. Is there a solution? Please keep in mind here my newness to coding and the VS Code editor. Thanks for any help you can provide!
Very nice extension. I installed and works fine. Maybe you need to uninstall it and install it again. But when a page in Visual Studio Code is open to install the extension you need to check the instruction how to use it.
After you open the project and your html file down in blue line in VS Code need to click the Go live button.

Recurrent message "Cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret"

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 CE. About a week ago I started seeing a message box showing the error mentioned in the subject. It happens only if I try to open a .cs file and it's completely preventing me from working :(.
I also noticed that the projects in my solution are being "lazy loaded". That means that I open the solution and in the solution explorer I see my projects listed with a label that reads "(loading)". Once I click on them, they get loaded.
I think it could be due to a windows update, probably, because I also noticed that while working with the browser (Chrome or Edge) F12 seems to be automatically pressed because the developer tools are opened randomly. That kind of makes a consistent pattern with the issue in VS. I uninstalled the latest updates but still have the issue.
Now, I don't thing there's something wrong with my keybord, even that's possible.
I saw many posting about this issue but couldn't find a solution yet.
Does anybody know what could be wrong here? I'm about to completely reinstall my computer.
