hide laravel application from wappalyzer extension - laravel

I am trying to hide laravel application from wappalyzer extension, already i changed my session name and clear cache but still wappalyzer can detect laravel application.

In the config/session.php, try changing:
'cookie' => 'laravel_session',
To something like:
'cookie' => 'app_name_session',

Laravel 8 - .env file just change your APP_NAME=Value
APP_NAME=Your Application Name
Wappalyzer Extension - Setting - Clear cached detections
Wappalyzer- Clear cached detections


How to disable Redis in Laravel for dev version

I have a Laravel API that I need to test locally. How can I disable Redis cache on a local Laravel server? I can't disable it manually deleting all Redis::connection cases.
You can change "Default Cache Store" in config/cache.php file in your project.
By default you should have this 'default' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'),
You have a few solutions depending on what you have there:
if you already have changed default cache driver on that file, just change it to 'file' (not recommended!)
better would be change to default value 'default' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'), but add appropriate value in .env file CACHE_DRIVER=file

Laravel auth nothing happen when trying to login with default laravel auth page

I have previously transferred laravel from server to another by copying the laravel project folder, now when i try to login using default laravel auth page , if i enter wrong auth value i get error auth.failed
but when i enter a valid auth value the page refresh but nothing happen.
I notice from browser view source the value of CSRF token is changing one i enter the valid auth value
I tried to delete the session files /storage/framework/sessions
and tried
php artisan view:clear
php aritsan cache:clear
but nothing happen.
How can i fix this issue.
Use Laravel Debugbar for easily debugging such kind of cases.
It's good, simple and sweet ^
I fixed the issue.
In the previous server i was using SSL for my domain so the cookies setting in /config/session.php was true:-
'secure' => env('SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE', true),
Since, the current new server i am not using https when i open my website, so i set the value to false
'secure' => env('SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE', false),
Now everything working fine.

Laravel keeps logging me out after login

I have Laravel set up. I am running multiple domains to it. Before yesterday I had one top level domain and a few sub domains. I added another TLD yesterday and everything started working weird. Specifically, when trying to log into the admin section it redirects to the home page. I have one admin but server domains coming to the site. My route group it:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => 'auth'], function() {
Sometimes is actually brings me into the admin but as soon as I click on a link I get logged out and redirected to the home page. I keep seeing 401 errors in the console as well.
What would cause this?
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => 'auth'], function() {
Route::get('/', 'AdminController#index');
Route::get('/pages', 'AdminController#pages');
Route::get('page/create', 'AdminController#createPagePage');
Route::post('createPage', 'AdminController#createPage');
Route::get('/page/edit/{page_id}', 'AdminController#editPagePage');
Route::post('editPage', 'AdminController#editPage');
$redirectTo = '/';
If you are using Linux, try to check the session file permissions and change them so the app can write session keys on that file and if it doesn't work, try to change the session driver to database.
how to change the session driver?
Go to your .env file and change SESSION_DRIVER=file to SESSION_DRIVER=database.
create a session migration: php artisan session:table.
composer dump-autoload.
Finally migrate (php artisan migrate).
Have you setting the SESSION_DOMAIN right?
One thing you may notice is that session isn’t saved when the user is logged-in in one store and goes to another. To fix that issue, we’ll need to add a SESSION_DOMAIN variable to our .env file, for example:
That’s all, now user session will be shared across all shops/subdomains in our app.
If you are confident with the domain setup correctly. Please verify these few things.
1. Your config/session.php is correctly setup to support multiple domains.
'driver' => env('SESSION_DRIVER', 'file'), // check /storage folder writtable recursivelly.
'domain' => env('SESSION_DOMAIN', null), // verify if single domain is not given in .env or in settings.
'same_site' => null // it should not be strict if you have ajax request across these domain. I mean from javascript you may try to request to other domain.
2. Confirm, if your routes are not group under domain specific. something like:
Route::group(['domain' => 'xxx'], function($params)
// your routes..
3. If there is any hardcoded domain verification/conditions or redirection added in code.
4. Any values in .env poiting to single domain.
5. Also don't forgot to clear the cache/compiled view/routes and delete the temp files once. like generated files inside /app/bootstrap & /storage
// Clear Application Cache
php artisan cache:clear
// Clear route cache
php artisan route:cache
// Clear config cache
php artisan config:cache
// Clear compiled view files
php artisan view:clear
6. Any thirdparty package might contains the domain settings. Make sure to verify the files in your /config folder.
7. Check the url rewrite settings in .htaccess
8. Do confirm if there is any proxy settings are there or any software installed on server - very rare case.
In case still having issue, please restart the apache/nginx service once because sometimes the config changes not effected after change that might need server restart.
Hopefully it helps.

The page has expired due to inactivity. Why?

I have a problem. I have 2 computers, the first is Ubuntu and the second is Windows 10. Both computers have a bundle of Vagrant + VirtualBox + Homestead. On a computer with Ubuntu, everything works fine, and on a computer with Windows 10 when I try to send a form to the server, I get the status 419 and the message:
The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again.
The CSRF token is updated every time the page is refreshed. This is a clean installation of Laravel + php artisan make:auth and php artisan migrate (default tables) in the clean Homestead environment on both PC. The rights to the session directory are full, the user is vagrant, the group is vagrant. Session file is created..env files are identical (standard), except for the name of the database. What could be the problem? I really need your help!
All the advice on a similar problem did not help me. Cache view, config, etc. i cleaned, the key generated anew. The browser cache was cleaned, cookies checked - on the spot. The only difference between the two computers is the operating system, but does it matter when Laravel is on the Homestead virtual machine?
From your video, change the APP_NAME in your .env file to something other than ‘Laravel’.
I would bet, you have other sites running under the same local URL that have the same APP_NAME.
Changing the APP_NAME changes the session cookie name in config/sessions.php
'cookie' => env(
str_slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel'), '_').'_session'
You can manually override the cookie name by setting the SESSION_COOKIE variable in your .env file OR let it fallback to the calculated slug above that utilizes the app name (2nd parameter).
Google Chrome is the only browser this happens in for some reason. I spent almost a year trying to figure this problem out and this was the solution!
Add the route entry in app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php
protected $except = [
If you have already included the CSRF token in your form. Then you are getting the error page possibly beacuse of cache data in your form. Open your terminal / command prompt and run these commands in your project root.
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan view:clear
Also try to clear the browser cache along with running these commands.
Make sure the session secure value in file app / config / session.php is set to null.
'secure' => env('SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE', false),

session not working on server in cakephp

I am working in cakephp. My all code working fine but when I upload the code on server then session functionality does not work.
There are no error on server.Just session does not write or read.
I am using go Daddy hosting.
my core file settings are:-
Configure::write('Session', array(
'defaults' => 'cake'
// Session cookie now persists across all subdomains
ini_set('session.cookie_domain', env('HTTP_BASE'));
and temp folder is writable and session id and other values in session are shown in temp folder file.but session still not working.
I got my answer that there is a space problem after php closing tag in my one cotroller so just removed that space like
(?> ) to (?>)
