Is there any method to create a draggable photo collage in canvas using jquery? - draggable

Currently i'm doing a project about create a draggable photo collage using canvas in html5, i'm using Fabricjs to create most of the function, is there any tutorial or method to create a photo collage using Fabricjs or using other library?
for the reference!module/collage/tool/ClassicTemplate


How to assign css class with CKEditor5 into image

i want assign class to image using ckeditor5. What is the easiest way to do that.
For example i am using bootstrap so i want to assign img-fluid to every inserted image.
Thank you
I have read the documentation and tried almost everything and nothing work. Im using the vanila version created with CKEditor builder with CKFinder upload adapter plugin.

Image uploader for Padrino

I am new at Padrino.
I created slider model and I want a image uploader as paperclip or other ones for padrino. Who can write or link me step-by-step tutorial for this?

How can i implement facebook like newsfeed in my application in android?

I want to develop newsfeed for my application. I have taken viewpager as listview row item and loading images from server into viewpager. But main problem is that all viewpager loading same images. How can i solve this issue?

HTML5/Ajax Image upload in "background"

I am new HTML5 and Ajax and I was wonder if it's possible with these technologies to write a service that would allow a user to upload an image for example in the background so they could continue browsing different pages on the same site while the upload is in progress?
XHR2 AJAX request can submit binary data like images:
However, changing the address bar (windows.location) will interrupt the upload as the new page is loaded. You can work around of this by loading pages via AJAX and using History API:
Optionally you can resize image on the client-side using <canvas> to decrease the needed bandwidth and the server load
Resizing an image in an HTML5 canvas
Also if you touch the image in <canvas> you might want to keep JPEG metadata, like rotation and GPS coordinates around,

how to integrate an png image with html imagemap in gwt app

my gwt app uses an external lib to render charts (birt). this lib is able to provide an html/js-imagamap with the rendered png.
but what is the best way to integrate it in gwt front-end? my first idea was to let the lib generate html with imagemap and embedded (base64) image. the html could be easily integrated?!
but base64 is noot good for ie6/7 (ie8 max 32kb). so is there a way to link the image in html and write an servlet/gwt-service to fetch image on loading the html? or is ther a much easier way?
If you already have the html+js/css generated, why not just render that as an iframe in your main app? its simple and effective.
