Where does respository resides in after converting CVS repository into SVN using cvs2svn? - cvs2svn

I am using cvs2svn for converting already existing CVS repository into svn repository. While doing it using command line , it makes all the passes and creates a repository in the SVN. But i am not able to find all the files in the particular directory. Where does that repository resides?
I used following command to convert the CVS to SVN repository.
cvs2svn -s /home/user/Subversion/repos /home/usr/cvsrepo

The -s option tells cvs2svn where to place the Subversion repository. This is the database holding your whole project's history; i.e., the part that you might want to put on a central server. To actually work on the files, you need to check the files out of the repository into a working copy. To do so, use the following command:
svn checkout file:///home/user/Subversion/repos/trunk myproject
After that, the directory "myproject" (in the current directory) will contain a checked-out version of the "trunk" (a.k.a., CVS "HEAD") revision of your project. For more information about how to work with Subversion, see the Subversion book.

How are you looking for your files? Don't use ls. Instead do a svn checkout of that repo and you should find your files in your newly checked out working copy.


Spring and GitHub: hide sensitive data

I have a repository on GitHub that I would like to make public so recruiters can view it.
This repository though holds my SMTP and a MongoDB URI that shouldn't be shared with others. This information is in my application.properties file.
What's the simplest way to hide this sensitive data and also make sure no one can go look at old commits and see how it was before hiding it?
I have seen some ways on the web but they all look quite complicated...
Thank you for your experience and time
Use environment variables to hide your sensitive data. Like
Set the values at your dev environment.
I don't have any idea about how to hide your old commits.
Make a .gitignore file at the root of your project and inside list whatever files you don't want git to have access to it when you push into GitHUb, for example:
/ (forward slash) is used for folders and
. (dot) is used for files
Here follows a picture of the location of the .gitignore file.
If the goal is just for recruitment, would it be acceptable to have a second copy for recruitment, while leaving the original copy alone?
While there's certainly more idiomatic ways of achieving this through git, a simple solution with minimal git knowledge or advanced techniques would be:
Create a new empty git project on GitHub
Clone the new project locally
Copy the (non-.git) files from the existing project into the new project (using either the console or your OS's windowed UI)
Delete or redact the offending entries from the new project
Commit the changes as a single commit
Push the new project back to GitHub
I have not used it myself, but the open source BFG Repo-Cleaner looks like it might satisfy your requirements of simplicity while retaining the activity chart for reviewers to view. This can be done on a publicly-facing copy of the repo if you wish to keep your private working copy, while still keeping the activity history viewable.
Following the tool's usage instructions, you should be able do the following (assuming you want these changes in a fresh copy of the repo):
The first step is to duplicate the repository on GitHub, following the instructions in the GitHub docs.
To do this, first create a new repository.
Next, mirror the repository, following the GitHub instructions:
Open Terminal.
Create a bare clone of the repository.
$ git clone --bare https://github.com/exampleuser/old-repository.git
Mirror-push to the new repository.
$ cd old-repository.git
$ git push --mirror https://github.com/exampleuser/new-repository.git
Remove the temporary local repository you created earlier.
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf old-repository.git
Now that you have the duplicate repository, you can run the BFG Repo-Cleaner to replace all instances of text you want hidden with ***REMOVED***.
$ java -jar bfg.jar --replace-text replacements.txt my-repo.git
The replacements.txt file would contain the SMTP, MongoDB URI, and any other text you want hidden.
Note that this does not update the latest commit on the master/HEAD branch, so this will need to be manually changed, and then committed. This can either achieved using a final commit using the --amend option, or by making a new commit prior to running the BFG Repo-Cleaner with the files manually changed.
$ git commit --amend
Now that the changes have been made, they can be pushed to GitHub.
$ git push

SVN: find files updated to nonexistence

I am writing a shell script which can store the actual state of a SVN working copy and restore it later, exactly as it was. Currently I have a problem with specific, rare combination of revisions of files and directories which seems to be undetectable.
Let's say that there is a repository with two revisions.
There are two cases:
Assume that foo is a file (or a directory) that exists only in revision 2. At the beginning the whole working copy is at revision 2. Then foo (and only foo) is updated to revision 1.
Assume that bar is a file (or a directory) that exists only in revision 1. At the beginning the whole working copy is at revision 1. Then bar (and only bar) is updated to revision 2.
The both cases are very similar but it seems that they have different solutions. In both cases the file (or directory) simply vanishes. However, output of command svn status contains no information about that.
How to create by a shell script a list of such files and directories?
There is one simple but bad solution. It is possible to use command svn list to get a list of files that should exist in current revision and compare it to the list of files that really exist.
This solution is unacceptable because it takes a lot of time and generates a big traffic to the server.
I posted the best answer that I can come up with. Still, it works only for the first case and has false-positives.
I once attempted to do the same thing that you're doing, and I hit so many corner cases that I eventually went a completely different direction. Instead of using a script, I used a local git repository.
Check out a working copy from the Subversion repository, then create a local git repository in that folder using git init. Add the entire contents of your Subversion working copy to the git repository - including the .svn metadata directories - using git add followed by a git commit. Git is now keeping track of your working copy plus all of the Subversion metadata associated with it. My current git repository has 5 different branches, each based off of a different Subversion revision and containing different sets of changes that haven't been committed to the Subversion repository yet. The git repository makes it easy to switch back and forth between them, and Subversion works as if they were all separate working copies. Even for large working copies, git does a good job at storing contents efficiently and switching between branches quickly.
Note that this is different than the git svn command, which is git's method of directly interfacing with a Subversion repository. I found git svn to be more complicated to use and easier to break things. Wrapping a normal Subversion working copy in a git repository allowed me to still do all of my repository operations using Subversion, and only required me to learn a few basic git commands (add, commit, branch, checkout, etc). It's a bit easier for someone who is experienced with Subversion and new to git; git svn is more geared towards someone who is experienced with git and stuck with a Subversion repository.
I found partially solution for the first case.
svn status -u | grep '^........\*........ ' | cut -c 22-
This code shows all files that exist in head revision and do not exists in current one. This finds files and directories from first case. However, it generates false-positives, when a file is removed when the parent directory (which still exists) is updated to lower revision.

