Logstash Filter for a custom message - elasticsearch

I am trying to parse a bunch of strings in Logstash and output is set as ElasticSearch.
Sample input string is: 2016 May 24 10:20:15 User1 CREATE "Create a new folder"
The grok filter is:
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{WORD:user} %{WORD:action_performed} %{WORD:action_description} "}
In Elasticsearch, I am not able to see separate columns for different field such as timstamp, user, action_performed etc.
Instead the whole string is under a single column "message".
I would like to store the information in separate fields instead of just a single column.
Not sure what to change in logstash filter to achieve as desired.

You need to change your grok pattern with this, i.e. use QUOTEDSTRING instead of WORD and it will work!
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{WORD:user} %{WORD:action_performed} %{QUOTEDSTRING:action_description}"}


Logstash - Breaking apart a field filtered with Grok into further fields

We have log messages that look like the following:
<TE CT="20:33:57.258102" Sv="N" As="CTWare.PerimeterService" T="PerimeterService" M="GetWallboard" TID="1" TN="" MID="" ID="" MSG="Exit method 'GetWallboard' took 00:00:00.0781247" />
Right now, we use the following Grok filter:
match => { "message" => "<TE CT=\"%{DATESTAMP:log_timestamp}\" Sv=%{QS:severity} As=%{QS:assembly} T=%{QS:T} M=%{QS:M} TID=%{QS:TID} TN=%{QS:TN} MID=%{QS:MID} ID=%{QS:ID} MSG=%{QS:log_raw} />" }
Inside the "MSG" / "log_raw" field, however, I want to try and extract the timestamp after "...took" into its own field. I was hoping to accomplish it by using a custom regex to extract "MSG" / "log_raw" up to a specific point, then another regex to capture the "took" timestamp and make a new field. But, when I test with online Grok debuggers I'm not having any luck. Is it even possible to do something like this?
Your CT field does not match DATESTAMP. It will match TIME. You can then use a second grok to pull the time from the [log_raw] field.
grok { match => { "[log_raw]" => "took %{TIME:someField}" } }
to get
"someField" => "00:00:00.0781247",
I would be tempted to use an xml filter to parse that [message], since it will adjust if there are ever additional or missing fields.

How to parse a log string in Logstash using Grok?

I am trying to parse the following string using Grok;
2018-06-08 13:26:02.002851: <action cmd="run" options="IGNORE_ERROR" path="/usr/lib/vmware/likewise/bin/lw-lsa get-metrics"> (/etc/vmware/vm-support/ad.mfx) took 0.000 sec
I want to separate the above out into columns ultimately like TIMESTAMP, ACTION, OPTIONS, PATH etc - I have tried multiple combinations but have so far failed.
Grok pattern for above log:->
%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time}:%{SPACE}\<%{WORD:action}%{SPACE} %{DATA:kvpairs}\>%{SPACE}\(%{DATA:path_2}\)%{SPACE}took%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:time_taken}%{SPACE}%{WORD:time_unit}
In the above grok pattern, I have captured cmd, options and path in an event named kvpairs. This is because these key-value pairs can be easily extracted in logstash using kv filter. So your filter configuration will look like:->
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}:%{SPACE}\<%{WORD:action}%{SPACE} %{DATA:kvpairs}\>%{SPACE}\(%{DATA:path_2}\)%{SPACE}took%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:time_taken}%{SPACE}%{WORD:time_unit}"}
source => "kvpairs"
match => ["timestamp","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"]
kv filter by default takes space as the delimiter and will extract columns cmd,options and path.
date filter will make the #timestamp variable.

