JUnit Mocking Bean which is #autowired with userdefined Annotation - spring

I have a user defined annotation class as follows.
public #interface Message
Dest value();
public static enum Target { DEFAULT, TEST }
I use this annotation in the following way.
public class ProcessorBean implements Processor
#Autowired #Message(Message.Target.DEFAULT) Producer<Object, Object> messageProducer;
MessageConfig messageConfig;
Not sure, how to create a bean of ProcessorBean and inject Producer.
public Producer<Object, Object> producer() {
return mock(Producer.class);
I tried the above one and it is throwing dependency error.

I found the solution myself. Hope, this will be helpful for others.
public Producer<Object, Object> producer() {
return mock(Producer.class);


How to use #TestConfiguration

How to override #Configuation which is present under src/main/java with #TestConfiguration during unit tests?
public class AppConfig {
public EmployeeService employeeService(){
return new EmployeeService();
public class ServerStartSetup implements CommandLineRunner {
private EmployeeService employeeService;
public void run(String... args) {
// do something with employee service
I would like to override the above bean with some below custom bean for testing purposes.
public class TestAppConfig {
public EmployeeService employeeService(){
return new FakeEmployeeService();
public class UnitTest {
However AppConfig does not seem to be skipped. That is , it throws an error saying that there is a bean with same name employeeService. If I rename bean method name in the TestAppConfig, it injects the bean created via AppConfig.
How to fix this.?
Note: One possible solution is using #Profile. I am looking for anything other than using Profiles.
I tested locally and found that changing the method name or #Bean to #Bean("fakeEmployeeService") and adding the #Primary annotation works.
class DemoApplicationTests {
private EmployeeService employeeService;
static class TestConfig {
public EmployeeService employeeServiceTest() {
return new EmployeeService() {
public void doSomething() {
System.out.println("Do something from test...");
If we want to override a bean definition in #TestConfiguration, we need:
To use the same name as the overridden bean. (Otherwise it would be an "additional" bean and we could get conflict/'d have to qualify/primary)
Since spring-boot:2.1: spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true (set this in tests ONLY!plz!)
Then, with:
public class TestAppConfig {
#Bean // when same name, no #Primary needed
public EmployeeService employeeService(){ // same name as main bean!
return new FakeEmployeeService();
We can do that:
#SpringBootTest(properties = "spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true")
public class UnitTest {
... // EmployeeService will be "fake", the rest is from "main config"
You can mock the AppConfig bean in your test like this:
private AppConfig config;
Or, like you said, just use profiles.

Defining constructor in prototype bean

Using SpringBoot, I have a Component bean that is defined as #Scope("protoype"). It also injects another prototype bean
The class is defined as
public class MyClass{
public BeanFactory beanFactory
private InjectedBean injectedBean
public MyClass(DataObj data) {
this.injectedBean = beanFactory.getBean(InjectedBean.class, data)
However, IntelliJ complains about the data field on the constructor: Could not autowire. No beans of 'DataObj' type found.. But DataObj is a POJO. I pass it in at runtime in order to create the bean. Am I defining the constructor incorrectly?
Had the same problem doing it this way. It still wants to treat DataObj as a bean on the factory constructor class. Doesn't matter if I annotate the class with #Component or #Configuration
public class MyClass{
public BeanFactory beanFactory
private InjectedBean injectedBean
public MyClass(InjectedBean injectedBean) {
this.injectedBean = injectedBean;
public MyClass myClass(DataObj data) {
InjectedBean injectedBean = beanFactory.getBean(InjectedBean.class, data)
return new MyClass(injectedBean);
Also tried this example from that same link:
public class ServiceConfig {
public Function<DataObj, MyClass> thingFactory() {
return data-> myClass(data); //
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public MyClass myClass(DataObj data) {
return new MyClass(data);
I think I resolved this with some information in Spring Java Config: how do you create a prototype-scoped #Bean with runtime arguments?. Part of my problem is that I tried to put the factory bean in the Component itself, which doesn't work
In other words
public class MyClass{
public BeanFactory beanFactory
private InjectedBean injectedBean
public MyClass(InjectedBean injectedBean) {
this.injectedBean = injectedBean;
public MyClass myClass(DataObj data) {
InjectedBean injectedBean = beanFactory.getBean(InjectedBean.class, data)
return new MyClass(injectedBean);
In this cass, Spring tries to create a MyClass bean because of the #Component annotation, but another MyClass bean due to the #Bean annotation.
So I moved the #Bean to another class
public class ServiceConfig {
public Function<DataObj, MyClass> thingFactory() {
return data-> myClass(data); //
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public MyClass myClass(DataObj data) {
return new MyClass(data);
This appears to work, but IntelliJ still complains about DataObj. This might be an Intellij issue

How can I autowire a specific implementation of an interface by its bean name in Spring

