Compile cgo lib on Cygwin64: "ld: cannot find -lmingw32" - gcc

I'm trying to use a cgo library on Windows, namely
I use Cygwin64 and installed with all "Development" packages, so gcc is availabe.
But running go get results in:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.3.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -lmingwex
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.3.0/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot find -lmingw32
If I search for "mingwex" and "mingw32" in the Cygwin installer, I get no results. Am I looking for the wrong names or are they not available on 64 bit systems?
Or is there a better way to use the library on Windows?
Note that the README states that
However, if you install go-sqlite3 with go install, you don't need gcc to build your app
but I get the same error message if I use go install.
$ go version
go version go1.6.2 windows/amd64

What finally worked for me (instead of Cygwin) is to download TDM MinGW-w64 from and set the PATH such that gcc from C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin is used.

You can also install package mingw64-i686-gcc-core from Cygwin.
The binary will be /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe so you probably need to copy it as /usr/bin/gcc.exe.

I have encountered the same issue as well. It seems to me that cygwin is not fully compatible with cgo. Instead, I have used
From the cgo documentation
In order to use cgo on Windows, you'll also need to first install a gcc compiler (for instance, mingw-w64) and have gcc.exe (etc.) in your PATH environment variable before compiling with cgo will work.


How to build GDB on Windows

How does one build GDB (the GNU Debugger) from source on Windows? I need to build it in order to make a build with Python support. I cannot use the one distributed with Cygwin because it has problems interpreting backslashes on Windows. What toolchains do I need for the build -- GnuWin32, MinGW, etc.? Can someone please provide step-by-step instructions on how to do this?
install ( and configure MinGW with packages g++ gcc libc6-dev libtool pkg-config
get gdb sources (I use 7.latest from and put it into MinGW/msys/1.0 folder
run ./configure in msys shell (MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat)
run make and fix the following:
hypot compile error with help of this '::hypot' has not been declared
undefined constants for GetLastError function by adding #include <winerror.h> into \gdb\gdbserver\win32-i386-low.c \gdb\gdbserver\win32-low.c gdb\ser-mingw.c
I have checked build process using 7.11.1 and 7.12.1 sources
7.12.1 x32 is broken under windows

How to build mingw32-make

I've just build a gcc 5.2.0 on windows according to this material:
Everything went well. But then I've tried to build Qt with this newly built gcc and I'm getting an error that there is no mingw32-make. Checked directory and no, there isn't one.
But then I checked previously installed gcc, which was work of TDM, downloaded from:
and yes, in his build there is mingw32-make.
So, the question is, how is it that he has that tool, and many other which are absent in my build are present in his?
if you create from the gcc5.2.0 source, a build then you've just created the gcc compiler with all its necessary files. e.g. gcc-5.2.0.exe, gcc.exe, g++.exe, etc.
NOT the MinGW runtime environment for gcc, which contains the mingw32-make.exe !
if you follow your link from your question here you build it with the cygwin make.exe.
It's better to download the mingw 32 binary runtime environment for gcc
MinGW64 runtime environment for gcc
Then you have all the files needed to work with QT.
if you want to create a mingw build from source, you need first a MinGW runtime environment then you can use that to build your own mingw32-make.exe.

C compiler cannot create executables - Cygwin/MiniGW

I'm trying to compile Pyaudio, (a Python module) from source, since I'm using Windows, and only 32-bit binaries are available - I need 64. Following these instructions I downloaded Cygwin, and installed every component, to be safe. Installing Portaudio, another module, is required first.
When I run CFLAGS="-mno-cygwin" LDFLAGS="-mno-cygwin" ./configure, I get the error configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables. See 'config.log' for more details. config.log has an additional line below that message: gcc: The -mno-cygwin flag has been removed; use a mingw-targeted cross-compiler.
This leads me to believe that perhaps Cygwin is using the wrong compiler; the instructions are for using MinGw with Cygwin, but I never specified minigw in the process. I also wonder if there's something in the PyAudio build files that needs to be changed for 64-bit. I know nothing about C, compiling, Cygwin or MinGW, and am new to programming in general. Any ideas? Any other information I can provide?
Current versions of Cygwin gcc do not support -mno-cygwin anymore because it never really worked correctly. Instead, you should use a proper cross-compiler, which is provided by the mingw64-i686-gcc packages, then run ./configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32.
In some cases it is an antivirus that is causing problems.
I had avast and had to disable it.

