A map that sometimes run fast, and sometimes slow - oracle

I built up a map containing this logic:
Now, when I manually run the query generated by the sources, adding the 2 lookups with a LEFT JOIN and sorting, the query takes about 30 seconds.
I ran the same map in my DEV environment to try to debug it , but suddenly it ran in 2 minutes(connected to the same connection as in the PRODUCTION , and the map is trunc/insert)
I looked up the history of this session, and its running time is between 6 minutes up to hour+ , with the same amount of data every day!
I've tried adding statistics/increasing the commit interval but nothing seems to help.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

First thing, the query from source (with lookups) return you data within 30 seconds doesn't mean you will get all data by 30 second. The SQL client tool shows only first 50 to 500 records. Extracting complete data set may need more time.
Now, i don't see many reasons for slowness. Here are my thoughts -
Did you find any pattern of slowness? Like during month end or month start etc.? All i can see is mainly source and lookup (if table) data may be reason of slowness. See, when a table size varies rapidly or table is not analyzed or table undergoes lot of delete/load operation, its cost varies and SQL becomes slower. Make sure stats are gathered periodically for lookup and source tables.
May be some other operations (that is running in parallel to your map) is eating up all your resources so its taking 1 hour to complete the map.
how much data it processes? In thousands, millions or billions? Depending on that you can re-arrange map like this source > source qual> lookup > filter > sorter + aggregator > target to improve performance.


Neo4J Cypher: performance of matching multiple properties and creating relationships

A little context: I'm experimenting with Neo4J (as a newbie, but experienced in other database technologies) for possible use as a master data management system within our business of identity intelligence, in particular looking at building up a graph of places, identity attributes (eg: email addresses, telephone numbers, electoral roll data, etc.) with relationships between these nodes that express something meaningful, for example where an email address has been used, or where a telephone number is registered.
Desired system properties: I would like this system to have some specific properties that are valuble to us:
Fast ingestion of information from a significant number of providers (100+), this precludes lengthy (hours) ETL processes, short ones are ok!
On line at all times, this precludes use of the batch importer, we are most likely to use a fault tolerant cluster, sharding would be good :)
Capacity to eventually ingest ~30G records / year (~1000/second) and retain them, creation and retention of ~100G relationships / year, right now we are ingesting ~1/10 of this load.
Where I'm stuck: I have been experimenting with a single node in Azure, 32GB RAM, 4 cores, with non-local disk, running Debian 8 and Neo4J 3.1.1. This happily ingests and relates back together the UK postal address file (PAF), around 29M records, in a few 10s of minutes using either LOAD CSV or home-brew Java and bolt. I have also ingested but not related a test set of email address data, around 20M records, and now need to build relationships based on matching postcodes, building numbers, and possibly other fields between the two data sets. This is where things get much slower when using Cypher, here's the fastest query I have been able to create thus far:
UNWIND {list} AS i
WHERE upper(e.Building) = s.SBNA WITH e,s
WHERE trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[0]) = m.OUTC AND
trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[1]) = m.INCO AND
right('0000'+e.HouseNo,4) = m.BNUM AND
CREATE (e)-[r:USED_AT]->(m)
Indexes are:
Please note that the {list} parameter is being supplied through bolt from a Java client that has already enumerated all the ~20M DDSEMAIL nodes, and is batching into transactions (typically 1000 IDs at a time).
This is taking between 100-200msecs per ID, over a test run of 157000 IDs it took 7.3 hours, indicating a full execution time of ~760 hours or >1 month. The underlying machine appears CPU bound (no significant IO wait time).
Looking at the EXPLAIN for this query, there are no full scans, it's all schema index matching (once I had included the explicit index statement), so I'm not sure where to look for more speed..
(edited to add this PROFILE output):
PROFILE part 1
PROFILE part 2
This shows that the match to both parts of the postcode is filtering a lot of rows (56k), it may be better to re-order these fields to reduce the filter input size.
(end of edit)
As a (very unfair) comparision, I pushed both sets of data from CSV files into a custom Bloom filter written in C#/.NET, which performs similar field reformatting as above then concatenates to generate textual keys, and matches these keys together. This completed convolving all 20M email records against all 29M PAF records in under 5 minutes on a single core of my laptop. It was largely IO bound.
Right now I'm considering using an external application or a user procedure to perform the record matching, and just creating relationships using Cypher, but it feels wrong to avoid a well-written query engine that should be able to do this much, much quicker than it is.
What should I be looking at to improve performance please?
If I recall correctly, the index won't be utilized correctly when there are transformations occurring on the comparison values (such as UPPER() or LOWER() or TRIM()) when they're sourced from another node property. You may need to perform these operations first and alias them, then do the match.
Providing the index hint gets around this, I think, so your match to s.SBNA should be correctly using the index, but if there's an index on any of the matched properties on m:MAINFILE, that may not be using the index.
Test to see if this makes a difference, comparing this query to the older query on a smaller data set:
UNWIND {list} AS i
WITH e, upper(e.Building) as SBNA
WITH e,s, trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[0]) as OUTC,
trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[1]) as INCO,
right('0000'+e.HouseNo,4) as BNUM
CREATE (e)-[r:USED_AT]->(m)
Also, if you could add a screenshot of a PROFILE or EXPLAIN of the query to your description (after expanding all plan nodes) that may help to see where things could improve.
As you mentioned in your description, batching these may be a good idea. APOC Procedures has apoc.periodic.iterate(), which may help here.
Let's see if we can apply that to your query. Try this out:
WITH {list} AS list
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('
UNWIND {list} as list
', '
WITH {list} as i
WITH e, upper(e.Building) as SBNA
WITH e,s, trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[0]) as OUTC,
trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[1]) as INCO,
right('0000'+e.HouseNo,4) as BNUM
MERGE (e)-[:USED_AT]->(m)
', {batchSize:1000, iterateList:true, params:{list:list}}) YIELD batches, total, committedOperations, failedOperations, failedBatches, errorMessages
RETURN batches, total, committedOperations, failedOperations, failedBatches, errorMessages
We have to sacrifice returning the total number of relationships created, however, as we can't return values from the batched query.