elastic stack : i need set Time Filter field name with another field

i need read messages(content is logs) from rabbitMq by logstash and then send that to elasticsearch for make visualize monitoring in kibana. so i wrote input for read from rabbitmq in logstash like this:
input {
rabbitmq {
queue => "testLogstash"
host => "localhost"
and i wrote output configuration for store in elasticsearch in logstash like this:
output {
hosts => "http://localhost:9200"
index => "d13-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
Both of them are placed in myConf.conf
In the content of each message, there is a Json that contains the fields like this:
"mDate":"MMMM dd YYYY, HH:mm:ss.SSS"
"name":"test name"
But there are two problems. First, there is no date field in the field of creating a new index(Time Filter field name). Second, I use the same timestamp as the default #timestamp, this field will not be displayed in the build type of graphs. I think the reason for this is because of the data type of the field. The field is of type date, but the string is considered.
i try to convert value of field to date by mutate in logstash config like this:
filter {
mutate {
convert => { "mdate" => "date" }
Now, two questions arise:
1- Is this the problem? If yes What is the right solution to fix it?
2- My main need is to use the time when messages are entered in the queue, not when Logstash takes them. What is the best solution?
If you don't specify a value for #timestamp, you should get the current system time when elasticsearch indexes the document. With that, you should be able to see items in kibana.
If I understand you correctly, you'd rather use you mDate field for #timestamp. For this, use the date{} filter in logstash.

Is it possible to index only the matched log lines of grok in Logstash?

I'm having a log file, which actually has INFOs' and ERRORs. So I tried to match only the needful INFOs by using the grok filter. So this is how my log lines look like. Few of them from the file.
And this is how my grok look like in my logstash conf:
grok {
patterns_dir => ["D:/elk_stack_for_ideabiz/elk_from_chamith/ELK_stack/logstash-5.1.1/bin/patterns"]
match => {
"message" => [
"^TID\: \[0\] \[AM\] \[%{LOGTIMESTAMPTWO:logtimestamp}]%{REQUIREDDATAFORAPP:app_message}",
"^TID\: \[0\] \[AM\] \[%{LOGTIMESTAMPTWO:logtimestamp}]%{REQUIREDDATAFORRESPONSESTATUS:response_message}"
The pattern seems to be working fine. I could provide the pattern if required.
I've got two questions. One is I wanted only the grok matched lines to be sent to the index, and prevent Logstash from indexing the non-matched ones and the second is to prevent Logstash from showing the message in every single ES record.
I tried using the overwrite as such under the match but still no luck:
overwrite => [ "message" ]
All in all what I need to see in my indice are the messages (app_message, response_message from the above match), which should match the above two conditions. Where as now, all the lines are getting indexed.
Is it possible do something like this? Or does Logstash index all of them by default?
Where am I going wrong? Any help could be appreciated.
Indexing only the lines you want is pretty straightforward.
By default, if grok fails to match anything it will add the tag _grokparsefailure.
Now what you want to do is check for that tag and then use the drop filter.
if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop { }
sysadmin1138 mentioned that you can select between different grok filters by adding tag_on_failure => ['_INFOFailure' ]
For your sencond question you can simply remove the field. Every filter has a remove_field option but I use the mutate filter to indicate that I am manipulating the message.
mutate {
remove_field => ["message"]

How to assign a variable in logstash config?

I'm trying to fetch the host name from the events that logstash processes, and if the events matches to the criteria I want the host name to be sent to another file. But meanwhile the event should be sent to elasticsearch output.
The idea what am having is to assign the host name to a variable, and send the variable value to a file, if the "if" condition is satisfied.
Will this be possible with logstash?
Yes, what you want is posible in Logstash. The Logstash site has documentation for the config format, and all the available plugins which can be found at http://logstash.net/docs/1.4.0/. You will probably want to use the grok filter to extract the host name, and the file output to write the data.
Here is an example confg, which does what you want:
input {
#some input
filters {
grok {
match => ["message", "%{HOSTNAME:host} rest of message line" ]
add_tag => ["has_hostname"]
output {
elasticsearch {}
if "has_hostname" in [tags] {
file {
message_format => "%{host}"
path => "path/to/file"
The grok pattern will need to be altered to match your data, the logstash docs include a link the default pattern set that you can use.