Haskell package missing c library

I'm having trouble building the hmatrix library on OS X Lion. Looking at the .cabal file, it requires the gsl library, so I installed it with macports. The .a files are in /opt/local/lib and the .h files are in /opt/local/include/gsl
As suggested here I changed the built-type from Custom to Simple. (without that change I get a similar error).
When I use cabal configure I get the following output:
* Missing C library: gsl
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
So I tried cabal --extra-include-dirs=/opt/local/include --extra-lib-dirs=/opt/local/lib configure, but I still get the same error. I can compile and link a c program that includes gsl. What files is cabal looking for? If I have the right files, how do I tell it how to find them?
libgsl.a is a universal binary:
$ file /opt/local/lib/libgsl.a
/opt/local/lib/libgsl.a: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/opt/local/lib/libgsl.a (for architecture x86_64): current ar archive random library
/opt/local/lib/libgsl.a (for architecture i386): current ar archive random library
ghc looks like it's 64-bit:
$ ghc --info
[("Project name","The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System")
,("GCC extra via C opts"," -fwrapv")
,("C compiler command","/usr/bin/llvm-gcc")
,("C compiler flags"," -m64 -fno-stack-protector -m64")
,("ar command","/usr/bin/ar")
,("ar flags","clqs")
,("ar supports at file","NO")
,("touch command","touch")
,("dllwrap command","/bin/false")
,("windres command","/bin/false")
,("perl command","/usr/bin/perl")
,("target os","OSDarwin")
,("target arch","ArchX86_64")
,("target word size","8")
,("target has GNU nonexec stack","False")
,("target has subsections via symbols","True")
,("Project version","7.4.2")
,("Booter version","7.4.2")
,("Build platform","x86_64-apple-darwin")
,("Host platform","x86_64-apple-darwin")
,("Target platform","x86_64-apple-darwin")
,("Have interpreter","YES")
,("Object splitting supported","NO")
,("Have native code generator","YES")
,("Support SMP","YES")
,("Tables next to code","YES")
,("RTS ways","l debug thr thr_debug thr_l thr_p dyn debug_dyn thr_dyn thr_debug_dyn")
,("Leading underscore","YES")
,("Debug on","False")
,("Global Package DB","/usr/local/Cellar/ghc/7.4.2/lib/ghc-7.4.2/package.conf.d")
,("Gcc Linker flags","[\"-m64\"]")
,("Ld Linker flags","[\"-arch\",\"x86_64\"]")
As an alternative to mac-ports you can use the nix package manager for mac. It does a pretty good job of taking care of the c dependancies for for the libraries available through it. In general I have been more happy with it then any other package manager on mac.
Unfortunately mac(darwin) unlike for linux does not have as many binaries available through nix so installing ghc often means waiting for it to compile.
The commands to install ghc and hmatrix after installation of nix are:
nix-env -iA nixpkgs-unstable.haskellPackages.ghc
nix-env -iA nixpkgs-unstable.haskellPackages.hmatrix
All of the needed dependencies will be taken care of for you.
I just tried it on my macbook pro and hmatrix seems to be working correctly in ghci after trying commands from the first few pages of the tutorial.
I'm not a mac person, but it really sounds like you haven't installed the "-dev" version. For a mac, I suspect you need to install gsl-devel in addition to gsl. If the problem persists, verify that you have libgsl0-dev on your library path.

cabal install libClang (Haskell) dont work under minGW

i always get the error:
clang library not found
i have installed the newest mingw and haskell plattform under win7 also i copied the llvm-2.9-mingw and clang-2.9-mingw32 into the mingw folder
what can i do?
It will be a matter of setting the paths to the library, so the compiler can find it. You may be able to set
to help gcc find the library.
