Vaadin ckEditor addon has two panels - ckeditor

No matter what I do when I run the latest version of ckEditor I have two panels on my screen. Both are populated with data. Although you can only see one editor in full on the screenshot if I increase the height you can see both editors. I've brought the code down to the bare minimum. It use to work but in the latest version I always have two editors no matter what I do, and no matter what browser I use.
Also when I call getValue() on the editor it always brings back the value of the bottom editor. I've confirmed this by putting different values in the different editors.
My code is:
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
CKEditorTextField ckEditorTextField = new CKEditorTextField();
ckEditorTextField.setValue("hello world");
And yes I know I should use CKEditorConfig but I've tried to minimize all code to the bare minimum. I've also tried with layouts and it makes no difference. The reason I put the height and width is to make it more visible, but it's not required. Also this code is called on the main UI class.

The issue was that an upgrade to Vaadin hadn't properly taken, there were still some caching issues. The way to resolve it can be found here:!/thread/2963857/2963856
The steps are:
Ivy-> Clean all caches
Ivy -> Resolve
Reboot Eclipse
Compile Vaadin widgets


Changes in MvvmCross bindings

Hi Xamarin/MvvmCross devs,
This is just a question out of curiosity. In one of the apps I'm developing some behaviour changed. Specifically on iOS when binding the UISwitch "On" value to a boolean in the ViewModel. The getter on the property fires when the binding is applied as well as the setter when the switch is flipped, but the UI does not reflect it. Forcing me to go from just
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<SettingsView, SettingsViewModel>();
set.Bind(PushNotificationSwitch).For(s => s.On)
.To(vm => vm.ReceivePushNotifications);
To having to also add the following below that (to get the UI of the switch to reflect the value)
var settingsViewModel = ((SettingsViewModel)ViewModel);
PushNotificationSwitch.On = settingsViewModel.ReceivePushNotifications;
I left the binding, as well as the new code to reflect UI state, because in addition to the UI just reflecting the correct state, I also want it to change the state in my settingsService when the user changes it.
I recently upgraded through Xamarin Studio on Mac and my iOS Xam version is Version: Unfortunately I didn't check what version I upgraded from, but I always upgrade as soon as I see there's one available, so it should be the previous stable version.
My questions are:
Has any of you experienced similar issues where bindings changed in this way?
Since the Android binding still works fine, do you think it's an issue in MvvmCross, or iOS Xamarin Changes
Any speculations as to what could be causing this? And other parts that you think this might affect, so I won't have to go scour for bugs if none exists. Commands, text and custom control bindings are working fine (as far as I've tested)
If this question would be better suited somewhere else please let me know, I'm just curious about this behaviour.
As we worked out in the comments of the OP the event of the switch was linked out. Hence, the binding did nothing.
Easiest way to remedy this is to add the following code to your LinkerPleaseInclude.cs file, which MvvmCross provides in the Startup NuGet and through the templates available for Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio:
public void Include(UISwitch sw)
sw.On = !sw.On;
sw.ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
sw.On = false;
This will tell the Linker that there is a direct usage of both the ValueChanged event and the On property, since the LinkerPleaseInclude class uses the Preserve attribute.

Cordova AngularJS Windows 8 App Fails on ui-bootstrap Templates with "directive must have exactly one root element"

I am using Cordova 4.0.0 with AngularJS 1.2.26, Angular-Bootstrap 0.11.2, and UI Router 0.2.11 to create apps for Android and Windows (8.0 and 8.1). I am having an issue only when running the application in Windows with ui-bootstrap templates. The same error keeps popping up for standard templates for typeahead, datepicker, and the modal dialog, "Template for directive { whatever } must have exactly one root element."
Looking at the DOM inspector within Visual Studio, it seems that every node that has the ui-view directive is getting populated with its own set of head and body tags (which wraps around the template in question). I'm guessing that this is the issue, but am having trouble pinning down where these extra nodes are being inserted, and thus, having trouble proving out the theory.
The same code works as desired in the latest Chrome, FireFox, and IE desktop browsers, as well as within Android.
Does anyone have any insight on this behavior? It might also be worthwhile to note that ngCsp is being used to alleviate dyanmic content insertion restrictions on Metro applications.
Thanks in advance!
I found that the problem was in the shim winstore-jscompat.js
The method used to add the new tags has a bug.
My version of that method is:
cleansePropertySetter("innerHTML", function (propertyDescriptor, target, elements) {
for (var elementIndex = 0, elementsLength = elements.length; elementIndex < elementsLength; elementIndex++) {
if (elements[elementIndex].nodeName == 'BODY') {
for (var childIndex = 0, amountOfChildren = elements[elementIndex].childNodes.length; childIndex < amountOfChildren; childIndex++) {
This did the trick for me. I have not yet tested all variations of directives.
The fix above didn't work for me, but I found a Fork that fixes the issue:
Note that this will probably be pulled into the main project at some point so this issue should go away "soon".
Also here is the original issue:

slow scrolling when using responsive bootstrap theme

I am using a bootstrap 3 template and have noticed on some that scrolling is not smooth and kind of bumpy. I am not even sure what to look for. This only happens in Chrome. It does NOT happen in Safari or Firefox.
Is this a javascript or css problem? I have never run across this before.
This seems to happen worse in Chrome for mac, but also happens in chrome for windows.
It seems to happen when I make the window smaller and then make it bigger again. If I leave the window the same size, it seems to scroll fine.
Link: --> Click Sales then resize the window in Chrome and then scroll down and then up. You will notice it is very bumpy and not smooth
:root { scroll-behavior: auto; }
Add this simple code to your custom CSS file.
"scroll-behavior" declared as "smooth" in bootstrap css/bootstrap.reboot.css.
So we need to overwrite it using our custom css.
The problem is in the jquery.nicescroll plugin that is used with the theme, the function jQuery.fn.scrollTop make the problem, it takes more than 75% from the cpu when run. my solution is :
You are using the jquery.nicescroll plugin version 3.4.0 use the latest version currently version 3.5.0 available.
If not working as expected, downgrade to version 3.2.0 I'm using it with my site without any problem.
Also check that if the hwacceleration in the Configuration parameters of the plugin is set to (default: true).
Update 1:
nicescroll plugin is a solution to have a custom scrollbars compatible with desktop, tablet and phone devices and to override the default scrollbars of the browser " more information her ", "you didn't see the diffrence because the plugin used in your project works when your browser window under 767px" so another solution if you don't need it you can remove the plugin from your files by following this steps:
Delete the plugin file (jquery.nicescroll.js) from your script folder.
Delete the plugin link from all your files.
Delete the plugin function lines (21 to 36), (49 to 66), (149) from (unicorn.js) file.
Update 2:
I made some tweaks for the (unicorn.js), download it from her, then replace your original one.
Hope this will help you.

kendoui - popup editing - v 2012.3.1114

When I insert a new record in popup mode, for some fields does not change the status (red triangle), the value is not updated and the data is transmitted "empty" to the webservice.
If I press "backspace", the field changes status to "modified" (red triangle) and sent to the webservice.
In the "2012.2.814" worked well.
I attach a sample program (rename png in htm)
Thank you.
if you are using the MVC wrappers, make sure you've updated the DLL. In either case, make sure you've updated all the .js files to 2012.3.1114. In our projects, we will go through the process of deleting all the kendo*.js files in the Scripts directory then replacing them with the latest versions. That also takes care of the occasionally deprecated js file. Check your layout and make sure you aren't calling them in the wrong order (if you're using MVC-4 I highly recommend using CDN and/or the bundling option).
Also update your Content and check a couple of browsers (Chrome's developer tools, Fiddler, Firebug as well) to see if there are any errors/warnings that might help explain it.
Finally, Kendo now supports jQuery 1.8.2 - the previous versions required jQuery 1.7. I found that moving to jQuery 1.8.2 gave a modest performance boost and resolved some grouping issues I was having with the Grid component.

Extension Development: Frozen Firefox scrollbar and dis-functional hot-keys

I am writing a Firefox extension which creates a Java applet in the page.
function addApplet(aDocument,url,classfile,archive) {
if (navigator.javaEnabled()) {
var anApplet,body;
body = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
anApplet = aDocument.createElement('applet');
The JAR file loaded from the applet is 500KB in size. I noticed that sometimes the extension causes Firefox's vertical scrollbar to freeze and the hot-keys to stop working. The scroll-bar and hot-keys work fine if I prevent the extension to append the applet to the page.
Another weird behavior is -- on the frozen page if I click inside any text/search box or even address bar the scroller and the hotkeys begin to work again. The same thing happens if I switch tabs or minimize the browser window.
I am using Firefox 3.6.12 on WindowsXP.
Please help me if you have an idea regarding this or if I should provide more information.
(Hey guys this problem is still not solved....please help me out with this......)
See if something similar happens if you load the applet from an html page that includes the tag and its children as static content, rather than content added to the DOM.
I imagine it's a problem of Firefox and java, not your code.
Applets can be tricky. I would suggest creating a page of pure HTML that works, first.
As far as suggestions for change go, 1st thing to change is the width/height of the applet. An applet with 0 size can cause all sorts of problems. Instead, give it a WxH of 20 (then later hide it using CSS).
Ok this has worked:
This behavior is the default since JDK 1.3. However you might need to prevent the applet from getting focus on startup, for example, if your applet is invisible and does not require focus at all. In this case, you can set to false the special parameter initial_focus in the HTML tag, as follows:
<applet code="MyApplet" width=50 height=50>
*<param name=initial_focus value="false">*</applet>
