I have created a form useing form_for -
= form_for #category, url: url_for(:controller => 'admin/category',:action => new_record ? "create" : "update"), name: 'udfFieldForm', id: 'udfFieldForm',:method =>'POST', remote: true do |f|
controller is look like-
class Admin::CategoryController < ApplicationController
def create
def update
route defined as -
namespace :admin do
get 'category/:action' => 'category#index', :as => :category
resource :categories
When i have submit form it through an error like -
AbstractController::ActionNotFound (The action 'category' could not be found for AdminController):
Here category is a controller under admin directory but it's looking for category action in admin controller. here i want to call category controler.
Please help me , where is the issue?
The application expects a controller named AdminController with a method named category, but it cannot find it. That is what the error message says and this how you created the link ...url: url_for(:controller => 'admin/category'...
I think that is wrong, since obviously you don't have a category method/action in your AdminController.
Need To Update Routes Like as with in admin namesapce
post 'category/:action'=> 'category', action: :create
patch 'category/:action'=> 'category', action: :update
I am looking for some pointers on getting started with this feature; I would like a user to be able to preview what their post would look like if saved
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
permit_params :comments, :title, :category_id, :slug, :published
# Create Blog Post
form do |f|
inputs 'Blog' do
f.input :title
f.input :category_id, as: :select, collection: Category.all
f.input :comments, as: :text, input_html: { rows: 10, cols: 10 }
f.input :published, as: :boolean
inputs 'Submit' do
So looking at the active admin documentation I can see you can add custom action items
action_item :preview, only: :new, name: 'preview_button' do
# do stuff here
I can also add a custom controller action in the form of a collection_action which will also add a route for me
collection_action :preview, method: :post do
#post = Post.new(params[:post])
So now I have a custom action preview and a button that can pass data to the method (I have hard coded it for now, as unsure how to get the data from outside the form).
This is what I have so far:
action_item :preview, only: :new, name: 'preview_button' do
link_to 'Preview', preview_my_admin_panel_posts_path(post: { title: 'Test Title', comments: 'test comments', category_id: '1' })
# Add controller action
collection_action :preview, method: :get do
#post = Post.new(params[:post_params])
My view gets rendered but nothing gets outputted, how do I then show the data?
Is this the correct approach?
Can now show the hardcoded data with
collection_action :preview, method: :get do
#post = Post.new(permitted_params[:post])
The difference being in the active admin docs
The permit_params call creates a method called permitted_params. You should use this method when overriding create or update actions:
Now I just need to grab the form data outside the form and pass it through my link_to and then be able to keep the form populated with the same data if I go back to the form.
Ideally I would like to have the preview button within the f.actions as then I would have access to the #post object.
I'm new to spree and having some issue with routes, on my form, when I click submit, I get the following error:
No route matches [POST] "/admin/collection_pages/new"
I'm guessing POST is only for create method.
My Routes for the extension
Spree::Core::Engine.routes.draw do
namespace :admin do
resources :collection_pages
My controller:
module Spree
module Admin
class CollectionPagesController < ResourceController
The form
= semantic_form_for(:collecion_pages) do |f|
= render :partial => 'spree/shared/error_messages', :locals => { :target => #collecion_pages }
= submit_tag t("create")
any help would be greatly appreciated ! thank you so much
%input{type: 'submit', action: 'home#create_user'}
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
render 'home/index'
def sign_up
render 'home/sign_up'
def create_user
render 'dashboard/dashboard'
post 'home/create_user' => 'home#create_user', :as => :create_user
Why is this button not hitting the controller?
By itself, an submit tag isn't going to generate the form. I tried your code above and the button doesn't do anything. Unless I'm forgetting INPUT doesn't have an ACTION attribute.
If you had a link to that page, the reason it's not working is because by default that link will be a GET request and you've restricted the route to POST.
So, either wrap it up in a form or use button_to or the :method => :post solutions to make it POST the request and it should work.
Something like this:
= button_to 'click me', create_user_path
= link_to 'click me', create_user_path, method: 'post'
I have a recommendation that is nested below Categories and Awards.
So Category/:id/awards/:id/recommendations/:id
I have an Assets model that handles paperclip attachments to the Recommendation. A Recommendation has_many Assets, Assets belong_to :recommendation
In my Recommendation new/edit views I am rendering a form partial (as is normal) that gives the user the option to upload several assets.
If there are Assets already related, then it lists them. I am working on setting up a custom delete action on the recommendations controller.
My current link_to:
<%= link_to "Delete Attachment",
{:controller => :recommendations, :action => :destroy_asset, :id => asset.id },
{:remote => "true", :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this image?"}
My Controller action:
def destroy_asset
##recommendation = Recommendation.find(params[:id])
#asset = Asset.find(params[:id])
respond_to do |format|
resources :recommendations
resources :categories do
resources :awards do
resources :recommendations
I am still learning remote => true, and how to route this sucker. Not sure if I need to have the route nested or not. I tend to think not. Since I have an Asset.id in my loop, I should just be able to execute the destroy without needing the Recommendation at all.
So the question/s: do I need a route to access a custom action in my recommendations_controller?
Try this:
resources :categories do
resources :awards do
resources :recommendations
member do
get :destroy_asset
Or If you only want only destroy_asset action under recommendation controller, do something like this :
resources :recommendations
member do
get :destroy_asset
Or If you want custom match, do something like this :
match "asset/:id/destroy_asset", :to => "recommendations#destroy_asset",
:as=> "destroy_asset"
I am using Ruby on Rails 3 and I would like to change its conventional behavior on posting a form in order to post from a signup action to the create action instead that from the new action. That is, I would like to use the signup action instead of the (conventional) new action in my User controller and trigger the create action to save my model data that contains nested resources.
In my /config/routes.rb file I have:
resources :users do
collection do
get 'signup'
resource :profile
In my /app/controllers/users_controller.rb I have
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def signup
#signup_user = User.new(params[:user])
#signup_user.build_profile # NOTE: Nested resource
def create
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render :action => :signup } # signup.html.erb
In my /app/views/users/signup.html.erb file I have
<%= form_for #signup_user do |f| %>
<% end %>
My problem is that if I submit the above form, I will be redirected to the index action of the user controller and not to the create action I expect. It seams that the form posts only to the index action.
How can I solve the problem?
I tryed to use the following
<%= form_for( :user, #signup_user, :url => { :controller => "users", :action => "create" }, :html => { :method => :post } do |f| %>
but I have still the problem: I am redirected to the index action.
The problem did seam to be in the routers.rb. The correct code was
resources :users do
collection do
get 'signup'
post 'create'
resource :profile