target folder is getting created while building pom.xml - maven - maven

I want to copy the files from Unix/linux server to SVN repository
Do svn export work?
If yes, please help with command how exactly I have to write the command.
Suppose if files are unix server on path : /appl/project/dev
And svn repository is : svn://
And i want to copy all files from unix path to SVN repository.


File Rename Issue after publishing the artifact to Nexus

Background: I am renaming a certain set of env specific files in my source code via jenkins pipeline before publishing the artifact to nexus using mvn deploy goal
I'm using mv command to rename the file
mv <env>
This does rename the files successfully and when I download the zip from output console of jenkins, I have the renamed files( in zip
But the very next time I download it from nexus or from the output console again, It gives a zip file with old file name It is somehow renaming it back to original name.
Has anyone faced this before? Any inputs would help

AzureDevops Release - Command Shell "do not have permissions"

I've created a release on Azuredevops with a Command Line Task.
The script is really simple :
Unzip the artifcats and move it to another folder.
But owner's folder is not the same between the Agent Deployment and the repository.
I add chmod 777, it's works, but is not the best answer.
Do you have another solution ?
AzureDevops Release - Command Shell “do not have permissions”
Indeed, to unzip the artifcats and move it to another folder, we could use Extract Files task to complete this:
Extract Files task
Use this task in a build or release pipeline to extract files from
archives to a target folder using match patterns. A range of standard
archive formats is supported, including .zip, .jar, .war, .ear, .tar,
.7z, and more.
BTW, there is an extension to Unzip a directories Zip and unzip directory build task
Hope this helps.

versioning different directory name from repository

I have a local directory at my/local/directory/ with the files I wish to commit to the repository named differently than 'directory'. Is it possible to do this and if so how in the command line (windows)?
Perhaps you should read the Git manual first. You can name your directory as you like. The important think is the .git folder insight your directory.
If you have no git repository then you should initialize a new one and copy your files to that directory.

How to checkout a subfolder from a local svn copy (and not the svn server)?

For some simple Windows batch script, I want to temporarily create a copy of a certain folder in an local working copy of an svn repository at a certain revision. I do not want to checkout directly from the svn server (because then my script needs to know what the server address is, and potentially I would need to authenticate etc.)
And I can not just copy the subfolder, as the hidden .svn folder is higher up.
I have been trying some variations on (with the repo folder containing the .svn hidden folder):
svn co file:///E:/repo/paper#48 E:/temprepo
But that doesn't work. My Windows 7 command prompt answers with
svn: E180001: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'file:///E:/repo/paper'
svn: E180001: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
svn: E180001: Unable to open repository 'file:///E:/repo/paper'
I am doing something wrong, or is what I am trying impossible?
Your question seems bit ambiguous. I can think of two ways of looking at this.
Assuming you just want a copy of a sub-folder in a svn working copy WITHOUT the .svn folders.
You can use svn export to copy a given sub-folder of a working copy like this - svn export E:\repo\paper E:\temprepo.
And I can not just copy the subfolder, as the hidden .svn folder is
higher up.
EDIT: This file structure is only available in subversion v 1.7. In a subversion client with version 1.6.x sub-folders in a working copy should be self-contained. Meaning you may duplicate it to another place, and do subversion operations like svn update etc. in it.
As you have rightly mentioned in your question, you have working copy of subversion repository and not the repository it self.
You can check out only for a repository that happens to be your subversion server.
When you check out your repository, a pristine version of the repository contents are located inside the ".svn" folders.
This is how svn shows you the diff when your working copy differs from the original contents without routing it's request to server.
It also keeps meta data of your server address and other information which you can see when you do svn info. This also contains your server address as svn url.
Your working copy and the ".svn" folders fully recognize the repository from which it was checked out.
I hope you have understood why you can not checkout from your own working copy.

Where does respository resides in after converting CVS repository into SVN using cvs2svn?

I am using cvs2svn for converting already existing CVS repository into svn repository. While doing it using command line , it makes all the passes and creates a repository in the SVN. But i am not able to find all the files in the particular directory. Where does that repository resides?
I used following command to convert the CVS to SVN repository.
cvs2svn -s /home/user/Subversion/repos /home/usr/cvsrepo
The -s option tells cvs2svn where to place the Subversion repository. This is the database holding your whole project's history; i.e., the part that you might want to put on a central server. To actually work on the files, you need to check the files out of the repository into a working copy. To do so, use the following command:
svn checkout file:///home/user/Subversion/repos/trunk myproject
After that, the directory "myproject" (in the current directory) will contain a checked-out version of the "trunk" (a.k.a., CVS "HEAD") revision of your project. For more information about how to work with Subversion, see the Subversion book.
How are you looking for your files? Don't use ls. Instead do a svn checkout of that repo and you should find your files in your newly checked out working copy.
