Form behavior posting nested resource - ruby

I am using Ruby on Rails 3 and I would like to change its conventional behavior on posting a form in order to post from a signup action to the create action instead that from the new action. That is, I would like to use the signup action instead of the (conventional) new action in my User controller and trigger the create action to save my model data that contains nested resources.
In my /config/routes.rb file I have:
resources :users do
collection do
get 'signup'
resource :profile
In my /app/controllers/users_controller.rb I have
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def signup
#signup_user =[:user])
#signup_user.build_profile # NOTE: Nested resource
def create
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render :action => :signup } # signup.html.erb
In my /app/views/users/signup.html.erb file I have
<%= form_for #signup_user do |f| %>
<% end %>
My problem is that if I submit the above form, I will be redirected to the index action of the user controller and not to the create action I expect. It seams that the form posts only to the index action.
How can I solve the problem?
I tryed to use the following
<%= form_for( :user, #signup_user, :url => { :controller => "users", :action => "create" }, :html => { :method => :post } do |f| %>
but I have still the problem: I am redirected to the index action.

The problem did seam to be in the routers.rb. The correct code was
resources :users do
collection do
get 'signup'
post 'create'
resource :profile


How to pass param from 1 controller to another

I want to pass param from the following link in the view of Client controller
and the hash is #client, I want to pass #client.user_id, if i put (:id => #client.user_id) I am not able the get :id in the other controller Estate where I want to pass this param. What should I do ? Is there a way to do it ?(Two controllers are Client and Estate, I want to pass param from Client view to the Estate controllers create method. There is no nesting of resources here!)
<%= link_to "New Property", new_estate_path(:key => #client.first.user_id) %>
create action
def create
# #estate =[:estate])
if current_user.Company.nil?
#estate =[:estate])
serve = User.find(params[:key])
#estate =[:estate])
##estate.user_id = user_id
respond_to do |format|
if #estate.Mgmt.nil?
format.html { redirect_to #estate, notice: 'Estate was successfully created.' }
format.json { render json: #estate, status: :created, location: #estate }
format.html { render action: "new" }
format.json { render json: #estate.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
The code you pasted here should work:
<%= link_to "New Property", new_estate_path(:id => #client.user_id) %>
I think the problem is, you are expecting the params in create method but where as it actually goes to new method.
If you are looking for the create method. You can do
<%= link_to "New Property", estates_path(:id => #client.user_id), :method => :post %>
But that is not the right approach to use for POST actions. The right solution would be to use button_to.
<%= button_to "New Property", estates_path(:id => #client.user_id), :method => :post %>
link_to defaults to GET and button_to defaults to POST, as those are their primary usages. You can override :method if you want them to perform other action than their default.
Simply do this
<%= link_to "New Property", new_estate_path(user_id: #client.user_id) %>
In your controller:
You problem is that the create action is a POST not a GET. The link_to will only allow GET actions.
I made class variable in the controller outside all the actions.
##key, and in the new action assigned ##key the user_id that was coming through the params, and this ##key in the create action. I don't know if its the right way to do it. But it worked like a charm !

Rendering ajax result in different view Rails 3

Given that I have the routes.
root :to => 'pessoas#index'
post '/pessoas' => 'pessoas#create'
And my view app/view/pessoas/index.haml has the following view code. (Submit here will post to pessoas#create)
= form_tag "/pessoas", :method => :post, :remote => true, :id => "participe" do
= button_tag "Sign up", :class => "envia"
And my create.js.erb view is.
$('#user-feedback').html('<%= #message %>');
And the controller code simply saves the model.
def create
#pessoa =[:cliente])
#message = "Success"
#message = "Failure"
respond_to do |format|
Then I go to the root path /
And I fill the form and click on submit.
Then the element p#user-feedback haven't been changed. Why?
I notice in app's log: that the request was done right and the jquery also but it render at /pessoas response but not at current view (index).
What can I do? Or should I just forget about this and make this with $.ajax way?
I want a way to provide feedback to the users.

Multiple Contact Forms - Rails 3

I am relative newbie to all this, so sorry if this sounds mad!
I have used this tutorial:
And I have a new contact form working great.
The controller is at app/controllers/support_controller.rb
class SupportsController < ApplicationController
def new
# id is required to deal with form
#support = => 1)
def create
#support =[:support])
redirect_to('/', :notice => "Support was successfully sent.")
flash[:alert] = "You must fill all fields."
render 'new'
And the model at /app/models/support.rb
class Support
include ActiveModel::Validations
validates_presence_of :email, :sender_name, :support_type, :content
# to deal with form, you must have an id attribute
attr_accessor :id, :email, :sender_name, :support_type, :content
def initialize(attributes = {})
attributes.each do |key, value|
self.send("#{key}=", value)
#attributes = attributes
def read_attribute_for_validation(key)
def to_key
def save
if self.valid?
return true
return false
The views however only work in views/supports/new.html.rb (rendered - views/supports/_form.html.erb)
So I can call the Model / Controller from localhost:3000/support/new but if I try and render the same form in another view from the root directory e.g. app/view/contact.html.erb I get:
undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class
I think this is because it is calling the support model away from the supports directory.
Do I have to create an instance on #support so it can be called? If so what is the best way of doing that? I think I am nearly there. I just want the contact form on multiple pages not just in suppport/new
Yes, you would need to create a #support variable in each action you wish to render your form.
Another option would be to refactor the form to take a parameter, that way you're a bit more flexible. For example, from your view:
<%= render :partial => "supports/form", :locals => {:support => #support} %>
Now, instead of referring to #support in your _form.html.erb, you'd refer to simply support as it's a local_assign.
Yet another option would be to refactor the form a little further, and worry about creating the actual form tag outside of the partial.
Such as:
<%= form_for #support do |form| %>
<%= render :partial => "suppports/form", :object => form %>
<% end %>
<%= form.text_field :foo %>
<%= form.text_field :bar %>
In this case, when you render a partial with the object option, you will get a local variable in your partial with the same name as the partial. You maintain a little bit more flexibility in the path of your form, but can still render the meat of what a Support object is inside of the form while remaining consistent across your app.
To clarify, you could use this somewhere else by doing something like:
<%= form_for do |form| %>
<%= render :partial => "supports/form", :object => form %>
<% end %>
You have to pass #support object wherever you use your contact form. It's working in SupportsController#new because you initialize the variable there. In all other places where you want to use the form, you'll have to do the same.

