Javascript Visualforce update object not working - visualforce

I am new in visualforce apex development, and I am trying to update object of salesforce but its throwing error: "Refused to set unsafe header "User-Agent"".
Please help me out.
I am trying the below code:
function updateAccounts(terrId,accId){
var acc=[];
var contact = new sforce.SObject("ObjectTerritory2Association");
contact.objectid = accId;
contact.territory2id = terrId;
sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
Thank you.

I remember running into this problem. I don't remember the exact reason it was happening - something about being a Community User vs. a Salesforce user.
I recommend using JavaScript Remoting instead.


Swagger getting struck when returning Microsoft.Graph.User return type

I have a default .NET 6 WebAPI project generated by VisualStudio to which I have added Microsoft.Graph nuget package
Here is my program.cs
and finally my controller
When I run this project and try to test the Get endpoint, the swagger UI is getting struck and there is no error being thrown
If I change the return type to either dynamic or object, it works as expected. Maybe I overlooking something basic but I couldn't figure out this issue. Any help is appreciated.
You can speedup rendering for complex types like Microsoft.Graph.User by disabling syntax highlight.
app.UseSwaggerUI(config =>
config.ConfigObject.AdditionalItems["syntaxHighlight"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
["activated"] = false
With this setting UI gets stuck only for 10-15 seconds.

Converting Html to Pdf with SelectPdf ArgumentNullException

iam new here and hope someone can help me out.
iam trying to convert a html string to a pdf version in net5. We had it running in net core 2.2 without any problems. Now we are trying to migrate everything to net5. Well the only part which is not working anymore is converting html string to pdf document.
We are using following nuget package: Select.HtmlToPdf.NetCore
As soon we try the convert the html string with "ConvertHtmlString" we get following Exception.
System.ArgumentNullException: 'Value cannot be null. Arg_ParamName_Name'
here is a simple snippet to repdoruce the problem:
var htmlString = "<html><head></head><body>Test me out!</body></html>";
var converter = new HtmlToPdf();
converter.Options.PdfPageSize = PdfPageSize.Letter;
converter.Options.AutoFitWidth = HtmlToPdfPageFitMode.AutoFit;
converter.Options.AutoFitHeight = HtmlToPdfPageFitMode.AutoFit;
converter.Options.PdfPageOrientation = PdfPageOrientation.Landscape;
SelectPdf.PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertHtmlString(htmlString);
Regards Maik
Ok thx for the hint in the comment..
before i posted my question i did some standard stuff i always do before researching deeper..
Clean solution, restarted VisualStudio and so on.. nothing worked.
Ive checked my nuget packages and i had the correct one installed.
I removed the package and reinstalled it again and well it works now. Cant exactly say what the problem was but.. it works now.

Does Google offer API access to the mobile friendly test?

Is there an API that allows access to Google's Mobile Friendly Test which can be seen at
If you can't find one by googling, it probably doesn't exist.
A hacky solution would be to create a process with PhantomJS that inputs the url, submits it, and dirty-checks the dom for results.
PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API.
However, if you abuse this, there is a chance that google will blacklist your ip address. Light use should be fine. Also be aware that google can change their dom structure or class names at any time, so don't be surprised if your tool suddenly breaks.
Here is some rough, untested code...
var url = '';, function (status) {
// set the url
document.querySelector('input.jfk-textinput').value = "";
// check for results once in a while
var results = getResults(); // TODO create getResults
//TODO save the results
}, 1000);
There is an option in pagespeed api{url}&key={api key}
key can be obtained form google cloud platform.
Acquire a PageSpeed Insights API KEY in and create a credentials, follow the google's instructions.
In C# (6.0) and .NET 4.5.2, I did some like this:
(add in your project a reference for Newtonsoft.Json.)
String yourURL = "";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var response = client.GetAsync($"/pagespeedonline/v3beta1/mobileReady?url={yourURL }&key=AIzaSyArsacdp79HPFfRZRvXaiLEjCD1LtDm3ww").Result;
string json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
JObject obj = JObject.Parse(json);
bool isMobileFriendly = obj.Value<JObject>("ruleGroups").Value<JObject>("USABILITY").Value<bool>("pass");
There is an API (Beta) for the Mobile Friendly-Test. (Release Date: 31.01.2017).
The API test outputs has three statuses:
MOBILE_FRIENDLY_TEST_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED Internal error when running this test. Please try running the test again.
MOBILE_FRIENDLY The page is mobile friendly.
3.NOT_MOBILE_FRIENDLY The page is not mobile friendly.
Here are more informations: - Connection can not be established

I use the datastore of to manage the data of my apps. I use javascript by the way. I establish my connection like this:
// A Collection containing all instances of category objects.
var categoryObject = Parse.Object.extend("categories");
var CategoryCollection = Parse.Collection.extend({
model: categoryObject
var collection = new CategoryCollection();
success: function(categoryList) {
error: function(collection, error) {
for(item in error) {
alert(item +" = "+ error[item]);
The thing is that it worked yesterday, now when I browse to, it says that the certificate has expired. I think it has something to do with this issue.
Can anyone tell me please what I could do now.
We had an SSL issue this morning that caused downtime. You can read our post-mortem here:
The issue was resolved this morning at 8:42am and everything should be working fine now.
If you have any other issues with Parse, feel free to check out
If you hit, you'll get an expired SSL cert error. That's why the API calls aren't working, same thing happening for my app. I can't imagine this happening in a professional context, but there it is. I've sent a message to support. Strangely, my tweet didn't show up on #ParseIt.
Same thing is happening for me. I don't think is your code - probably a problem on their site. Hopefully it'll get resolved soon. is still a buggy system but you can access your data through web interface like
Mention you and can access to your data.

how to parse json multi dimenstional array in titanium or xcode

My drupal developer given a url like:http://feed.local/feed/services/rest/viewget/test.json
then am getting the out put as(when am browsing from chrome browser) below:
[{"nid":"133","node_title":"What is life really all about?"},{"nid":"139","node_title":"What went wrong?"}]
I am using sumitk tutorial that is how to develop iphone app using drupal as base system with titanium.
My problem is how can i parse the above in titanium .Can any one help.....
Or else If any one help me how can i use this in xcode........
You can use Titanium.JSON.parse
JSON.parse will help you, it is a function included by Titanium. Make sure you encapsulate it within a try {} catch(excp) {}
For example:
var data = JSON.parse('[{"nid":"133","node_title":"What is life really all about?"},{"nid":"139","node_title":"What went wrong?"}]');
catch (excp)
alert('JSON parse error');
