Hadoop vs Cassandra: Which is better for the following scenario? - hadoop

There is a situation in our systems in which the user can view and "close" a report. After they close it, the report is moved to a temporary table inside the database where it is kept for 24 hrs, and then moved to an archives table(where the report is stored for next 7 years). At any point during the 7 years, a user can "reopen" the report and work on it. The problem is that archives storage is getting large and finding/reopening reports tend to be time consuming. And I need to get statistics on the archives from time to time(i.e. report dates, clients, average length "opened", etc). I want to use a big data approach but I am not sure whether to use Hadoop, Cassandra, or something else ? Can someone provide me with some guidelines how to get started and decide on what to use ?

If you archive is large and you'd like to get reports from it, you won't be able to use just Cassandra, as it has no easy means of aggregating the data. You'll end up collocating Hadoop and Cassandra on the same nodes.
From my experience archives (write once - read many) is not the best use case for Cassandra if you're having a lot of writes (we've tried it for a backend for a backup sysyem). Depending on your compaction strategy you'll pay either in space or in iops for having that. Added changes are propagated through the SSTable hierarchies resulting in a lot more writes than the original change.
It is not possible to answer your question in full without knowing other variables: how much hardware (servers, their ram/cpu/hdd/ssd) are you going to allocate? what is the size of each 'report' entry? how many reads / writes you usually serve daily? How large is your archive storage now?

Cassandra might work fine. Keep two tables, reports and reports_archive. Define the schema using a TTL of 24 hours and 7 years:
CREATE TABLE reports (
) WITH default_time_to_live = 86400;
CREATE TABLE reports_archive (
) WITH default_time_to_live = 86400 * 365 * 7;
Use the new Time Window Compaction Strategy (TWCS) to minimize write amplification. It could be advantageous to store the report metadata and report binary data in separate tables.
For roll-up analytics, use Spark with Cassandra. You don't mention the size of your data, but roughly speaking 1-3 TB per Cassandra node should work fine. Using RF=3 you'll need at least three nodes.


high volume data storage and processing

I am building a new application where I am expecting a high volume of geo location data something like a moving object sending geo coordinates every 5 seconds. This data needs to be stored in some database so that it can be used for tracking the moving object on a map anytime. So, I am expecting about 250 coordinates per moving object per route. And each object can run about 50 routes a day. and I have 900 such objects to track. SO, that brings to about 11.5 million geo coordinates to store per day. I have to store about one week of data at least in my database.
This data will be basically used for simple queries like find all the geocoordates for a particular object and a particular route. so, the query is not very complicated and this data will not be used for any analysis purpose.
SO, my question is should I just go with normal Oracle database like 12C distributed over two VMs or should I think about some big data technologies like NO SQL or hadoop?
One of the key requirement is to have high performance. Each query has to respond withing 1 second.
Since you know the volume of data (11.5 million) you can easily simulate the all your scenario in Oracle DB and test it well before.
My suggestions are you need to go for day level partitions & 2 sub partitions like objects & routs. All your business SQL has to hit right partitions always.
and also you might required to clear older days data. or Some sort of aggregation you can created with past days and delete your raw data would help.
its well doable 12C.

Sugessions on defining the Technical Stack for my Hadoop infra structe

I am planning to build a new system in Hadoop, that brings data from External Environment and then do some transformations and builds up a end product.
The external data (if we can assume it is from either oracle/mysql/postgre-sql data base, there can be n-data bases schema) that comes to hadoop system should be always real time (new data should get inserted and updated data should get updated), may be atleast an hour delay at max (we can poll/push hourly basis).
We can also assume the data that exists in my data base schema is with n-tables, I may need m-tables only out of n-tables that exists in source. And each table data of size in GB/TB. So I can't go with full table replace. I should always go incremental(updates/inserts) push/pull into hadoop system.
Hive may support, by dividing my data into date wise partitions, and can query faster, but doesn't not support updates so I have to go for full table replace always, which does not scalable.
My end goal is "Real time data into hadoop system, read query performace, update performance".
Your Technical suggestions for my use case is very useful.