Hadoop vs Cassandra: Which is better for the following scenario?

There is a situation in our systems in which the user can view and "close" a report. After they close it, the report is moved to a temporary table inside the database where it is kept for 24 hrs, and then moved to an archives table(where the report is stored for next 7 years). At any point during the 7 years, a user can "reopen" the report and work on it. The problem is that archives storage is getting large and finding/reopening reports tend to be time consuming. And I need to get statistics on the archives from time to time(i.e. report dates, clients, average length "opened", etc). I want to use a big data approach but I am not sure whether to use Hadoop, Cassandra, or something else ? Can someone provide me with some guidelines how to get started and decide on what to use ?
If you archive is large and you'd like to get reports from it, you won't be able to use just Cassandra, as it has no easy means of aggregating the data. You'll end up collocating Hadoop and Cassandra on the same nodes.
From my experience archives (write once - read many) is not the best use case for Cassandra if you're having a lot of writes (we've tried it for a backend for a backup sysyem). Depending on your compaction strategy you'll pay either in space or in iops for having that. Added changes are propagated through the SSTable hierarchies resulting in a lot more writes than the original change.
It is not possible to answer your question in full without knowing other variables: how much hardware (servers, their ram/cpu/hdd/ssd) are you going to allocate? what is the size of each 'report' entry? how many reads / writes you usually serve daily? How large is your archive storage now?
Cassandra might work fine. Keep two tables, reports and reports_archive. Define the schema using a TTL of 24 hours and 7 years:
CREATE TABLE reports (
) WITH default_time_to_live = 86400;
CREATE TABLE reports_archive (
) WITH default_time_to_live = 86400 * 365 * 7;
Use the new Time Window Compaction Strategy (TWCS) to minimize write amplification. It could be advantageous to store the report metadata and report binary data in separate tables.
For roll-up analytics, use Spark with Cassandra. You don't mention the size of your data, but roughly speaking 1-3 TB per Cassandra node should work fine. Using RF=3 you'll need at least three nodes.

