Modify VS2015 project so it opens in VS2010? - visual-studio-2010

I'm working on a WIndows Forms project in two PCs: one has VS2010 and the other one VS2015.
When I'm working on the VS2010 project and copy the project to the VS2015 PC, everything's fine since VS2015 will open the project without problems.
On the other hand, I have issues when trying to open the project in VS2010 after working on it in VS2015.
Is there a way I can "save as" in my VS2015 so I can open it in VS2010?
In terms of moving the project around, I just copy it to a memory stick, replace the folder in the PC I'll be working in, and then open the project in Visual Studio.


Project is not running with visual studio 2017

I am using Visual Studio 2017.
Everything was working fine, i.e all my C# codes and projects were executing fine. But now when executing any project by clicking on the green icon/F5, it shows loading mouse symbol. And cant run the project. Can build and rebuild the solution. And also can run the project with "Browse with" option. I have tried by deleting '.vs' folder. But have no effect.

Visual Studio - 2019 Unable to Start Debugging

I am working with Unity.
While in Unity, I build my program. It's a very simple program. It's simply a cube that I placed on the screen.
I clicked build and a Visual Studios Solution was created.
I open up this solution in Visual Studios 2019 and I hit Start (there is no other option besides start).
This is what appears on my screen:
How can I get rid of the error message?
I am trying to play with the Hololens emulator.
This post recommended not installing the tools for Unity when installing Visual Studio 2019, that’s why I fid not do so.
Edit #2:
Here is an image from my entire solution from Visual Studio 2019.
Visual Studio solutions can have multiple projects inside of them. Each project generally produces a binary: an .exe, a .dll or a .lib file. If you look at the solution explorer (which you showed in your screenshot), you'll see those projects there. One of the projects will be bolded, and that is the project that is currently set as "Startup project". This is the project that Visual Studio will try to launch when you press F5 or "Start Debugging".
The reason you're getting this error is because your "Startup Project" is configured to be "Il2CppOutputProject". This project builds a .dll, and you cannot start a .dll.
To fix this, right click on "Chapter_2" project and select "Set this project as Startup Project" option. Now starting debugging should start working.

Why does Visual Studio show older version next to project name despite an upgrade?

I opened a Visual Studio 2013 solution in VS2017. I was prompted to convert my solution and projects, which I did. If I right-click on a project and select Retarget, I can choose to use Windows SDK 10.0.17134.0 and Platform Toolset v141, I've done this manually as well. I can build my projects and run them (this is a makefile-based project by the way). Yet Visual Studio still shows "(Visual Studio 2013)" next to the projects' names. Why and how do I get it to go away?
I had the same problem. You can force the upgrade by right clicking on the project in the Solution Explorer and selecting "Upgrade VC++ Compiler and Libraries". It will then pop up the normal Project Upgrade dialog. Click OK to upgrade the project.

How to port Visual Studio 2013 solutions to Visual Studio 2015 such that they are under the VS2015 projects folder

So I recently installed VS2015 after having using VS2013 for a bit. I actually only used VS2013 to create one project, so I would like to abandon VS2013 and use VS2015 exclusively and likely uninstall VS2013
While I was able to open and run this single VS2013 project in VS2015 just fine, I would like to move the VS2013 project over to the VS2015 project directory; C:\Users\myname\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\projects
How can I best do this?
OK got it. I simply made a copy of the old project under VS2015. Still it showed as a VS2013 project, so (with the project opened in VS2015) I performed "Save As ..." in the "File"-menu and overwrite the existing solution file. Now I can double click on the .sln file and it opens in VS2015

Project Not Loading in Visual Studio 2010

I recently installed the Windows Phone 7 SDK that came bundled with Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone. I downloaded a sample app and tried to open the solution file. When I checked the solution view window, the app project was not loaded. Every time I tried to reload the project, it flash as available for a moment and then go back to being unavailable. I tried all the usual tricks like removing source control from the .csproj and deleting the .user and .suo files. Any ideas?
Ok I figured it out. When I open the solution file, it opens in Visual Studio 2010 Shell. What I needed to do was to go to Visual Studio 2010 for Windows Phone, open existing project, and then browse to the solution file and open it. Sorry for the confusion everyone!
