Adding colour bar to my figure in Gephi - colorbar

I have created a network in Gephi. There is a particular node attribute (float values) that I have added to the nodes of my network. The colour of each node corresponds to this particular quantity which I have added as a node attribute. Now, I want to add a colour bar (for this node attribute) beside the figure for my network. Is that possible and how can I do that?


JavaFX Binding Height and Y coordinate to another container

In my project I have a gridpane of Hboxes, and directly adjacent to the bottom right box in the gridpane I'd like to add another pane with a label in it. This pane must always share the height of the GridPane's elements, and also share the same y axis coordinate as the bottom right element.
I tried to accomplish this by providing the gridpane's bottom right element the name "actionLabelPin" and providing the new pane the name "ActionLabel" and executing
Though this doesn't work to bind the heights of the two containers.
Below is an image to help visualize the task I'm trying to accomplish, where the grey pane is "ActionLabel" and the box directly to the left is "actionLabelPin"

Alignment and Colors of Data Point Outliers of Box Plot

Is it possible to align the data points and outliers of box plot in one straight line like in center of box plot?
Additionally, can I color the data points?
The current and the desired screen shot are attached with it.
You can use
to not spread the points out at all. Documentation.
General advice on changing the color or style of anything, if there is no accessor for it:
Look for the chart in the chart selectors wiki, or if it's not there, inspect the item you want to change in the developer tools and find out what SVG tag and CSS class the item has. In this case, it's
Add a pretransition handler which selects the items you want, and changes them:
var cc = d3.scaleOrdinal().range(d3.schemeDark2);
bp02.on('pretransition', chart => {
chart.selectAll('').attr('fill', function(d) {
const boxDatum =;
return cc(boxDatum.value[d]);
In this case, we're creating an ordinal scale to map the available data to the colors in a color scheme.
The interesting question is here is what data to bind to the color of the dots, and how to get that data.
A box plot's data consists of an array of key/value pairs where each value is a Y value. When the box plot draws it will bind each element to the index of the data in the array.
So we need to get the array that is bound to the box. Luckily will give us the key/value pair for the box.
For this example, we are encoding the color based on the Y value, which we get by looking inside boxDatum.value. You don't specify how you want the dots colored but this shows the data that is available.

How to have grid layout components with different cell heights in Unity

I am trying to build a scene in my 2D game which has a panel whose elements are arranged as in this image:
The ScrollRect should dynamically add rows after users provide values to the InputField, select an option from the Dropdown, and then click the Button. This all works fine, except that the viewable area of for the ScrollRect has the same vertical size as its siblings within the parent panel.
This happens because the GridLayoutGroup of the parent panel requires the child cell sizes to be specified, and if I specify a value which makes sense for the top two panels it is too short for the ScrollRect. Putting a ContentSizeFitter on the parent panel does not help (also, despite Unity warning against it, there is a ContentSizeFitter on the content of the ScrollRect since without one the newly added rows will not appear when scrolling).
So my question is:
what do I need to do to allow the vertical sizing of the children of the top level panel to be based on their sizes, when one child's vertical size will change dynamically?
For grid layout you cannot control the cell sizes dynamically . Instead you can use horizantal / vertical layout groups where you can find an option control child size . And as mentioned in above ans add Layout element to child component and adjust the sizes
Both #Programmer and #Salma572 answers are true. If you want that size to be a fixed number or pixels, use a LayoutElement. However, It doesn't seem you can use a scale (in percent) or anything else dynamic.
It's a shame but you'll probably need to write a script.
It is possible. Attach Layout Element component to each child GameObject. You can then dynamically change the size of each child GameObject by modifying the Layout Element's Preferred Width and Height variable.

Graphviz: xlabel position

I have nodes in my diagram with their xlabels positioned left above them. How can I change this position? I want the xlabels to be exactly next to the node itself.
xlp is the attribute you want, but it doesn't do anything.
You can't change the position because xlp is "write only", which indicates that the attribute is used for output, and is not used or read by any of the layout programs.

How do I measure the width available for text in a tree view item?

I have a standard Win32 tree view control. I'm putting a file name into the root node. To avoid asking the user to use a horizontal scroll bar I would like to shorten the text using PathCompactPath to fit in the space available on the control.
So, in order to do this I need to measure the distance marked in the screenshot above. I know about TVM_GETITEMRECT but it returns a rect that includes the space taken up by the icon.
So, how can I obtain the metric I need? Is it even possible to do so?
Are you specifying TRUE or FALSE for the wParam parameter of TVM_GETITEMRECT? It should be TRUE to get the node's text rectangle. Once you have that, you can subtract the rectangles's left pixel value from the client width of the TreeView to get the width you are looking for.