Extra directories and files added to git repository

I had always used Git locally on Mac OSX and decided to try out Github and Bitbucket. I had some issues getting it working and tried a few fixes that others suggested who had similar problems. I was able to push to Github and Bitbucket, but I also managed to somehow add extra directories and files to my repository in the process.
I'm using Xampp to develop locally, and I have a folder in there that I created my repository with, so the file structure is something like this
myproject -this is was originally the repository that I had been using
One thing to note. Not every single directory and file in htdocs was added to my repository. There were only 3 added, and about 7 other folders.
Prior to trying out github my repository just consisted of myproject located in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/myproject. Now, there are a bunch of other directories and files added to it. I know this, because in conjunction with the command line I also used GitX for a visual reference. Now, all of these extra files and directories are showing up.
Maybe I don't fully understand how git repositories works. Prior to this, I had only used add, commit and checkout commands. All I know is that my repository appears to be different in GitX and matches on Bitbucket/Github.
What folder did you initialize the Git repo from? It sounds like you meant to init from the myproject folder, but instead you did it from the Applications folder.
Does GitHub show all those extra directories?
Where is the hidden .git folder?
Is this a private repo just for you, or just for you and a few known others? Are you willing to rewrite history?

uploading code to github

I have created a repository named appengine-testers on github. It is a public repository. Though I easily managed to create a repository but I do not know how to store code there. Do I need to upload the code/folder ?
There are multiple options to do that, i'll just briefly tell the simple one.
git clone ssh-path-to-project
It creates .git folder in the project which is used for references.
cd project
copy the entire project code from any location and paste it in this folder.
Add all the untracked files.
git add .
git commit -am <"commit message">
git commit -a
Which automatically takes the changes.Lastly
git push
It pushed the entire code to the repository
One more simple option is do
git init
in the project folder and then change the remote url in the .git folder created inside the project folder
Once you create the repo on github, it'll give you a URL (that looks kinda like git#github.com:yourusername/appengine-testers.git) with push access. From there, you just push from your local repo to that URL.
It's probably easier if you add that URL as a remote. Typically you'd call it 'origin'.

How to checkout a subfolder from a local svn copy (and not the svn server)?

For some simple Windows batch script, I want to temporarily create a copy of a certain folder in an local working copy of an svn repository at a certain revision. I do not want to checkout directly from the svn server (because then my script needs to know what the server address is, and potentially I would need to authenticate etc.)
And I can not just copy the subfolder, as the hidden .svn folder is higher up.
I have been trying some variations on (with the repo folder containing the .svn hidden folder):
svn co file:///E:/repo/paper#48 E:/temprepo
But that doesn't work. My Windows 7 command prompt answers with
svn: E180001: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'file:///E:/repo/paper'
svn: E180001: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
svn: E180001: Unable to open repository 'file:///E:/repo/paper'
I am doing something wrong, or is what I am trying impossible?
Your question seems bit ambiguous. I can think of two ways of looking at this.
Assuming you just want a copy of a sub-folder in a svn working copy WITHOUT the .svn folders.
You can use svn export to copy a given sub-folder of a working copy like this - svn export E:\repo\paper E:\temprepo.
And I can not just copy the subfolder, as the hidden .svn folder is
higher up.
EDIT: This file structure is only available in subversion v 1.7. In a subversion client with version 1.6.x sub-folders in a working copy should be self-contained. Meaning you may duplicate it to another place, and do subversion operations like svn update etc. in it.
As you have rightly mentioned in your question, you have working copy of subversion repository and not the repository it self.
You can check out only for a repository that happens to be your subversion server.
When you check out your repository, a pristine version of the repository contents are located inside the ".svn" folders.
This is how svn shows you the diff when your working copy differs from the original contents without routing it's request to server.
It also keeps meta data of your server address and other information which you can see when you do svn info. This also contains your server address as svn url.
Your working copy and the ".svn" folders fully recognize the repository from which it was checked out.
I hope you have understood why you can not checkout from your own working copy.
