Running a JMeter script with nohup - bash

For the first time I'm just playing around with nohup on top of an Ubuntu server. I read few docs about nohup and got to know about the running commands with options such as nohup ./ &.
What I want to know is that, how should I be running the JMeter script (in headless mode) using nohup? Following is the script I needed to run with nohup:
./ -n -t /home/chamith/WSO2MB/new/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin/GamesSubscriber.jmx
When I tried using the normal nohup operation within the script it always throws me an error saying -n command not found. How should I move on with this? Any help would be appreciated.

Although I cannot reproduce your issue you can try surrounding your command with quotation marks like:
nohup "./ -n -t /home/chamith/WSO2MB/new/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin/GamesSubscriber.jmx"
Also don't forget -l key to save the results into a file.
The full command which runs script totally in the background will look like:
nohup "./ -n -t /home/chamith/WSO2MB/new/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin/GamesSubscriber.jmx -l result.jtl" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
nohup man page
nohup Execute Commands After You Exit From a Shell Prompt
How Do I Run JMeter in Non-GUI Mode?
Full list of JMeter command-line options


Run bash script loop in background which will write result of jar command to file

I'm novice to running bash script. (you can suggest me, if title I've given is incorrect.)
I want to run a jar file using bash script in loop. Then it should write the output of jar command into some file.
Bash file
echo Total iterations are 500
for i in {1..500}
the_output="$(java -jar data-generator.jar 10 1 mockData.csv data_200GB.csv)"
echo $the_output
echo Iteration $i processed
no_of_lines="$(wc -l data_200GB.csv)"
echo "${no_of_lines}"
I'm running above script using command nohup sh > datagenerate.log &. As I want to run this script in background, so that even I log out from ssh it should keep running & output should go into datagenerate.log.
But when I ran above command and hit enter or close the terminal it ends the process. Only Total iterations are 500 is getting logged into output file.
Let me know what I'm missing. I followed following two links to create above shell script: link-1 & link2.
nohup sh > datagenerate.log &
nohup should work this way without using screen program, but depending on your distro your sh shell might be linked to dash.
Just make your script executable:
chmod +x
and run your command like this:
nohup ./ > datagenerate.log &
You should check this out:
With this programm you can close your shell while a command or script is still running. They will not be aborted and you can pick the session up again later.

Run a bash script via another bash script to delete a file is not working properly

I have a bash script which calls another, which takes me to another prompt where I have to delete a file file.txt and then exit out of that prompt.
When I call from inside, I see the prompt and I believe that it deletes the file.txt but the inner/new prompt waits for me to exit out of it while the script is running - meaning it needs intervention to proceed. How do I avoid it in bash?
In Python I can use Popen and get it going but not sure about bash.
EDIT: I would rather like to know what command to provide to exit out of the shell (generated from running") so I can go back to the prompt where "" was started.
Etan: To answer your question
VirtualBox:~/Desktop/ > ./start
company#4d6z74d:~$ ->this is the new shell
company#4d6z74d:~$ logout ---> I did a "Control D here" so the script could continue.
Relevant part of which:
/../../../../ (this is the one that takes us to the new $ prompt)
echo "Delete file.txt "
rm -f abc/def/file.txt
You can run in the background using &. In, you would invoke the script via /path/ &. Now, will exit without waiting for to finish (which is running in the background).

How to login into a remote machine and execute commands on it using csh script?

I am trying to execute this script. Whenever i try to rsh/rlogin to the machine, it stops the the script from executing and the commands that follow stop executing, please help.
#!/bin/csh -xvf
rlogin buildsub
pushd $currdir/$currdate/ABC/src;
bsub -I make 64bit=yes dev=opt
Your three commands are each executed separately on your local machine, one after another. Your script doesn't know that the pushd and the bsub are supposed to be used as input to the rlogin.
To get round this, use a here doc:
rlogin buildsub << END_BLOCK
pushd $currdir/$currdate/ABC/src;
bsub -I make 64bit=yes dev=opt

Script and Scriptreplay give me some problems

I want to replicate what I do on my console.
I'm using this command:
roberto#rcisla-pc:~/Desktop$ script -t 2> timing.log -a output.session
and then I execute some commands but at the moment of replication this occurs:
roberto#rcisla-pc:~/Desktop$ scriptreplay time.log record.session
scriptreplay: unexpected end of file on record.session
And record.session is empty. I don't know what's wrong!!!
I'm on ubuntu 13.04,
thanks !!
Well, just I missed the exit command.
This is the complete sequence:
1- To start the recording
roberto#rcisla-pc:~/Desktop$ script -t 2> timing.log -a output.session
2- To stop the recording execute exit
roberto#rcisla-pc:~/Desktop$ exit
3- and then I execute the next command to see the complete recording:
roberto#rcisla-pc:~/Desktop$ scriptreplay timing.log output.session

Can I change the name of `nohup.out`?

When I run nohup some_command &, the output goes to nohup.out; man nohup says to look at info nohup which in turn says:
If standard output is a terminal, the
command's standard output is appended
to the file 'nohup.out'; if that
cannot be written to, it is appended
to the file '$HOME/nohup.out'; and if
that cannot be written to, the command
is not run.
But if I already have one command using nohup with output going to /nohup.out and I want to run another, nohup command, can I redirect the output to nohup2.out?
nohup some_command &> nohup2.out &
and voila.
Older syntax for Bash version < 4:
nohup some_command > nohup2.out 2>&1 &
For some reason, the above answer did not work for me; I did not return to the command prompt after running it as I expected with the trailing &. Instead, I simply tried with
nohup some_command > nohup2.out&
and it works just as I want it to. Leaving this here in case someone else is in the same situation. Running Bash 4.3.8 for reference.
Above methods will remove your output file data whenever you run above nohup command.
To Append output in user defined file you can use >> in nohup command.
nohup your_command >> filename.out &
This command will append all output in your file without removing old data.
As the file handlers points to i-nodes (which are stored independently from file names) on Linux/Unix systems You can rename the default nohup.out to any other filename any time after starting nohup something&. So also one could do the following:
$ nohup something&
$ mv nohup.out nohup2.out
$ nohup something2&
Now something adds lines to nohup2.out and something2 to nohup.out.
my file:
nohup forever -c php artisan your:command >>storage/logs/yourcommand.log 2>&1 &
There is one important thing only. FIRST COMMAND MUST BE "nohup", second command must be "forever" and "-c" parameter is forever's param, "2>&1 &" area is for "nohup". After running this line then you can logout from your terminal, relogin and run "forever restartall" voilaa... You can restart and you can be sure that if script halts then forever will restart it.
I <3 forever