Updating (Hiding) a group of objects in Rails 3

I've some difficulty in determining any way to update my objects as a group. I have an Alert model which has some alerts for the user. I'd like to provide a way to update them in bulk, as I've noticed that I often want to. I just don't know Rails well enough to know what 'the Rails way' would be.
My controller:
class AlertsController < ApplicationController
def index
#alerts = Alert.all(show: true)
def destroy
alert = Alert.get(params[:id])
## I lied, I'm not really deleting things, just hiding them from showing
alert.update(show: false) if alert
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :nothing => true }
I've been using this code in my *.html.haml view to create the delete link for each individual alert:
- #alerts.each do |alert|
%span{ :class => 'description' }=alert.description
= link_to "Destroy", alert, :confirm => "Are you sure", :method => :delete, :remote => :true
What I want to have is a link on my index page Delete All which I could use to hide(update) all of the alerts. I've been attempting this with a destroy_all method for my controller, but I felt like it wasn't quite the right approach, as I didn't know how to link to something like that. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
Here is the destroy_all method I'd hacked together, for reference.
def destroy_all
#alerts.each do |alert|
alert.update(show: false) if alert
respond_to do |format|
format.js {render :nothing => true}
I don't know how you have routed to this controller but I would probably do something like this:
resources :alerts do
delete :remove_all, :on => :collection
This will create a route looking like /alerts/remove_all which can only be called through the DELETE protocol. By specifying :collection it tells the routing the this route is not a sub route to one specific Alert so no :id is included.
Then the controller action could probably look something like this:
def remove_all
Alert.update_all({ show: false }, { show: true })
respond_to do |format|
format.js {render :nothing => true}
The update_all function will make sure that there is only one database update instead of one for each alert that is to be removed. The first argument is a hash containing the updates and the second argument is a hash with the conditions for which records are to be updated.
And from the view you should be able to link to the action like this:
= link_to "Remove All", remove_all_alerts_path, :confirm => "Are you sure", :method => :delete, :remote => :true
remove_all_alerts_path is a path helper that is automatically generated when you use the above syntax in routes.rb

RoutingError when using jQuery UI tabs with ajax

I'm getting ActionController::RoutingError in Profiles#show when I click a link to render a layout as part of my implementation of jQuery UI tabs. Here's my link_to:
<%= link_to "Messages", :controller => 'profiles', :action => 'profile_messages', :remote => true %>
My ProfilesController:
def profile_messages
#messages = User.find(#profile.user_id).messages
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #messages }
My profile_messages erb layout:
<div id="tabs-2">
<% for message in #user.messages %>
<div class="message-1">
<% end %>
</div><!-- end messages -->
resources :messages do
get "messages/profile" => :profile_messages
resources :responses
What I want to happen is: when you click the link created by my link_to, the layout in profile_messages.html.erb shows and loads the messages in that specific layout. What's going on here?
UPDATE: Adding the new line in Routes.rb gives me a new route:
message_messages_profile GET /messages/:message_id/messages/profile(.:format) {:action=>"profile_messages", :controller=>"messages"}
So I tried this in my Profiles show.html.erb I put:
<li><%= link_to "Messages", message_messages_profile_path, :remote => true %></li>
This gives me a RoutingError in Profiles#show -- No route matches {:action=>"profile_messages", :controller=>"messages"}. Even when I add the following into my MessagesController:
def profile_messages
#message = #user.messages.find(params[:user_id])
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #messages }
get "messages/profile" => "messages#profile_messages", :as => profile_messages
resource :messages do
resource :responses
You don't have a route for that controller action. Rails doesn't map ":controller/:action/:id" by default any more. You can also just enable that route if you want. You could be able to reference this via profile_messages_path.
It's assuming 'show' is actually an id for messages here I think. The default routes for a resource are listed here: Make sure you list your routes first!
resource :messages do
collection do
get :profile_messages
in your view
<li><%= link_to "Messages", "/messages/profile_messages", :remote => true %></li>
Thanks to the combined efforts of folks here on SO I was able to get this to work. Check out these questions for more code:
Exclude application layout in Rails 3 div
Rails 3 jQuery UI Tabs issue loading with Ajax
