How to get width/height of displayed image in javafx imageView? - image

I need to get width/height of displayed image in imegView and compare it to orginal image size which is in imageView.getImage().getWidth()/getHeight() and listen changes if user resize it form application GUI.
I get this size from imageView.fitWidthProperty() and similar for height, but I get size of imageView not image within it:
I get size of blue which is imageView but I need size of displayed image (green). How can I get it as property to listen when user resize window app (green also change size but it seems to have max and min size so it stop resize with imageView when it is max or min).
I use this property to compute % of size of orginal image in bottom right below blue rectangle.
Is it possible?
E: Below is fxml of this tab:
<BorderPane fx:id="root" fx:controller="..."
xmlns:fx="..." xmlns="..." stylesheets="#...css">
<ImageView fx:id="..."/>
<fx:include source="...fxml" fx:id="..."/>
<VBox fx:id="..." minHeight="110" styleClass="small-padding" spacing="5">
<HBox alignment="CENTER_RIGHT" spacing="5">
<fx:include source="...fxml" resources="..."
<TextArea fx:id="..." promptText="%..." styleClass="-fx-description-text-area"/>

When the ImageView is set to preserve the aspect ratio, one has to calculate the real dimensions by hand. At least I've not found another way.
double aspectRatio = image.getWidth() / image.getHeight();
double realWidth = Math.min(imageView.getFitWidth(), imageView.getFitHeight() * aspectRatio);
double realHeight = Math.min(imageView.getFitHeight(), imageView.getFitWidth() / aspectRatio);
To explain this a bit: getFitHeight/Width is your blue rectangle. When preserving the aspect ratio of the source image, at least one side of the blue rectangle must have the same length as the corresponding side of the green rectangle. Also, the green rectangle will always be inside of the blue one, hence the call to Math.min().

The fact that the Image is not resizing to cover all the ImageView has to do with preserveRatio method.If you want to be covered setPreserveRatio(false);
with a combination of setSmooth( true );
The green border is the size of the original image.
Before adding the Image to the ImageView you can do:
Image image = new Image("FILE:...");
image.getWidth( );
image.getHeight( );
And that is the original size of the image.
As for the size of the image when it is displayed inside the ImageView:
For the size of ImageView inside the Scene (the blue border in your question):
ImageView class has properties for the above.

I am not aware of any property that you could use directly to get at the numbers you want but you might propose this as an improvement for a future version of JavaFX.
What you can do now is write some code which tracks all proerties of the ImageView which have an influence on the size of the displayed image and then compute the displayed size yourself. This does not sound too complicated to me.


Remove any spacing, padding, and margin so a cell is filled completely with iText 7

How do I make a table in iText 7 with cells that don't have any spacing, padding, or margins on the inside. When I put an image in the cell it needs to fill the cell to 100%, touching the borders without any space of any kind at all.
I tried adding this to my Cell:
Cell qrImageCell = new Cell();
I also tried setting it in the table itself:
But whatever I try there is always a white rectangular area between the QR Code and the border (FYI: I would of course remove the border once it works.
Test with iText 7.1.15
With this image:
And this code:
Table table = new Table(1);
Image barcodeImage = new Image(ImageDataFactory.create("image.png"));
Cell qrImageCell = new Cell();
qrImageCell.setBorder(new SolidBorder(ColorConstants.RED, 2));
The resulting output is:
Potential causes
Incorrect height
You have qrImageCell.setHeight(44f) in your code. Maybe that height does not correspond correctly with the height of your image. It's unlikely though that this is the problem, because it would not increase the width of the cell.
Impact of other cells
Making the table of the test above a 2-column table and adding a few cells shows that the size of the cells in the same row and column will have an impact on the size of the cell.
table.addCell(new Cell().add(new Paragraph("cell (1,2)")).setHeight(300));
table.addCell(new Cell().add(new Paragraph("cell (2,1)")).setWidth(300));
table.addCell(new Cell().add(new Paragraph("cell (2,2)")));
It's also unlikely that this is the problem, because in your output the image is centered in the cell.
There is no white space
Maybe the white "margins" are simply part of your barcode image. In that case, there isn't any spacing, margin or padding, but it would visually seem so.
Verify your input image or set a background color for the cell, so you can verify whether the white area is part of the image or part of the cell: qrImageCell.setBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.GREEN)
In the end the backgroundcolor trick helped me a lot. In the end the QR Image which is also generated by iText7 for some reason has a white border around itself. It's generated by this code:
BarcodeQRCode qrCode = new BarcodeQRCode(text);
PdfFormXObject barcodeObject = qrCode.createFormXObject(ColorConstants.BLACK, pdfDoc);
Image barcodeImage = new Image(barcodeObject).setPadding(0f).scaleAbsolute(44f, 44f)
But indeed setting the padding to "0f" removes any padding in the cell. Just have to find out if there's a possibility to remove that border around the QR code.