Using Hadoop for storing stock market tick data

I'm having fun learning about Hadoop and the various projects around it and currently have 2 different strategies I'm thinking about for building a system to store a large collection of market tick data, I'm just getting started with both Hadoop/HDSF and HBase but hoping someone can help me plant a system seed that I won't have to junk later using these technologies. Below is an outline of my system and requirements with some query and data usage use cases and lastly my current thinking about the best approach from the little documentation I have read. It is an open ended question and I'll gladly like any answer that is insightful and accept the best one, feel free to comment on any or all of the points below. - Duncan Krebs
System Requirements - Be able to leverage the data store for historical back testing of systems, historical data charting and future data mining. Once stored, data will always be read-only, fast data access is desired but not a must-have when back testing.
Static Schema - Very Simple, I want to capture 3 types of messages from the feed:
Timestamp including date,day,time
Quote including Symbol,timestamp,ask,askSize,bid,bidSize,volume....(About 40 columns of data)
Trade including Symbol,timestamp,price,size,exchange.... (About 20 columns of data)
Data Insert Use Cases - Either from a live market stream of data or lookup via broker API
Data Query Use Cases - Below demonstrates how I would like to logically query my data.
Get me all Quotes,Trades,Timestamps for GOOG on 9/22/2014
Get me all Trades for GOOG,FB BEFORE 9/1/2014 AND AFTER 5/1/2014
Get me the number of trades for these 50 symbols for each day over the last 90 days.
The Holy Grail - Can MapReduce be used for uses cases like these below??
Generate meta-data from the raw market data through distributed agents. For example, Write a job that will compute the average trading volume on a 1 minute interval for all stocks and all sessions stored in the database. Create the job to have an agent for each stock/session that I tell what stock and session it should compute this value for. (Is this what MapReduce can do???)
On the classpath of the agents can I add my own util code so that the use case above for example could publish its value into a central repo or Messaging server? Can I deploy an agent as an OSGI bundle?
Create different types of agents for different types of metrics and scores that are executed every morning before pre-market trading?
High Frequency Trading
I'm also interested if anyone can share some experience using Hadoop in the context of high frequency trading systems. Just getting into this technology my initial sense is Hadoop can be great for storing and processing large volumes of historic tick data, if anyone is using this for real-time trading I'd be interested in learning more! - Duncan Krebs
Based of my understanding of your requirements, Hadoop would be really good solution to store your data and run your queries on it using Hive.
Storage: You can store the data in Hadoop in a directory structure like:
Inside the hours folder, the data specific to that hour of the day can reside.
One advantage of using such structure is that you can create external tables in Hive over this data with your partitions on years, months, days and hours. Something like this:
Create external table stock_data (schema) PARTITIONED BY (years bigint, months bigint, days bigint, hours int) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' LOCATION
Coming to the queries part, once you have the data stored in the format mentioned above you can easily run simple queries.
Get me all Quotes,Trades,Timestamps for GOOG on 9/22/2014
select * from stock_data where stock = 'GOOG' and days = 20140922
Get me all Trades for GOOG,FB BEFORE 9/1/2014 AND AFTER 5/1/2014
select * from stock_data where stock in ('GOOG', 'FB') and days > 20140501 and days < 20140901)
You can run any such aggregation queries once in a day and use the output to come up with the metrics before pre-market trading. Since Hive internally runs mapreduce these queries won't be very fast.
In order to get faster results, you can use some of the in memory projects like Impala or Spark. I have myself used Impala to run queries on my hive tables and I have seen a major improvement in the run time for my queries (around 40x). Also you wouldn't need to make any changes to the structure of the data.
Data Insert Use Cases : You can use tools like Flume or Kafka for inserting data in real time to Hadoop (and thus to the hive tables). Flume is linearly scalable and can also help in processing events on the fly while transferring.
Overall, a combination of multiple big data technologies can provide a really decent solution to the problem you proposed and these solution would scale to huge amounts of data.

