How to change Laravel 5 sessions to redis - laravel

I now set a lot of values to the session using Session::put and Session::get. If I want to use Redis throughout the application, is it true that I just need to replace all Session:: with Redis:: to make it work?
By the way, I already installed the Redis package

All you have to do is just changing your .env file :
and use Session::get() etc.

You should change in connfig/session.php 'driver' => env('SESSION_DRIVER', 'file'), file to redis.


how to change database configs in laravel?

My larave app have setup steps.
In the database configuration step, user inputs should be placed as database configuration, but i dont know how can i set custom configs for database.
I used this code, but it changes the configs temporarily and doesn't save them.
Config::set("database.connections.mysql", [
"host" => "",
"database" => "...database...",
"username" => "...username...",
"password" => "...password..."
Just try to change .env file or on config/database.php do your corrections

How to disable Redis in Laravel for dev version

I have a Laravel API that I need to test locally. How can I disable Redis cache on a local Laravel server? I can't disable it manually deleting all Redis::connection cases.
You can change "Default Cache Store" in config/cache.php file in your project.
By default you should have this 'default' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'),
You have a few solutions depending on what you have there:
if you already have changed default cache driver on that file, just change it to 'file' (not recommended!)
better would be change to default value 'default' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'), but add appropriate value in .env file CACHE_DRIVER=file

hide laravel application from wappalyzer extension

I am trying to hide laravel application from wappalyzer extension, already i changed my session name and clear cache but still wappalyzer can detect laravel application.
In the config/session.php, try changing:
'cookie' => 'laravel_session',
To something like:
'cookie' => 'app_name_session',
Laravel 8 - .env file just change your APP_NAME=Value
APP_NAME=Your Application Name
Wappalyzer Extension - Setting - Clear cached detections
Wappalyzer- Clear cached detections

Bypass Cache when in Dev Environment

Case scenario:
$dbResult = myEloquentClass::remember(60)->all();
My results are being cached, which works great for a production environment.
However, i am finding myself removing the remember method in my development environment since i don't want to cache my database results.
This results in a lot of unnecessary removal/additions of code.
Is there a way to bypass the cache globally for eloquent's remember when in development environment?
In laravel - 4 edit the app/config/local/cache.php file and set the driver to array.
return array(
'driver' => 'array',
For laravel 5 - edit the .env file and set the CACHE_DRIVER to array
As posted by #bogdan,
I switch my development cache.php config file's driver to array, and works as advertised.

How do you set default engine for the Schema Builder?

How can you set a default engine when using migrations (Schema Builder)? I recently got place on a shared hosting and their default MySQL engine is MyISAM. Instead of having to rewrite all my migration files to include $table->engine = 'InnoDB' I'm wondering if you can set this as default.
Is it possible?
I don't think it is,the docs Can't find any other mentioning of db engine in the docs.
You would expect it to be possible in app/config/database.php
I manage to do it. I'm using Laravel 5.5. In the config/database.php:
'connections' => [
'mysql' => [
'engine' => env('DB_ENGINE', null)
As you may know this will fetch the DB_ENGINE var from en .env file.
So in that file I setted like this:
It will work if you set the var to InnoDB also.
