Reactive stream backpressure with spring reactor project - spring

I have research and read documents by they are not very understandable.
What i am trying to achieve is the following functionality:
I am using Spring Reactor project and using the eventBus. My event bus is throwing event to module A.
Module A should receive the event and insert into Hot Stream that will hold unique values. Every 250 Milisecons the stream should pull all value and make calulcation on them.. and so on.
For example:
The eventBus is throwing event with number: 1,2,3,2,3,2
The Stream should get and hold unique values -> 1,2,3
After 250 miliseconds the stream should print the number and empty values
Anyone has an idea how to start? I tried the examples but nothing really works and i guess i don't understand something. Anyone has an example?
When trying to do the next i always get exception:
Stream<List<Integer>> s = Streams.wrap(p).buffer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
s.consume(i -> System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " data=" + i));
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
The exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The environment has not been initialized yet
at reactor.Environment.get( ~[reactor-core-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar:?]
at reactor.Environment.timer( ~[reactor-core-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar:?]
at reactor.rx.Stream.getTimer( ~[reactor-stream-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar:?]
at reactor.rx.Stream.buffer( ~[reactor-stream-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar:?]
at ~[classes/:?]
As you can see i cannot proceed trying without passing this issue.
BY THE WAY: This is happeing only when i use buffer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) If i use buffer(50) for example it works.. Although this is not the final solution its a start.

Well after reading doc again i missed this:
static {
This solved the problem. Tnx


Confusion about micrometer metrics - Isn't the gauge supposed to calculate the value automatically just before it is submitted?

I am exploring micrometer and aws cloudwatch. I think there is some understanding gap -
I've create a gauge which is supposed to return the number of connections being used in a connection pool.
public MetricService(CloudWatchConfig config) {
this.cloudwatchMeterRegistry = new CloudWatchMeterRegistry(config, Clock.SYSTEM, CloudWatchAsyncClient.create());
gauge = Gauge.builder("ConnectionPoolGauge", this.connectionPool, value -> {
Double usedConnections = 0.0;
for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : value.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {
return usedConnections;
.tag("GaugeName", "Bhushan's Gauge")
.description("Gauge to monitor connection pool")
As you can see, I am currently initiating this gauge in a constructor. Passing the connectionPool instance from outside.
Following is a controller method which consumes the connection -
public String hello() {
// connectionPool.consumeConnection();
// finally { connectionPool.releaseConnection();}
Step interval is set to 10 seconds. My understanding is - Every 10 seconds, Micrometer should automatically execute the double function passed to the gauge.
Obviously, it is not happening. I've seen some code samples here which are explicitly setting the gauge value (in a separate thread or scheduled logic).
I also tried with a counter which is instantiated only once, but I explicitly invoke the increment method per call to hello method. My expectation was this counter would keep on incrementing, but after a while, it drops to 0 and starts counting again.
I am totally confused. Appreciate if someone can put light on this concept.
Tried following approach for creating Gauge - still no luck.
cloudwatchMeterRegistry.gauge("ConnectionPoolGauge", this.connectionPool, value -> {
Double usedConnections = 0.0;
System.out.println("Inside Guage Value function." + value.entrySet());
for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : value.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {
return usedConnections;
This doesn't return the instance of Gauge, so I cannot call value() on it. Also the gauge is not visible in AWS Cloudwatch. I can see the counter in cloudwatch that I created in the same program.
Micrometer takes the stance that gauges should be sampled and not be set, so there is no information about what might have occurred between samples. After all, any intermediate values set on a gauge are lost by the time the gauge value is reported to a metrics backend anyway, so there seems to be little value in setting those intermediate values in the first place.
If it helps, think of a Gauge as a "heisen-gauge" - a meter that only changes when it is observed. Every other meter type provided out-of-the-box accumulates intermediate counts toward the point where the data is sent to the metrics backend.
So the gauge is updated when the metrics are published, here are a few tips to troubleshooting this:
Put a brake point in the publish method of your CloudWatchMeterRegistry and see if it is called or not.
You are using the Global registry (Metrics.addRegistry) as well as keeping the reference to CloudWatchMeterRegistry (this.cloudwatchMeterRegistry = new CloudWatchMeterRegistry). You don't need both, I would suggest to do not use the Global registry and inject the registry you have wherever you need it.
I'm not sure what you are doing with the connection pool (did you implement your own one?) but there is out-of-the-box support for HikariCP and DBCP is publishing JMX counters that you can bind to Micrometer.