Oracle slow down unexpected and rapidly when using sql "update" continuously

The situation is simple, there is a table in oracle used as a "shared table" for data exchange. The table structure and number of records remains unchanged. In normal case, I continuously update data into this table and other process read this table for current data.
Strange thing is, when my process starts, the time consumption of each update statement execution is approximately 2 ms. And after a certain peroid of time(like 8 hours), the time consumption increased to 10 ~ 20 ms per statement. It makes the procedure quite slow.
the structure of table
and the update statement is like:
anaNum = anaList.size();
foreach(STbl_ANA ana, anaList)
qWarning() << QObject::tr("update yc failed, ")
<< qry.lastError().databaseText() << qry.lastError().driverText();
the update statement using qt interface
There is many reasons which can cause orcle opreation slowd down, but I cannot find a clue to explain this.
I never start a transaction manually in qt code, which means the commit operation is executed every time after update statement.
The update frequency is about 200 records per second, but the number is dynamically changed by time. It maybe increase to 1000 in one time and drop to 10 in next time.
once the time consumption up to 10 ~ 20 ms per statement, it'll never dorp down. time consumption can be restored to 2ms only be restart oracle service.(it's useless to shutdown or restart any user process which visit orcle)
Please tell me how to solve it or at least what to be examined.
Good starting points is to check the AWR and ASH reports.
Comparing the reports in "good" and "bad" times you can spot the cause of the change. This can be for example a change of an execution plan or increase of wait events. One possible outcome is that only change you see is that the database is waiting more time on the client (i.e. the problem is not in the DB).
Anyway as diagnosed in other answer, the root cause of problems seems to be the update in a loop. If your update lists are long (say more that 10-100 entries) you can profit by updating the whole list in a single statement using MERGE.
build a collection from your list
cast the collection as TABLE
use this table in a MERGE statement to update the rows.
See here for details.
You can trace the session while it is running quickly and again later when it is running slowly. Use the sql trace functionality and tkprof to get a breakdown of where the update is spending its time in each case and see what has changed.
If you need help interpreting the results you can update your question or ask a new one.
Secondly, as a rule single record updates are not the best way to do updates in Oracle. Since you have many records to update already prepared before you prepare the query, look at execBatch.
This will both execute the update faster and only issue a single commit.

MongoID where queries map_reduce association

I have an application who is doing a job aggregating data from different Social Network sites Back end processes done Java working great.
Its front end is developed Rails application deadline was 3 weeks for some analytics filter abd report task still few days left almost completed.
When i started implemented map reduce for different states work great over 100,000 record over my local machine work great.
Suddenly my colleague gave me current updated database which 2.7 millions record now my expectation was it would run great as i specify date range and filter before map_reduce execution. My believe was it would result set of that filter but its not a case.
I have a query just show last 24 hour loaded record stats
result comes 0 record found but after 200 seconds with 2.7 million record before it comes in milliseconds..
filter is hash of condition expected to check before map_reduce
map function
reduce function
SocialContent.where(filter).map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: true).entries
Suggestion please.. what would be ideal solution in remaining time frame as database is growing exponentially in days.
I would suggest you look at a few different things:
Does all your data still fit in memory? You have a lot more records now, which could mean that MongoDB needs to go to disk a lot more often.
M/R can not make use of indexes. You have not shown your Map and Reduce functions so it's not possible to point out mistakes. Update the question with those functions, and what they are supposed to do and I'll update the answer.
Look at using the Aggregation Framework instead, it can make use of indexes, and also run concurrently. It's also a lot easier to understand and debug. There is information about it at http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/aggregation/

Oracle SQL*loader running in direct mode is much slower than conventional path load

In the past few days I've playing around with Oracle's SQL*Loader in attempt to bulk load data into Oracle. After trying out different combination of options I was surprised to found the conventional path load runs much quicker than direct path load.
A few facts about the problem:
Number of records to load is 60K.
Number of records in target table, before load, is 700 million.
Oracle version is 11g r2.
The data file contains date, character (ascii, no conversion required), integer, float. No blob/clob.
Table is partitioned by hash. Hash function is same as PK.
Parallel of table is set to 4 while server has 16 CPU.
Index is locally partitioned. Parallel of index (from ALL_INDEXES) is 1.
There's only 1 PK and 1 index on target table. PK constraint built using index.
Check on index partitions revealed that records distribution among partitions are pretty even.
Data file is delimited.
APPEND option is used.
Select and delete of the loaded data through SQL is pretty fast, almost instant response.
With conventional path, loading completes in around 6 seconds.
With direct path load, loading takes around 20 minutes. The worst run takes 1.5 hour to
complete yet server was not busy at all.
If skip_index_maintenance is enabled, direct path load completes in 2-3 seconds.
I've tried quite a number of options but none of them gives noticeable improvement... UNRECOVERABLE, SORTED INDEXES, MULTITHREADING (I am running SQL*Loader on a multiple CPU server). None of them improve the situation.
Here's the wait event I kept seeing during the time SQL*Loader runs in direct mode:
Event: db file sequential read
P1/2/3: file#, block#, blocks (check from dba_extents that it is an index block)
Wait class: User I/O
Does anyone has any idea what has gone wrong with direct path load? Or is there anything I can further check to really dig the root cause of the problem? Thanks in advance.
I guess you are falling fowl of this
"When loading a relatively small number of rows into a large indexed table
During a direct path load, the existing index is copied when it is merged with the new index keys. If the existing index is very large and the number of new keys is very small, then the index copy time can offset the time saved by a direct path load."
from When to Use a Conventional Path Load in: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B14117_01/server.101/b10825/ldr_modes.htm
