Enterprise Architect - Generate Documentation - Include Document Artifact as attachment - documentation-generation

I have an excel document artifact which I have uploaded as a Internal document and associated to requirement element.
Is it possible to embed this document as an attachment when using the option "Generate Documentation"?

To my knowledge there is no way to include the contents of an "internal" artifact in an RTF template.
What EA does with this type of content, I believe, is to store it as a binary blob in its database and then, when you double-click the artifact in a diagram, unpack it and launch it to the appropriate external program as defined in the Windows registry (based on the file extension).
But this is a generic function that works for all file types, and EA does not decode the contents -- which it would need to do in order to include them in a generated document, because what actually gets generated is RTF code.
What you could do instead is create a linked document. These are stored in the database in RTF format and so can be included in RTF templates.
Any EA element can contain a linked document. Simply right-click it and select Linked Document. You can also create a "Document" artifact in the "Artifacts" diagram toolbox; linked documents are created automatically for these.
You can copy the contents of your Excel spreadsheet into the linked document, but you need to take care with the formatting as EA doesn't auto-format the document for you.
In order to get the linked document contents out in a generated document, open the RTF template and select the Element / Linked Document section. The built-in "Model Report" template also includes linked documents.


Uipath - How to extract A table from a pdf

Hi i have found some video and text on how to do this but they dont help with this task.
I know how to get one values but not extract a table.
I want this to get exported into a database if possible or a Excel. But i cant figure it out.
I have even tryed change the "Change reading opption"
I tryed to "data scraping" but the program just say
"This controler does not support data extraction"
And it can't be more of a table then this.
I have heard that it cant be because the structure of the PDF is bad.
Still isn't there more ways of doing this.
Unfortunately, there is no activity in UiPath to read tables directly from PDFs. (As of today.) That was the bad news. The good news is that you can get to the contents of the PDF. Either you get the data (as flat text) directly with UiPath.PDF.Activities.ReadPDFText or you have to use OCR.
#kwoxer provided a wonderful link for explanations on this topic.
I have already been able to extract data from tables contained in a PDF document. At that time, I was lucky: ReadPDFText extracted everything. The table elements were separated by tabs ("\t"). And the table header contained a word that did not appear elsewhere in the document.
Just as an idea, I proceeded like this:
Extract text from the PDF document with UiPath.PDF.Activities.ReadPDFText.
Create an array, where the elements are the lines in the document. (Split using Environment.NewLine and option StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Go through lines in a loop (ForEach) until the table header is found. (StartsWith or Contains etc.)
The next row belongs to the table as long as it contains a tab. (Otherwise the table is over.)
Split current row by tab and store it in an array: The elements of the array are the individual cells of the row.
I hope, this idea help.

Getting binary content from Avro

I have an ExecuteSQL processor that returns a SQL Server varbinary field for a particular row:
select [File]
from dbo.Attachment
where attachmentid=?
The query will find one row. The content gets stored in Avro. The retrieved File could be a text format (CSV, HTML, etc) or a binary format (PDF, Office docs, images, etc).
If the content is text, I can run it through ConvertAvroToJSON and then EvaluateJsonPath to get the content that I want. That doesn't work with the binary content, however. When I download the content of a flowfile that has, say, a PowerPoint file, PowerPoint complains about the content.
I'd like to have the Content of my FlowFile be just the binary content (I'll be sending it on to a PutMarkLogic processor later). How can I do that?
I did not test it.
but you could use ExecuteGroovyScript as workaround to write binary field directly to a file content.
SQL.mydb - add this parameter on the level of processor and link it to required DBCP pool.
AttributeWithID - i assume there is a flow file attribute with this name that contains value to be used in sql query for attachmentid
def ff=session.get()
select [File]
from dbo.Attachment
where attachmentid=${ff.AttributeWithID}
outStream << row.getBinaryStream(1)

Oracle UCM won't show original pdf file name

I've been working with Oracle UCM.
All I have to do is to scan some documents, copy those pdf files in the Oracle Content Server, and then I should have access to the site and be able to search those files with their respectives names.
So far so good, but here's where things comes ugly.
Once I'm done searching one file, the UCM site doesn't show me the real name, the one that I gave to the scanned pdf. The site shows the name "sitios" ( "sites" in spanish, I'm in a latin country) instead of the name I gave it in the first place.
Usually files will be stored in two places in file system .
One will be vault location . File will be stored as it is .
Usually file name will be
Second will be in weblayout location . File will be stored as web view able version .
Usually file will be stored as
If you want to know the original file name in UCM search result , then try to get the

Magmi Not Importing When CSV Files Contains Commas

I have installed and made some successful product imports in to Magento using Magmi, but as soon as I try to import any data where the spreedsheet columns have commas [,] Magmi will not perform the import.
For example when I save the data in this speadsheet as a CSV file Magmi successfully imports the data;
However, Magmi refuses to import the data in the table below, where you can see in column F I have added data that include 'commas'.
Can anyone advise. I am using an Apple Mac with OpenOffice to prepare and save my data.
Is the data not importing entirely, or is just the visibility column not being set?
Visibility is a Magento core attribute which Magmi can set by using exact numerical option id value.
Generally, the option values you want to use for the visibility field are as follows:
Not Visible Individually = 1
Catalog = 2
Search = 3
Catalog, Search = 4
So in your case, if you want to set these products to Catalog, Search, you can set the visibility column value to 4.
To double-check that the above mapping is correct for your instance of Magento, the easiest way is as follows:
Go edit any product
Look for the Visibility drop down field, and right click > inspect element
In the developer tools, take note the values associated to each label.
Below an example of the process and what to look for.
Axel is correct, you should set the data to the numerical value 4.
But I do also recommend you explore a better way to export CSV content from Open Office. You may have to start a new document because I find I only see the dialogue below once and then I never see it again. Create a new document, paste your data into it. Choose save-as, select CSV, and save it. Eventually you should see the dialogue below. Change the encoding to UTF 8, the text delimiter to " and tick the 'Quote all text cells' box.
Then you should be able to have any cells with commas or other things in them. Always ensure you CSV files are quoted. "like","this","so you, can","have commas, in them". It is worth inspecting your CSV file in a text editor to see the format is as expected before uploading it to MAGMI.

Display the content of a PDF File in a Text Field

I am newbie in Oracle Forms. I have stored a PDF file in an Oracle database; now I want to read that PDF file and display the content in text field in Oracle Forms.
How should I go about doing this?
Oracle Forms cannot natively display a PDF. If you are storing the actual contents of the PDF in the database, you can look into developing a PJC that leverages an existing Open Source PDF presentation layer, and embed it in the Oracle Form. You would then need to stream the contents of the database into the PJC, which would be tricky (but not impossible).
Your better bet would be to build a small PL/SQL package that can be accessed from a DAD to serve up the document, and fire off a web.show_document call to the URL from Oracle Forms.
There is no built-in to do this.
But if you dont have to use the content of the PDF anywhere
i.e you just want to see the contents of the PDF then you may try this : ( **webutil utility required)
vboolean := webutil_file_transfer.DB_To_Client_With_Progress
( 'D:\files\abc.pdf' , --location of the file with extension
'table_nm', --table name
'field_nm', --field which contains ur PDF
'sr_no=1' , --fetch the PDF of row where sr_no =1
'Downloading from Database',
'Wait to Complete');
client_host('cmd /c start '||vfilename1); --open the file
If you want to make it generic, you can store the extention, append it to the file_nm i.e
1st parameter of DB_To_Client_With_Progress(), then you will be able to open any type of document stored in the database!