RxSwift - How to create two streams from one upstream

I'm trying to observe one Int stream (actually I'm not, but to make the argument easier) and do something with it while combining that stream to multiple other streams, say a String stream and a Double stream like the following:
// RxSwift
let intStream = BehaviorSubject<Int>(value: 0) // subscribe to this later on
let sharedStream = intStream.share()
let mappedStream = { ... }.share()
let combinedStream1 = Observable.combineLatest(sharedStream, stringStream).map { ... }
let combinedStream2 = Observable.combineLatest(sharedStream, doubleStream).map { ... }
The above code is just to demonstrate what I'm trying to do. The code above is part of view model code (the VM part of MVVM), and only the first map (for mappedStream) runs, while the others are not called.
What is wrong with the above approach, and how do I achieve what I'm trying to do?
Also, is there a better way to achieve the same effect?
I confirmed that setting the replay count to 1 makes things work. But why?
The code above all goes in the initialization phase of the view model, and the subscription happens afterwards.
Okay, I have an answer but it's a bit complex... One problem is that you are using a Subject in the view model, but I'll ignore that for now. The real problem comes from the fact that you are using hot observables inappropriately (share() make a stream hot) and so events are getting dropped.
It might help if you put a bunch of .debug()s on this code so you can follow along. But here's the essence...
When you subscribe to mappedStream, it subscribes to the share which in turn subscribes to the sharedStream, which subscribes to the intStream. The intStream then emits the 0, and that 0 goes down the chain and shows up in the observer.
Then you subscribe to the combinedStream1, which subscribes to the sharedStream's share(). Since this share has already been subscribed to, the subscriptions stop there, and since the share has already output it's next event, the combinedStream1 doesn't get the .next(0) event.
Same for the combinedStream2.
Get rid of all the share()s and everything will work:
let intStream = BehaviorSubject<Int>(value: 0) // subscribe to this later on
let mappedStream = { $0 }
let combinedStream1 = Observable.combineLatest(intStream, stringStream).map { $0 }
let combinedStream2 = Observable.combineLatest(intStream, doubleStream).map { $0 }
This way, each subscriber of intStream gets the 0 value.
The only time you want to share is if you need to share side effects. There aren’t any side effects in this code, so there’s no need to share.

RunnableGraph to wait for multiple response from source

I am using Akka in Play Controller and performing ask() to a actor by name publish , and internal publish actor performs ask to multiple actors and passes reference of sender. The controller actor needs to wait for response from multiple actors and create a list of response.
Please find the code below. but this code is only waiting for 1 response and latter terminating. Please suggest
// Performs ask to publish actor
Source<Object,NotUsed> inAsk = Source.fromFuture(ask(publishActor,service.getOfferVerifyRequest(request).getPayloadData(),1000));
final Sink<String, CompletionStage<String>> sink = Sink.head();
final Flow<Object, String, NotUsed> f3 = Flow.of(Object.class).map(elem -> {"Data in Graph is " +elem.toString());
return elem.toString();
RunnableGraph<CompletionStage<String>> result = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(
sink , (builder , out) ->{
final Outlet<Object> source = builder.add(inAsk).out();
.to(out); // to() expects a SinkShape
return ClosedShape.getInstance();
ActorMaterializer mat = ActorMaterializer.create(aSystem);
CompletionStage<String> fin =;
fin.toCompletableFuture().thenApply(a->{"Data is "+a);
return true;
If you have several responses ask won't cut it, that is only for a single request-response where the response ends up in a Future/CompletionStage.
There are a few different strategies to wait for all answers:
One is to create an intermediate actor whose only job is to collect all answers and then when all partial responses has arrived respond to the original requestor, that way you could use ask to get a single aggregate response back.
Another option would be to use Source.actorRef to get an ActorRef that you could use as sender together with tell (and skip using ask). Inside the stream you would then take elements until some criteria is met (time has passed or elements have been seen). You may have to add an operator to mimic the ask response timeout to make sure the stream fails if the actor never responds.
There are some other issues with the code shared, one is creating a materializer on each request, these have a lifecycle and will fill up your heap over time, you should rather get a materializer injected from play.
With the given logic there is no need whatsoever to use the GraphDSL, that is only needed for complex streams with multiple inputs and outputs or cycles. You should be able to compose operators using the Flow API alone (see for example )

How do I combine a Kafka Processor with a Kafka Streams application?