I have classes which implements MyInterface and their names are for example:
MyClassA, MyClassB etc.
How can I get the instance of the class by it's bean name? Something like:
Can I do it without configuring beans in the XML?
I want to use annotations
You can use qualifiers, e.g:
public MyInterface ClassA {
return new ClassA();
public MyInterface ClassB {
return new ClassB();
and use it like:
public class SomeClass {
private MyInterface classA;
You have several options here. The easiest one would be using field names as a component name using #Autowire:
#Component("testClassA") // It is possible to omit explicit bean name declaration here since Spring will use a class name starting from lower case letter as a bean name by default. So just `#Component` should be sufficient here and below.
public TestClassA implements MyInterface {
public TestClassB implements MyInterface {
* Note that field names are the same as the component names.
public class TestClassWithDependencies {
private MyInterface testClassA;
private MyInterface testClassB;
Another option is to use qualifiers:
public TestClassA implements MyInterface {
public TestClassB implements MyInterface {
public class TestClassWithDependencies {
private MyInterface testClassA;
private MyInterface testClassB;
You could even create your own meta-annotations when you need to use the same qualifiers over and over again:
#Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public #interface TestClassACustomQualifier {
String value();
#Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public #interface TestClassBCustomQualifier {
String value();
public class TestClassWithDependencies {
private MyInterface testClassA;
private MyInterface testClassB;
Much prettier, isn't it? One more option is to use #Resource from JSR-250 specification. As pointed out by #hovanessyan it's more JavaEE style of doing things, but still, I think it's a viable approach used on many projects:
public TestClassA implements MyInterface {
public TestClassB implements MyInterface {
public class TestClassWithDependencies {
private MyInterface testClassA;
private MyInterface testClassB;
More information you can get on https://www.sourceallies.com/2011/08/spring-injection-with-resource-and-autowired/, where discussed different approaches with tests added.
Hope this helps!
I think if above options don't suffice then factory implementation is one way to get instance on the fly -
public TestClassA implements MyInterface {
public TestClassB implements MyInterface {
define you factory this way -
public class MyInterfaceFactory extends AbstractFactoryBean<MyInterface> {
private String filter;
public Class<?> getObjectType() {
return MyInterface.class;
protected MyInterface createInstance() throws Exception {
MyInterface myInterface;
switch (filter)
case "1":
myInterface = new TestClassA();
case "2":
myInterface = new TestClassB();
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such type.");
return myInterface;
and then your bean config -
public class FactoryBeanConfig {
#Bean(name = "myInterface")
public MyInterfaceFactory myInterfaceFactory() {
MyInterfaceFactory factory = new MyInterfaceFactory();
return factory;

Can't make Spring's ImportAware to work

I am trying to create my own #EnableXxx-style annotation (namely #EnableCustomizedPropertySources). For this the annotation imports the class CustomizedPropertySourcesConfiguration which in turn implements ImportAware, in order to have access to attributes of the #EnableCustomizedPropertySources annotation.
public #interface EnableCustomizedPropertySources {
String externalFolderName();
String propertiesFileName();
Imported configuration class:
public class CustomizedPropertySourcesConfiguration implements ImportAware {
protected AnnotationAttributes enableCustomizedPropertySourcesAttributes;
public void setImportMetadata(AnnotationMetadata importMetadata) {
Map<String, Object> attributes = importMetadata.getAnnotationAttributes(EnableCustomizedPropertySources.class.getName(), false);
this.enableCustomizedPropertySourcesAttributes = AnnotationAttributes.fromMap(attributes);
public PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertySource() {
return (...);
The problem is, the method setImportMetadata is not invoked by Spring when I annotate some #Configuration class with my #EnableCustomizedPropertySources annotation, so I cannot access the annotations attributes.
The ImportAware class (CustomizedPropertySourcesConfiguration) needs both:

Spring Java Configuration: overridden #Bean method invoked before autowiring

I have RepositoryConfig extending Neo4jConfiguration. The latter sets up a number of beans with #Bean annotated methods. RepositoryConfigoverrides getGraphDatabaseService which is invoked before any fields in RepositoryConfig are autowired. That is a problem since I want to use the autowired stuff inside the getGraphDatabaseServicemethod.
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "neo4j")
public class RepositoryProperties {
public class RepositoryConfig extends Neo4jConfiguration {
private RepositoryProperties properties;
#Bean(name = "graphDatabaseService", destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public GraphDatabaseService getGraphDatabaseService() {
[...] // properties is 'null' at this point
public void foo() {
[...] // properties is initiated OK here
Why is getGraphDatabaseServicebeing called before autowiring is complete? I guess it has to do with the inheritance... If I remove the inheritance then autowiring is complete at the time getGraphDatabaseServiceis called. I've also tried annotating the method with #DependsOn, with no luck.
Any ideas is much appreciated!
Yes, I have seen this too occasionally. I think there are two workarounds.
Option 1. Autowire the bean definition
#Bean(name = "graphDatabaseService", destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public GraphDatabaseService getGraphDatabaseService() {
[...] // properties is 'null' at this point
Option 2. Inject the bean
#Bean(name = "graphDatabaseService", destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public GraphDatabaseService getGraphDatabaseService(#Autowired RepositoryProperties properties) {
// can probably delete the Config member with this approach
[...] // properties is 'null' at this point