Handle huge data imported from facebook

I'm currently create a program that imports all groups and feeds from Facebook which the user wants.
I used to use the Graph API with OAuth and this works very well.
But I came to the point that I realized that one request can't handle the import of 1000 groups plus the feeds.
So I'm looking for a solution that imports this data in the background (like a cron job) into a database.
Runs in background
Runs under Linux
What's you experience about that?
Would hadoop the right solution?
You can use neo4j.
Neo4j is a graph database, reliable and fast for managing and querying highly connected data
1) Decide structure of nodes, relationships, and there properties and accordingly
You need to create API that will get data from facebook and store it in Neo4j.
I have used neo4j in 3 big projects, and it is best for graph data.
2) Create a cron jon that will get data from facebook and store into the neo4j.
I think implementing mysql for graph database is not a good idea. for large data neo4j is the good option.
Interestingly you designed the appropriate solution yourself already. So in fact you need following components:
a relational database, since you want to request data in a structured, quick way
-> from experiences I would pressure the fact to have a fully normalized data model (in your case with tables users, groups, users2groups), also have 4-Byte surrogate keys over larger keys from facebook (for back referencing you can store their keys as attributes, but internal relations are more efficient on surrogate keys)
-> establish indexes based on hashes rather than strings (eg. crc32(lower(STRING))) - an example select would than be this: select somethinguseful from users where name=SEARCHSTRING and hash=crc32(lower(SEARCHSTRING))
-> never,ever establish unique columns based on strings with length > 8 Byte; unique bulk inserts can be done based on hashes+string checking via insert...select
-> once you got that settled you could also look into sparse matrices (see wikipedia) and bitmaps to get your users2groups optimized (however I have learned that this is an extra that should not hinder you to come up with a first version soon)
a cron job that is run periodically
-> ideally along the caps, facebook is giving you (so if they rule you to not request more often than once per second, stick to that - not more, but also try to come as close as possible to the cap) -> invest some time in getting the management of this settled, if different types of requests need to be fired (request for user records <> requests for group records, but maybe hit by the same cap)
-> most of the optimization can only be done with development - so if I were you I would stick to any high level programming language that does not bother to much with var type juggling and that also comes along with a broad support for associative arrays such as PHP and I would programm that thing myself
-> I made good experiences with setting up the cron job as web page with deactivated output buffering (for php look at ob_end_flush(void)) - easy to test and the cron job can be triggered via curl; if you channel status outputs via an own function (eg with time stamps) this could then also become flexible to either run viw browser or via command line -> which means efficient testing + efficient production running
your user ui, which only requests your database and never, ever, never the external system api
lots of memory, to keep your performance high (optimal: all your data+index data fits into database memory/cache dedicated to the database)
-> if you use mysql as database you should look into innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0, and innodb_buffer_pool_size (just google, if interested)
Hadoop is a file system layer - it could help you with availability. However I would put this into the category of "sparse matrix", which is nothing that stops you from coming up with a solution. From my experience availability is not a primary constraint in data exposure projects.
-------------------------- UPDATE -------------------
I like neo4j from the other answer. So I wondered what I can learn for my future projects. My experiences with mysql is that RAM is usually the biggest constraint. So increasing your RAM to be able to load the full database can gain you performance improvements by a factor of 2-1000 - depending on from where you are coming from. Everything else such as index improvements and structure somehow follows. So if I would need to make up a performance prioritization list, it would be something like this:
MYSQL + enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
NEO4J + enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
I would still prefer MYSQL. It stores records efficiently, but needs to run joins for deriving relations (which neo4j does not require to that extend). Join-costs are usually low with the right indexes and according to http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/milestone/configuration-caches.html neo4j does need to add extra management data to the property separation. For big data projects those management data sums up and in full load to memory set ups requires you buy more memory. Performance wise these both options are ultimate. Further, much further down the line you would find this:
NEO4J + not enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
MYSQL + not enough RAM dedicated to the database to load all data
In worst case MYSQL will even put indexes to disk (at least partly), which can result in massive read delay. In comparison with NEO4J you could perform a ' direct jump from node to node' exercise, which should - at least in theory - be faster.

SSIS File Load WAY TOO SLOW in Large Destination Table

this is my first question, I've searched a lot of info from different sites but none of them where conslusive.
Daily I'm loading a flat file with an SSIS Package executed in a scheduled job in SQL Server 2005 but it's taking TOO MUCH TIME(like 2 1/2 hours) and the file just has like 300 rows and its a 50 MB file aprox. This is driving me crazy, because is affecting the performance of my server.
This is the Scenario:
-My package is just a Data Flow Task that has a Flat File Source and an OLE DB Destination, thats all!!!
-The Data Access Mode is set to FAST LOAD.
-Just have 3 indexes in the table and are nonclustered.
-My destination table has 366,964,096 records so far and 32 columns
-I haven't set FastParse in any of the Output columns yet.(want to try something else first)
So I've just started to make some tests:
-Rebuild/Reorganize the indexes in the destination table(they where way too fragmented), but this didn't help me much
-Created another table with the same structure but whitout all the indexes and executed the Job with the SSIS package loading to this new table and IT JUST TOOK LIKE 1 MINUTE !!!
So I'm confused, is there something I'm Missing???
-Is the SSIS package writing all the large table in a Buffer and the writing it on Disk? Or why the BIG difference in time ?
-Is the index affecting the insertion time?
-Should I load the file to this new table as a temporary table and then do a BULK INSERT to the destination table with the records ordered? 'Cause I though that the Data FLow Task was much faster than BULK INSERT, but at this point I don't know now.
Greetings in advance.
One thing I might look at is if the large table has any triggers which are causing it to be slower on insert. Also if the clustered index is on a field that will require a good bit of rearranging of the data during the load, that could cause an issues as well.
In SSIS packages, using a merge join (which requires sorting) can cause slownesss, but from your description it doesn't appear you did that. I mention it only in case you were doing that and didn't mention it.
If it works fine without the indexes, perhaps you should look into those. What are the data types? How many are there? Maybe you could post their definitions?
You could also take a look at the fill factor of your indexes - especially the clustered index. Having a high fill factor could cause excessive IO on your inserts.
Well I Rebuild the indexes with another fill factor (80%) like Sam told me, and the time droped down significantly. It took 30 minutes instead of almost 3hours!!!
I will keep with the tests to fine tune the DB. Also I didnt have to create a clustered index,I guess with the clustered the time will drop a lot more.
Thanks to all, wish that this helps to someone in the same situation.
