i want assign class to image using ckeditor5. What is the easiest way to do that.
For example i am using bootstrap so i want to assign img-fluid to every inserted image.
Thank you
I have read the documentation and tried almost everything and nothing work. Im using the vanila version created with CKEditor builder with CKFinder upload adapter plugin.
I created a custom config file for CKEditor using a yaml-file as suggested and registered it in my extension for my custom elements.
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['RTE']['Presets']['custom_rte'] = 'fileadmin/templates/css/custom_rte.yaml';
This works fine as long as I'm in the default workspace.
When I switch to the draft workspace and save an element, the config is lost and I get the default Toolbar, without my custom css and buttons.
Any idea what this could cause?
Typo3 8.7.15
The solution was actually pretty easy.
I had to set the default preset for the CKEditor in the extension, instead of using the custom one and then set that in the Page TSConfig.
So this works (in ext_localconf.php)
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['RTE']['Presets']['default'] = 'fileadmin/templates/css/custom_rte.yaml';
That way the CKEditor always uses my custom yaml-file. No Page TSConfig needed.
I am trying to fill a web form with my script it will fill web forms which is having <form> </form>. But my site does not have this in HTML. Is there any way to fill this in firefox using AutoIt?
However, _FF_AutoLogin($uName,$pwd,$url) will fail in such case. So I am using
even this is not filling requirement. Can any one suggest me where i am going wrong. I am using latest version of mozilla along with mozrepl-addon.
Use _FFSetValueById to set the value of the element based on its ID.
I'm using jet-pack carousel in my gallery website and i want to add image rating capabilities. I have the "wp-postratings" plugin running on the rest of my site.
I'm assuming that i could add this to individual images as wp treats each image as a post, if so where would i find the template i should add this code to?
All the plugin requires is that i add one line of php to the page/image but i can't figure out where it shoud go as the code for carousel seems to be entirely js and php generated.
demo: http://so.devilmaycode.it/adding-rating-feature-to-jetpack-carousel/gallery/
in a js file jetPack_meet_wpPostRating.js copy this code (place the file in the js folder of your theme):
in the functions.php file of your theme put this code:
after installing the above scripts make sure to delete the browser cache before test.
tested with latest wordpress, jetpack and wp-postrating versions.
this will also work with multiple gallery in the same page.
does not need to put any extra [ratings] shortcode anyware.
the bounty for this answer is too low... ;)
Fixed bugs added some check and debug to consol.log...
You can use hook into the Jetpack Carousel on the server-side
(like to output your data, for example).
Then on the client-side, get your Javascript rating code to
load after the Jetpack+Carousel JS, and hook into them
(hook on the bindings, etc).
JetPack provides 2 JavaScript hooks:
1) jp_carousel.afterOpen
Action hook code example
I'm using WordPress 3.5 and trying to figure out how can I edit an image by clicking on it to get to the media uploader thickbox.
What I found out so far
The URL below work fine but I need to EDIT a special image, not add one. I have an attachment ID.
To make the thickbox work I need to add the classes info thickbox.
I found many articles on how to upload images but not how to edit them. Maybe I can just add some get variale to get it to work?
I would like to upload image as offline(later based on network connectivity it will be synchronised) using knockout.js file.
at the moment, i can save textbox, checkbox data using knockout.js file but failed to store image files.
i am developing html5 based application.
thank you all in advance..
Please try Example that I've created.
Also see article that I've used : http://www.html5rocks.com/ru/tutorials/file/dndfiles/