How to display CKEditor generate code properly? - ckeditor

When I edit the content in CKeditor, it looks well. but when I display the data on html page. the layout are reset by other css file. How to avoid this? Is it possible to disable show the content in CKeditor without toolbar?

The content.css solve my problem. Add the style to content.css .

ck editor is highly customizable. Go to your CKEditor Directory ckeditor\samples\index.html
Open this file
Click on ToolBar Configurator Button on top right Corner.
Switch to advanced mode. At top right corner there is a switch, toggle it to advanced mode.
Then build your toolbar.
Now click on 'Get ToolBar Config' Button.
Select and Copy the Configuration and Paste it into foll file:
For CSS issue: Try loading and calling the replace function at end of your html Page.


How to add button in rte editor toolbar TYPO3

I want to add button in rte editor toolbar. On clicking it automatically a specific image should be inserted in editor.
Here is an example image link
You will need to override the YAML configuration for this,
1) PageTsConfig: Typoscript settings
RTE.tt_content.types.textmedia.bodytext.preset = full
RTE.config.tx_news_domain_model_news.bodytext.preset = default
2) ext_localconf.php
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['RTE']['Presets']['my_preset'] = 'EXT:my_layout_extension/Configuration/RTE/Default.yaml';
Only you need to move Default.yaml to the 'EXT:my_layout_extension/Configuration/RTE' directoty. For more NITSAN Blog and typo3worx blog will help you.
Hope this makes sense!

CKEditor 3.6.1: Load editor on event

I create a page with multiple tabs.
On one of my tabs I want to use CKeditor on a textarea, so when I display my table I call:
editor = CKEDITOR.replace('MyTextArea', MyOptions );
I have the UI of the editor but when I click on the text area nothing append, I can't edit it. The solution for access to the text area is to use "tab" for accessing this field.
I try to put a default value and I can edit if I click on the text but if I click elsewhere in the area I cannot edit.
I have this problem for IE10 and I need it works on it. It's working on Chrome and Firefox. I use CKEditor 3.6.1 and I cannot upgrade it.
The problem was the z-index of the container of my textarea, I change it and it works.

Custom Layouts are not saving after applying a layout to a page

I have created custom layouts in my custom theme.The layouts are appearing in Layouts tab in Edit mode. but when i apply a layout to a page and click on save, the layouts are not applying to page.Please help me to resolve this issue
Thanks in advance!!!!!
Check if there are any underlying errors in SystemOut.log file on your system. Also pls post the method (in detailed steps) using which you created the custom layout.
You can add a page layout to a page via the layout file itself through WebDav. Open your page in edit mode, open the edit page properties dialog, and click the Advanced tab.
Once on the Advanced tab, you can set the page layout template location using:

Tinymce change target path of insert/edit image icon

In TyniMce when select the text and right click there is inser/edit Image option is there on click on that how can i open my own aspx page not TynyMce ImageEdit.html page.
You can crete your own contextmenu (and open it on right click) using an own plugin.
The tinymce contextmenu plugin should be worth a look at. If you want to develope your own contextmenu plugin have a look at the source code.

Change default icon of buttons on toolbar of CKEditor

How do I can change the default icon of button on toolbar of CKEditor my my owns?
If you need to modify one of the default icons (not a plugin's) you can modify skins\[name of your skin]\icons.png (suggested here)
Look into plugins folder - source code is there with links to images, just replace those with yours.
