Ruby Solargraph Snippet Does Not Show Up - ruby

I have been trying to help my classmates at Flatiron install Solargraph for their Macbooks but the problem I have been encountering is with IntelliSense / pop up.
It seems to provide the method names, and hoover seems to sometimes work, but the definition/snippet pop up does not appear to the right of it like it's supposed to.
We're using VSCode, I did put a check on use language server and I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the extension.

It sounds like the popup with additional info is closed. When you hover over the completion item, a > should appear on the right side of the bar. Clicking it should open the popup. It'll stay open for other items until you close it again.


VS Code Extension Sidebar Not Displaying/Loading

I'm simply wanting to search for extensions in VS Code, so that I can look at a file produced by sqlite3. I go to the extensions tab and click on it but I cannot search for anything. As shown in the screenshot below there is EXTENSIONS to the top left but there is no search bar at all. I cannot click in it or right click in it to bring anything up and I don't know if there is any alternative to search for and get the extension I need.
Screenshot showing Extensions View
I am working on a Ubuntu 18.04LTS OS and I've opened VS Code through Anaconda Navigator (1.9.12). The version of VS Code is 1.45.1. I thought that maybe something here was out of date but I've checked that and they seem to be up-to-date. I've also tried to search for something that's like my problem and the only thing I can find is this issue which was resolved by updating to the most recent versions (I have the most recent versions). I've also tried opening VS Code simply via the terminal but I still have the same problem with the Extensions side bar.

Cannot install extensions in Visual Studio Code, no drop down recommendations

When I try and install an extension in VS Code, nothing happens, and there is no dropdown with recommendations as I type. The bar at the top just has a blue line that perpetually goes from left to right and eventually just closes.
This is on my work computer, would there be a domain restriction that prevents me from installing extensions? Are there alternative ways to install extensions?
Edit: Is there any way to view event logs for VS Code, so see whats happening?

Command R browser refresh in TextMate 2

Using the HTMLbundle in TextMate version 2.0-alpha.9503, OSX 10.9. I have a html page open in the editor. When I press command R the first time it switches me to Chrome and refreshes the page. On subsequent command R keypress, I get switched to the Chrome window but there is no refresh, and then when I switch back to textMate I get a "Run" dialog and the message:
No Makefile found.
Set TM_MAKE_FILE in Preferences → Variable.
So obviously after the initial command R, the key combination is triggering a run dialog, but I'm not sure why.
Very new to TextMate so I'm not sure if this is something I am doing wrong, or perhaps I need to be on a more stable version of TextMate.
Any help would be appreciated, this seems like a really cool feature if I could get it to work
The Dialog you posted is from the Make bundle...
Make sure your document type is set to HTML before pressing ⌘-R (via the menu on the bottom left or by pressing ⇧⌥^H).
If this does not help, try uninstalling the Make bundle. Normally this behavior shouldn't happen even if the Make bundle is installed, can't reproduce it here. But it's worth a try.

Unable to set breakpoints in Chrome dev tools, version 26.0.1410.64 m

I need to debug some JavaScript an' I use Chrome dev tools. I'm a newby in JavaScript (just started to learn a couple of days ago), an' at work I could set breakpoints via the Resources pane. But at home for some reason I can't do this: after the click no breakpoint appeares.
I have Chrome version: 26.0.1410.64 m.
What could be the case?
clicking on the De-Obfuscate Source button (i.e. {}) solved this issue for me.
I'm a fool! haha! breakpoints are set in the Source pane )))
It's been a while, but in version 33.0.1750.146, but my problem was that I was on the Sources pane (I'd call this a tab; it's one of the items at the very top of the window), but I was on the Content scripts tab (on the left hand side). I needed to switch to the Sources tab.
To be clear, there are two sets of Sources tabs; one is within the other.
UPDATE 2016-01-07: Now I'm on 47.0.2526.106. The only thing that worked for me today was to close DevTools and re-open. It was a little finicky. It worked once, then stopped, and I had to close the DevTools and re-open again. I saw #johntrepreneur's answer about closing the browser, but unfortunately I have too many tabs open on too many workspaces, so that's too much of a pain, so I didn't try that, although I have to assume that would work.
Other solutions didn't work for me. Had to close and restart browser to be able to set breakpoints again.
This also happens when there is a JS error in your code.
Some sort of weird built in function in windows 10 i think because I did press a few buttons by accident. Some of my keys even stopped working in certain areas of visual studio. F.e the letter "c" stopped working in the find window.
Mine did this and no solution worked, i pressed alt, windows key and function key a few times and my problem went away.
Fixed as follows: For me, the issue stems from having set up Chrome to interact with operating system files. If you set this up, then the fact is evident from a green dot by the file name. At some point, I could not set a breakpoint in a recently edited file. I fixed this by disconnecting the interaction, as follows: When viewing "sources", above the code, there were some file names listed. Clicking the [x] to make the particular filename go away gave a caution message; I proceeded without saving. After that, I was able to set breakpoints for that file.
I also had this problem. However, once I closed the popup message in my browser, suddenly all my breakpoints that I set in that time appeared. Mental note: Don't set breakpoints while your app is showing a popup.
I couldn't find any direct fix for this problem.
It seems that chrome keeps settings of your site stored somewhere whatever you do to clean it. (I tried removing the folder from workspace, closing et reopening chrome etc... and nothing worked).
A workaround is to change your site's url to make chrome consider it a new site

Remove documentation popup in Xcode 3.2

When I alt(option) double-click a keyword in Xcode 3.2, I get the following popup:
alt text
I absolutely hate it. Is there a way to go back to searching the documentation (as in Xcode 3.0) rather than popping up this dialog?
Cmd+option double-click works for me.
This won't stop the pop-up from appearing, but you can click the book icon in its upper-right corner to move to the Documentation Viewer.
God I hate it too!!! I want it to just go back to the way it was, or at least let us choose!!! WTF Apple??? You're not really enhancing a developer's life if you force them to change for no apparent reason! If you wanted this new functionality, you make this have a NEW keyboard shortcut and leave the old ones alone!!!