I am trying to construct a Kafka Streams operator that takes in a Stream< timestamp, data> and outputs another Stream where the timestamps are sorted in ascending order; the purpose is to deal with streams that have "out of order" entries due to delays in the supplier.
At first, I thought about doing this with time-windowed aggregation, but then I happened upon a solution using a Kafka Processor. I figured I could then say something like:
class SortProcessor implements Processor<timestamp,data> ...
class SortProcessorSupplier suitably initialized SortProcessor
KStream<timestamp,data> input_stream = ...sourced from "input_topic"
KStream<timestamp,data> output_stream =
input_stream.process( new SortProcessorSupplier(...parameters...) );
However, this doesn't work because KStream.process returns void.
So, my question is: How do I "wrap" the Processor so that I can use it as follows:
KStream<timestamp,data> input_stream = ...sourced from "input_topic"
KStream<timestamp,data> output_stream =
new WrappedSortProcessor( input_stream, ...parameters... )
Instead of a Processor you can use a Transformer, which is very similar to a Processor but is better suited to forwarding results on to the stream. You can then invoke it from the stream using the KStream.transform() method instead of process().

SCAN command with spring redis template

I am trying to execute "scan" command with RedisConnection. I don't understand why the following code is throwing NoSuchElementException
RedisConnection redisConnection = redisTemplate.getConnectionFactory().getConnection();
Cursor c = redisConnection.scan(scanOptions);
while (c.hasNext()) {;
java.util.NoSuchElementException at
java.util.Collections$ at
Yes, I have tried this, in 1.6.6.RELEASE spring-data-redis.version. No issues, the below simple while loop code is enough. And i have set count value to 100 (more the value) to save round trip time.
RedisConnection redisConnection = null;
try {
redisConnection = redisTemplate.getConnectionFactory().getConnection();
ScanOptions options = ScanOptions.scanOptions().match(workQKey).count(100).build();
Cursor c = redisConnection.scan(options);
while (c.hasNext()) { String((byte[]);
} finally {
redisConnection.close(); //Ensure closing this connection.
I'm using spring-data-redis 1.6.0-RELEASE and Jedis 2.7.2; I do think that the ScanCursor implementation is slightly flawed w/rgds to handling this case on this version - I've not checked previous versions though.
So: rather complicated to explain, but in the ScanOptions object there is a "count" field that needs to be set (default is 10). This field, contains an "intent" or "expected" results for this search. As explained (not really clearly, IMHO) here, you may change the value of count at each invocation, especially if no result has been returned. I understand this as "a work intent" so if you do not get anything back, maybe your "key space" is vast and the SCAN command has not worked "hard enough". Obviously, as long as you're getting results back, you do not need to increase this.
A "simple-but-dangerous" approach would be to have a very large count (e.g 1 million or more). This will make REDIS go away trying to search your vast key space to find "at least or near as much" as your large count. Don't forget - REDIS is single-threaded so you just killed your performance. Try this with a REDIS of 12M keys and you'll see that although SCAN may happily return results with a very high count value, it will absolutely do nothing more during the time of that search.
To the solution to your problem:
ScanOptions options = ScanOptions.scanOptions().match(pattern).count(countValue).build();
boolean done = false;
// the while-loop below makes sure that we'll get a valid cursor -
// by looking harder if we don't get a result initially
while (!done) {
try(Cursor c = redisConnection.scan(scanOptions)) {
while (c.hasNext()) {;
done = true; //we've made it here, lets go away
} catch (NoSuchElementException nse) {
System.out.println("Going for "+countValue+" was not hard enough. Trying harder");
options = ScanOptions.scanOptions().match(pattern).count(countValue*2).build();
Do note that the ScanCursor implementation of Spring Data REDIS will properly follow the SCAN instructions and loop correctly, as much as needed, to get to the end of the loop as per documentation. I've not found a way to change the scan options within the same cursor - so there may be a risk that if you get half-way through your results and get a NoSuchElementException, you'll start again (and essentially do some of the work twice).
Of course, better solutions are always welcome :)
My old code
ScanOptions.scanOptions().match("*" + query + "*").count(10).build();
Working code
ScanOptions.scanOptions().match("*" + query + "*").count(Integer.MAX_VALUE).build();
