Laravel Many To Many Method Issue - laravel

I have a many to many relationship between the models User & Notification.
User Model:
public function notifications()
return $this->belongsToMany('Yeayurdev\Models\Notification', 'notifications_user', 'user_id', 'notification_id')
Notification Model:
public function user()
return $this->belongsToMany('Yeayurdev\Models\User', 'notifications_user', 'notification_id', 'user_id');
Pivot Table:
1 2 1
In my view, I retrieve a list of all notifications for a user like so.
#foreach (Auth::user()->notifications as $notification)
{{ $notification->user->username }}
The problem is that when I try to get the username of the user with that notifications, I get the error Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::$username. "Username" is the column on my users table which is just a string. I don't see where I'm going wrong because if I just do "$notificatin->user" it gives me the collection.

As you said, the relationship is many-to-many, so $notification->user in your case is returning a collection of User models, NOT a single user. If you need only a first user then just do
{{ $notification->user()->first()->username }}
If you need to print out all users for every notification, then you will need a loop here to go through all users.
#foreach (Auth::user()->notifications as $notification)
#foreach($notification->user as $notificationUser)
{{ $notificationUser->username }}
I would recommend renaming user() relationship to users() to avoid confusion in the future.


Laravel : how to show CategoryTitle in show views from pivot table

I want show category_title in post views.i'm using pivot for category_id and post_id
Post Model:
public function categories()
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class,'category_post','post_id','category_id');
but show me this error
Property [category_title] does not exist on this collection instance.
You can not access it directly, with belongsToMany you're getting multiple objects.
To access this you need to follow it as below.
#foreach($post->categories as $category)
{{ $category->category_title }}
Or you can access it as below.
{{ $post->categories->pluck('category_title ')->implode(',') }}

I am trying to return users and items datas from invoice

this is my function in Invoice Controller
public function edit(invoice $invoice, $id)
$invoice = Invoice::with('users', 'items.products')->findOrFail($id);
return view(compact('invoice'));
in my View I did
{{ $invoice->user_id->email }}
The relationship you are loading is named users so that is the name of the dynamic property for that relationship. user_id is the User's id, not the relationship.
{{ $invoice->users->email }}
This is also assuming there is always a User for the invoice.
Laravel 6.x Docs - Eloquent - Relationships - Relationship Methods vs Dynamic Properties
Side Note:
The naming could use some work since there should only be one user for an invoice I would assume, so singular. Use plural when something can have many, singular when it has one or none. The relationship should be named user.
You are using the wrong property, $invoice->user_id is probably is the raw integer value coming from the database. You need to call the relation like so:
{{ $invoice->user->email }}
$invoice->user will return the user object that is related to the $invoice->user_id id.
you forgot view name to return
public function edit(invoice $invoice, $id)
$invoice = Invoice::with('users', 'items.products')->findOrFail($id);
return view('invoice.edit',compact('invoice'));
and access with relationship name
{{ $invoice->users->email }}

How to access other fields on a three way pivot in Laravel?

Here's what my architecture looks like:
The idea is that a user have a role on a given group. Of course, the user belongs to many groups, and a user can have multiple roles (in different groups)
I'm trying to get all the groups a user belongs to.
Please forgive me for not using the convention to name the pivot table as groups_roles_users, I decided this way for readability.
So, in the User model I say:
public function groups() {
return $this->belongsToMany('\App\Group', 'roles_in_groups');
In a view I do:
#foreach ($user->groups as $group)
{{ $group->name }}
works perfectly.
Now I want to access the roles table. I want to print something like: In {{ $group->name }} you're a {{ $group->role->name }}, obviously, It doesn't work like that.
If I use the pivot property, it will give me only the user_id and group_id, not even the role_id to search with an static method.
SO, how can I accomplish that?
I'm using Laravel 5.7
Maybe try:
public function roles() {
return $this->belongsToMany('\App\Role', 'roles_in_groups');
$user = \User::with(['roles','groups'])->first();
$role_name = $user->role->name
$group_name = $user->group->name

3 relationships within each others for subscription

I have hashtags and users can subscribe them. here is what I did for subscription:
function hashtag(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Hashtag');
And also there is user relationship in Subscription Model:
function user(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User');
The user Model has subscribes which is supposed to give me the hashtags that the Authed user subscribes. Here it is:
function subscribes(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Subscription');
Now with this code I tried to access the hashtags the Authed user subscribes here is the view code:
#foreach(Auth::user()->subscribes->hashtag as $tags)
{{ $tags->name }}
What I think is that, laravel expects a relationship table here, called hashtag_subscription or something like that. Now I got a bit confused with these relationships. I highy prefer to get around this withput creating extra table, I feel like I can accomplish it without an extra table.
Tables are as following:user, hashtag, subscription
Models: Hashtag, Subscription, User
You need to change your relationships first, because as I understood you one Subscription model has One-To-One relationship to both User and Hashtag:
function hashtag() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Hashtag');
function user() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
Then you can loop through user subscriptions and have access to both Hashtag and user to whom the initial user is subscribed to:
#foreach(Auth::user()->subscribes as $subs)
{{ $subs->user->firstname }}
{{ $subs->hashtag->name }}

How to retrieve user name from user table by using data (user_id) from another table having relationship

I have two models
public function opportunities()
return $this->hasMany('App\Opportunity');
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
I have user_id column in opportunities table and inserted user id (from user table using Auth) every time user posts record.
Now i need a view to return "this post is posted this user".
First I find the post id by
$posts = Opportunity::find($id);
$posted_by = User::find($posts->user_id);
return view('opportunity.detail')->with('post', $posts, 'posted_by', $posted_by);
I have rendered user name by {{$posted_by->name}}
But I got undefined constant in the view file $posted_by while $post is fine. Am I doing it in right way or not? I am passing two array variable to the post and its not working. Any help will be appreciated.
Your controller could look like:
return view('opportunity.detail', [
'post' => Opportunity::find($id);
In the view to show user name:
Post {{ $post->title }} posted by {{ $post->user->name }}
If for some reason you want to use ->with(), do this:
->with(['post' => $posts, 'posted_by' => $posted_by]);
->with('post', $posts)->with('posted_by', $posted_by);
You can put this
public function getUserName() {
return User::where('id', $this->user_id)->first()->name;
in your Opportunity.php model and call it in you view
#foreach ($posts as $post)
{{ $post->getUserName() }}