UWP - positioning ruler using matrix transform inside zoomable ScrollViewer

I have InkCanvas inside a zoomable ScrollViewer:
<ScrollViewer x:Name="ScrollViewer" ZoomMode="Enabled">
<Border Height="5000" Width="5000" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
<InkCanvas x:Name="inkCanvas" />
I want to position ruler to the top left corner.
Ruler is positioned on the InkCanvas and state of ScrollViewer is defined by by HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset and ZoomFactor
I've found this code (sample)
void OnBringIntoView(e)
// Set Ruler Origin to Scrollviewer Viewport origin.
// The purpose of this behavior is to allow the user to "grab" the
// ruler and bring it into view no matter where the scrollviewer viewport
// happens to be. Note that this is accomplished by a simple translation
// that adjusts to the zoom factor. The additional ZoomFactor term is to
// make ensure the scale of the InkPresenterRuler is invariant to Zoom.
Matrix3x2 viewportTransform =
Matrix3x2.CreateScale(ScrollViewer.ZoomFactor) *
ScrollViewer.VerticalOffset) *
Matrix3x2.CreateScale(1.0f / ScrollViewer.ZoomFactor);
ruler.Transform = viewportTransform;
in short:
viewport = Scale(zoom) * Translate(offset) * Scale(1/zoom)
This works, but I'm a bit lost.
What does the first scale do and what does the second? Why can't I use juct TranslateTransform?
Why can't I use juct TranslateTransform?
Because the InkPresenterRuler.Transform property is designed to be Matrix3x2.
What does the first scale do and what does the second?
Scale(zoom)*Scale(1/zoom) aiming at letting the ruler be invariant to Zoom. No matter what your current zoom level is, the ruler will return to it's original size.
Translate(offset) changes the translation values(offsetX and offsetY) of the transform Matrix.
For details of the transformation theory you can refer to:
Remarks of Matrix Transform
Affine transformations section of Transformation matrix Wiki.

crop image and display cropped image in axes

i have an image and i want to crop it i applied this code but its only cropping the image but not showing the cropped image on the axes :
hPlot = plot(xBox, yBox);
imshow(I, []); % No need to specify 'Parent' now.
title('Cropped Image', 'FontSize', 12);
i want to show the message on the top of the axes area that "crop the image" when the crop process occurs and after selection of the area the cropped area will be shown to the `axes2 .some body please tell me is there is any function or method to do so?
thanks and regards`

BlueJ - GUI JTextField, how to make the corners of it round like an oval?

How do I make the corners of a TextField round?
I'm using Javax.swing.*;
Here's my code for BlueJ:
inputLine = new JTextField();
inputLine.setBounds(480, 350, 150, 30);
inputLine.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 13));
inputLine.setText("ID Number");
what you can do, is first create a Jframe window.
If you want only a text Field, make the dimensions of the j Frame a bit bigger than the preferred text Field size.
Then, set the layout of the jFrame to absolute.
Create a Jlabel that covers the whole screen Jframe.
Create the text Field only after this step.
Then create the text Field at the preferred location in the j Frame.
Design a graphic / picture for the background and set the icon of the background jLabel to the graphic you have designed.
The graphic you have designed must have a rounded rectangular picture in it and the text Field must be exactly positioned on top of that.
Once that is done set the opacity of the Text Field to 0.0. This should work very well...
JFrame frame = new JFrame("FrameDemo");
jframe.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(x, y));
[please add the other methods to create a jframe window...these are only the basic commands]
pane.setLayout(null);//makes it an absolute layout so that it does not reshape itself
after doing this, design your graphics.
import it into the current working directory, where this program has been written.
create a jLabel inside the jFrame.
JLabel label1 = new JLabel("JLabel Set Icon Example.");
set its icon to the graphic you have designed.
label1.setIcon(new ImageIcon("full path of the image _ with the proper file extension"));
textField = new JTextField(desired value);//please add the desired value into the brackets
//set its location and all the other thing that are required
set the location of the textField exactly over the the rounded rectangle in the graphic.
jTextField1.setBorder(null);//this should work
and there you go...the user will think that the textField is a rounded rectangle but actually it is like a rectangle which has a transparent background...
let me know if there are any problems.

How to expand the pixel coordinates in matlab?

I want develop an matlab's application that can show the bounding box to the object in the image.
I have detected the object, and cropped it.
And now, for the boundng box, i just have to add 10 in all my pixel.
For exmpl:
I use imcrop function.
But the problem is that i dont understand how to get the pixel's coordinates from imcrop.
[I_crop, I_rect]=imcrop(ImSeq(:,:,1),[])
for t=1:NumImages
for r= cur_r -10:cur_r+10
for c=cur_c-10:cur_c+10
temp= abs(I_crop-ImSeq(r:r+I_rect(4),c:c+I_rect(3),t));
what is final_rect(2), final_rect(1), I_rect(4) and I_rect(3)?
How i can get the coordinates of x,y,w,h of the cropped image??
In [I2 rect] = imcrop(I), rect is the cropping rectangle, a four-element position vector. Within the original image, the cropped area is defined by:
rect(2) the current row
rect(1) the current column
rect(3) is the width
rect(4) the height.
