VSTS Load test reports - visual-studio

We've setup some different load tests and need to generate/send the result pr. e-mail, a link, pdf or similar. The output and metrics are saved to a database (resultstore), but I haven't been able to find too much information on how to generate a report without having visual studio. One thing that comes into mind, is creating a custom report in reporting service (any one know of existing reports I could use?).
Any thoughts?

Ended up with creating a report myself using reporting services. If I can make generic enough, I'll post it here.


Data driven works on Performance testing but how will it work on load test

I have created Web performance testing using visual studio 2017, Most of the pages are data driven by Login, Change of lists etc is there
I have added extraction rule, and when i do load test of the same WPT it gives me errors 403 and fail's the test
My question here is how should I make it work
Thanks in advance
A 403 error usually means that your VS script is failing at login. It is most likely happens due to one or several dynamic values that VS plays back as recorded. To fix it you need to find and manually correlate them by creating extraction rules and parameters somewhere at the beginning of your script.
It looks like you already created some extractors, but if your script is still failing, chances are that you did not create all of them. Try the manual correlation technique described in my article.
Or check our Web Test Builder for Visual Studio referenced here to automatically create missing extractors and parameter.

What is the best way for creating reports in MVC?

I've been reading online about either using RDLC or RDL reports however, I'm not sure if this is correct/best path for creating reports.
Any other recommendations are very much appreciated it.
MVC is a style of web development that doesn't really have anything to do with reporting. Your options are basically (1) create "reports" as web pages that dump data to the screen, or (2) use a report engine like SSRS (which uses .rdl) or BIRT. The first option is terrible if anyone ever wants to save or print the report. It's difficult to get it to page correctly or even group and sort things they way you want. Reporting engines handle all of that for you, so it knows how much data will fit onto a page given the paper size and margins you've set, and they have built-in methods for exporting the data to PDF/Word/Excel, etc. They also make it easy to add headers, footers, page x of y, etc.
For SSRS you'll need a SQL database with SSRS installed, and it serves reports up via its own version of IIS. This usually means that you'll need a hyperlink on your MVC app that points to the report's URL on the report server. You can either use ReportBuilder or Visual Studio with the appropriate settings (see SQL Server Data Tools). If the reports need to be served up to the public as opposed to within your company, you also need to be careful with both security settings and licensing on the SQL server.
BIRT is the best-known open source version of a reporting engine, but I've never used it so I have to leave that up to you to research. There are probably others.

Web performance testing with datasource in vs 2012

I'm having some issues with my web performance test that I created in Visual Studio 2012. I've created a test to go through our order system, but on the first run of the test it has errors on the page where you select orders. If I run that same test again it seems to work.
Since I am using a data source containing usernames and passwords, I only have one performance test and it runs once for each user in the data source. When it runs it passes the first test, but each additional user causes errors on that page which results in an empty shopping cart. It seems like an issue with POST variables not being generated or passed for each user after the first in the test.
Does anyone know how to fix this without having to create a web performance test specifically for each user? Using one performance test with a data source is so much nicer.
The web performance system is intended to allow data driven tests in the style you want. Your web site probably has some parameters that Visual Studio has not detected. The mechanisms built in to Visual Studio for detecting dynamic parameters are good, but not infallible.
First step. Just read through the recorded test including form parameters looking for things that may have been missed. You learn what they are through experience.
Another step. Record two versions of the same test, as closely as possible perform identical steps. (But do not worry about think times.) Then compare the two recorded tests. Look for form post parameters and other values that differ and consider whether they should be taken from earlier responses. Find which responses the values come from and write the appropriate extraction rules to create the context parameter.
It can also be worth recording and comparing two tests that are identical expect for user name and password used.
As well as recording tests with Visual Studio and comparing the files, it can be worth recording with a program such as Fiddler.
I have found that comparing the ".webtest" files with a good text comparison program helps find the differences, then make the edits within Visual Studio. If you are confident and keep backups you might edit the XML in the ".webtest" files.
Update: Note on comparing the .webtest files. Look at where the RecordedValue="..." fields differ but the associated parameter fields are not replaced by context variables.

Azure Reporting

I have Main SSRS report with few drill down reports calling same main report with parameters. It works fine in Regular SSRS. When I upload the same report on Azure the main report works fine without problem. When I click on the drill down links it keeps on giving error saying The Item "reportname" cannot be found. Tracing id is : (rsItemNotFound). What change I need to make in the SSRS to have the drill down report work in Azure environment.
There shouldn't be a need to change anything between between regular SSRS and Azure Reporting.
I had a simular problem once. In my case it happened since I renamed the report at one point, but the drill down action was still using the old report name. Maybe you have a simular problem?
Also, check out the Azure Reporting limitations over here (in case your report happens to use an unsupported feature like RDCE)

Making your own cusctom workflow developed in visual studio 2010 available in sharepoint designer 2010

Well my requirement is :
Need to develop a custom workflow,the workflow should take properties like site url, list names etc., From the client.
I am able to develop the workflow, but i need to make it available in designer. I tried the method mentioned here:
1)I have created the required action file.
2)deployed(copy-pasted) dll into gac.
3)made safe-control and authorized type entries in web.config of the corresponding web application(on which my site collection exists)
But it is not helping me out.after following the steps given,when i try to open any workflow in designer,it gives an error saying it cannot find an action(assembly) with xyz name.
If I understand correctly, you built an entire workflow and am trying to make it available to SharePoint Designer. The guide you are following deals with custom "Actions". Actions are a sub part of a workflow. This may explain why your deployment isn't working, because you're trying to deploy a workflow as an action.
If you could provide more information about your steps, we could try and figure it out.
