crop image and display cropped image in axes - image

i have an image and i want to crop it i applied this code but its only cropping the image but not showing the cropped image on the axes :
hPlot = plot(xBox, yBox);
imshow(I, []); % No need to specify 'Parent' now.
title('Cropped Image', 'FontSize', 12);
i want to show the message on the top of the axes area that "crop the image" when the crop process occurs and after selection of the area the cropped area will be shown to the `axes2 .some body please tell me is there is any function or method to do so?
thanks and regards`


How to display both portrait & landscape images into a square on the grid without disturbing the aspect ratio?

I am using a GridView to create a gallery of images that I display from a certain folder on my machine. The images are of different width*height ratios. Few are portrait images where the height of the image is like 3 times more than width. Some image are landscape like where the width is approx 3 times of height. And some images are squared.
The issue with my gallery is I have a square for each Image component of my GridView as you can see below. This makes the portrait & landscape images get incorrectly stretched as each block in the Grid is a square. Thus causing the aspect ratio of the image to get skewed up.
The Question:
How can I ensure that I display both portrait & landscape images into my square without skewing the aspect ratio? I am looking at putting some black/grey background on parts of the square which go blank on a portrait or landscape image? But there might be other tricks.
The code:
import QtQuick 2.5
import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQml.Models 2.1
GridView {
cellHeight: height/2
cellWidth: width/2
clip: true
FolderListModel {
id: dir_model
folder: "/path/to/images/folder"
nameFilters: ["*.png"]
Component {
id: file_delegate
Image {
width: (parent.width)/2
height: (parent.width)/2
source: fileURL
model: dir_model
delegate: file_delegate
Just set Image fillMode property to Image.PreserveAspectFit
As the doc says:
the image is scaled uniformly to fit without cropping

How to get width/height of displayed image in javafx imageView?

I need to get width/height of displayed image in imegView and compare it to orginal image size which is in imageView.getImage().getWidth()/getHeight() and listen changes if user resize it form application GUI.
I get this size from imageView.fitWidthProperty() and similar for height, but I get size of imageView not image within it:
I get size of blue which is imageView but I need size of displayed image (green). How can I get it as property to listen when user resize window app (green also change size but it seems to have max and min size so it stop resize with imageView when it is max or min).
I use this property to compute % of size of orginal image in bottom right below blue rectangle.
Is it possible?
E: Below is fxml of this tab:
<BorderPane fx:id="root" fx:controller="..."
xmlns:fx="..." xmlns="..." stylesheets="#...css">
<ImageView fx:id="..."/>
<fx:include source="...fxml" fx:id="..."/>
<VBox fx:id="..." minHeight="110" styleClass="small-padding" spacing="5">
<HBox alignment="CENTER_RIGHT" spacing="5">
<fx:include source="...fxml" resources="..."
<TextArea fx:id="..." promptText="%..." styleClass="-fx-description-text-area"/>
When the ImageView is set to preserve the aspect ratio, one has to calculate the real dimensions by hand. At least I've not found another way.
double aspectRatio = image.getWidth() / image.getHeight();
double realWidth = Math.min(imageView.getFitWidth(), imageView.getFitHeight() * aspectRatio);
double realHeight = Math.min(imageView.getFitHeight(), imageView.getFitWidth() / aspectRatio);
To explain this a bit: getFitHeight/Width is your blue rectangle. When preserving the aspect ratio of the source image, at least one side of the blue rectangle must have the same length as the corresponding side of the green rectangle. Also, the green rectangle will always be inside of the blue one, hence the call to Math.min().
The fact that the Image is not resizing to cover all the ImageView has to do with preserveRatio method.If you want to be covered setPreserveRatio(false);
with a combination of setSmooth( true );
The green border is the size of the original image.
Before adding the Image to the ImageView you can do:
Image image = new Image("FILE:...");
image.getWidth( );
image.getHeight( );
And that is the original size of the image.
As for the size of the image when it is displayed inside the ImageView:
For the size of ImageView inside the Scene (the blue border in your question):
ImageView class has properties for the above.
I am not aware of any property that you could use directly to get at the numbers you want but you might propose this as an improvement for a future version of JavaFX.
What you can do now is write some code which tracks all proerties of the ImageView which have an influence on the size of the displayed image and then compute the displayed size yourself. This does not sound too complicated to me.

How to maintain and apply aspect ratio of images in extjs4

I am working in extjs4. I am trying to display image by using following component=
xtype : 'image',
height : 600,
width : 800,
src :me.imageSrc
Where,me.imageSrc is having image path. But sometimes image is shown as blurred or expanded if image's height and width is too large. So how to calculate aspect ratio and apply it in extjs4 in order to show images properly.
In order to get the size of the loaded image you need to listen the "load" event on the image element, in the listener callback you have access to the with and height.
Here's the code that makes the magic:
var img = imageCmp.imgEl
Ext.Msg.alert('IMG Size',img.getWidth()+'x'+img.getHeight());
Here's a working example:
Make sure you remove the hardcoded width and height ;)

resizing an image using matlab GUI

I'm trying to resize an image using MATLAB GUI. Here is the resize button callback
global im
prompt = {'Enter rate of increase/decrease:'};
dlg_title = 'Resize';
num_lines = 1;
sr = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines);
sr = str2double(sr);
My problem is that the axes don't scale to fit new image size. I mean, when I enter value between 0 and 1, the image dimensions (axes dimensions) don't decrease so the image stretches to fit the axes, distorting the image.
The same thing happens when I enter a value >1.

How to expand the pixel coordinates in matlab?

I want develop an matlab's application that can show the bounding box to the object in the image.
I have detected the object, and cropped it.
And now, for the boundng box, i just have to add 10 in all my pixel.
For exmpl:
I use imcrop function.
But the problem is that i dont understand how to get the pixel's coordinates from imcrop.
[I_crop, I_rect]=imcrop(ImSeq(:,:,1),[])
for t=1:NumImages
for r= cur_r -10:cur_r+10
for c=cur_c-10:cur_c+10
temp= abs(I_crop-ImSeq(r:r+I_rect(4),c:c+I_rect(3),t));
what is final_rect(2), final_rect(1), I_rect(4) and I_rect(3)?
How i can get the coordinates of x,y,w,h of the cropped image??
In [I2 rect] = imcrop(I), rect is the cropping rectangle, a four-element position vector. Within the original image, the cropped area is defined by:
rect(2) the current row
rect(1) the current column
rect(3) is the width
rect(4) the height.
