How to set Navigation bar for three.js panorama - three.js

I am Learning three js and I have 2 Questions for far.
How Can I Set Navigation bar for panorama like "Zoom",Horizontal and vertical Rotation...
How Can I restrict zoom control "Camera zoom" like below Example which is done in below link. Currently in below link when we scroll up it reverse the camera(I want to restrict that)
For 2nd point i have search in stackoverflow and found that we can achieve same by setting FOV but it is not working.
Can anyone give me example with above link please...


Reposition ui elements in unity

I have a question regarding an issue.
How can i make items reposition themselves when I hide or show marked panel?
enter image description here
Your question is broad as there are numerous ways to achieve that:
You can use some of the UI components responsible for auto-layout
You can script your components to do what you want
You can combine both of the above
In your case the most straightforward solution would probably be to design your UI with Horizontal and Vertical Layout Groups (or perhaps a Grid).
I'm also assuming that by 'hiding' you mean setting the object to inactive. If you're just changing transparency of a canvas group for example, you'd have to resort to numbers 2 & 3.
Unity documentation has some HowTos that refer to responsive design.

Custom Button in Swift and MacOS

In MacOS there is a simple App called Calculator, that I would like to recreate using Swift for learning purposes. A button like the plus button on the calculator has two images associated with it, one when the button is up and one when the button is down, as seen on the images below.
As you can see, when the + button is pressed down, its image changes to a darker orange color and the text gets a dark grey color. My question is: How to implement this button behavior?
Is it possible to do it with NSButton (and if so how)? or is it easier to implement it using CALayer? Or maybe there is some other way that I have not thought of?
You should be able to use a single image and configure it in code or in your asset catalogue to be a "template image". That means the shape is taken into consideration, much like a stamp, and the stamped-out area is filled with color dynamically. That means you don't have to provide a white and dark gray/black variant. One variant will suffice, usually black to see the lines well, and the rest can be configured through.
See the SO question "How to NOT highlight the NSButton's template image when clicked?" for details about the setup: How to NOT highlight the NSButton's template image when clicked?

Customising the look of controls in Cappuccino

I need to make a row of buttons on the bottom of the screen placed on what looks like a toolbar . But it should have a custom look ie. custom background and hover effects . I initially tried to customise a CPSegmentedControl but couldnt adjust the height of it as it uses fixed height graphics . Now I'm looking at trying out a toolbar but cant figure out how to change the background texture of the toolbar as it seems to be fixed . So which API is best suited for this ?
This bit will change the CPToolBar background for you:
If you want to customize the segmented control you can find code for that here:

UIImageView From Left to Right Animation on View

How can I call UIImageView animation from left to right scrolling.
Thank you
Please edit your question to clarify what you are looking for! If you are really talking about animation please clarify which kind of animation you want.
But I suppose you are talking about the UIScrollView paging mode where you use horizontal scrolling with images. It is something you can see for e.g. in the pictures app.
What you need is a scroll view wich has the paging mode property set to yes.
There is a need Apple example on doing that. It will demonstrate you best on how to accomplish something like horizontal scrolling.

Grow Images on Hover like Google Images

Hey everyone, I am trying to accomplish something with images growing on hover like the fancy grow mouseover effect on google images.
Here is what I have:
The tooltip is offset and is based on the walter zorn tooltip. What's the best way to have the mouseover popup grow out just like google images (with the text), instead of following the mouse?
(I still need it done with the same tooltip - maybe overwrite it, but it must be present to pass the text and image, it's just the positioning and display method of it that I need help creating, any samples would be appreciated)
You might want to look at JQuery.
this might be a good start
