How can I analyse the Performance Report in Jmeter - jmeter

PerfMon and Monitor in Jmeter is working fine.
I know how to extract report and all.
Can anyone explain me.
How to check the performance report?
How can i judge the Server?
What all Problems getting on Server?

There is a nice report analyzer tool at "".
You have to upload your .jtl log files to use it.


Why is my start and end time in apache jmeter dashboard report showing 1 min difference when the test actually had run for 10minutes?

Tried running my test via command prompt in non gui mode the test had run for 10 min and html report got generated but the start and end time shows it had just run for a minute
Command prompt
JMeter dashboard report
I cannot reproduce your issue using latest JMeter 5.4.1
So I can think of 2 possibilities:
You're sitting on an old version of JMeter which is suffering from a some form of a bug which is fixed in a later release. In this case you need to upgrade, moreover according to 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article you're supposed to be using the latest stable version, it can be obtained from JMeter Downloads page
You're generating the dashboard from the wrong .jtl file
It might also be the case you're opening the wrong folder in the browser but I don't want even to think about this.

KSC Reports via Email/System output

I have a KSC report that i run once a month that gives me the previous months usages on specific firewall interfaces i am interested in.
Is there any way to get this report via email in a PDF for example? Or Alternatively get the output via a script onto the file system?
Not at the moment.
There is some work ongoing to make KSC reports available via Grafana, which has a "snapshot" feature that might meet your requirement.

Log report software for ELK stack

I have a node ELK (elasticsearch-logstash-kibana), and i need save report and statistics of logs, there is software that does this?
I have found other dashboard for elasticsearch but are all similar to kibana and not save report (packetbeat, elasticsearch-monitoring etc...)
According to this github thread you can save the results of a chart into CSV.
From there, it's easy to use MS Excel or some other tool to create a report.
I think is as far as you can go with free tools.
p.s.: this seems to be another option but it looks like it only dumps the result, not produce reports like you want.

Non-pass/fail Jenkins result

Is there a way to make Jenkins accept and graph test results that aren't binary passes/fails?
I'm writing a performance test for an Open Source project I contribute to. After each successful build, I would like Jenkins to run a bash script I've written, then report as the test result a value I compute during the test. The value would be on the order of 10k, if that matters. The idea is to allow devs to view the historical performance of the codebase, as well as how their commits changed it.
I'm new to Jenkins, but I've Googled pretty hard and found nothing relevant. Links are appreciated, even if you don't have a full answer.
The Plot plugin should be able to do what you need; you can store the test results in csv format and then graph them across all builds.

VSTS Load test reports

We've setup some different load tests and need to generate/send the result pr. e-mail, a link, pdf or similar. The output and metrics are saved to a database (resultstore), but I haven't been able to find too much information on how to generate a report without having visual studio. One thing that comes into mind, is creating a custom report in reporting service (any one know of existing reports I could use?).
Any thoughts?
Ended up with creating a report myself using reporting services. If I can make generic enough, I'll post it here.
