Is Cassandra jdbc still actively supported? [closed] - jdbc

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Looking through the Apache Cassandra page and other linked Cassandra documentation, emphasis seems to be on CQL and there are no references to JDBC. Is a Cassandra JDBC driver still under active development? A google search for 'cassandra jdbc' turns up a few things, but none appear connected to Apache or DataStax. If anyone is using a Cassandra JDBC driver, which one are you using?

Digging around and I found one in BitBucket from the DbSchema people.
I've only tried a few basic queries so far, so this is more of a 'hey, look' rather than an endorsement.

CData Software (the company I work for) makes a JDBC Driver for Cassandra. As of 31 May, 2016, the driver is in Beta, but it is written to the JDBC standard and should work in any and all environments that support JDBC.
The link above will take you to the page to read more about the driver and download a Beta (or trial/full version once the driver is released).


MVC Framework compatible with Aerospike [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have just switched to Aerospike and am using it both as a caching as well as database layer. But the problem am facing is that I am unable to find any plugin or MVC Framework support for the same.
Would someone happen to know any Framework that supports Aerospike- language not being a constraint?
Sure, here:
ORMs for PHP
Spikeify for Java
You can write the next one. Open source, man.
There are a Aerospike cache and Aerospike session modules available for Play MVC framework that you could use.

Any Redis like DB that can be used on both Windows and Mac OS? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We are a group developing a web application backend using Node.js, and we found RedisDB is really very helpful because of its sortedList, hash tables and so on.
But our problem is that Redis DB is not officially supported on Windows System. Our group members who are using the Windows system have trouble trying to install it. Could someone give a hand to show us how could we get round this problem? Or is there any other Redis like DB that can be used on both Windows and Mac OS?
Thanks in advance!
You can easily find the answer searching a bit (google, stackoverflow, ...)
Redis on Windows
On StackOverflow

Tableau programming [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new here, and i hope that i could find answers for my questions related to open source reporting systems.
Is it possible to change in the programming logic of 'Tableau desktop'? I am asking this because i need to make changes that
enables me to log users' interactions with the system (Tableau
Is it possible to perform Big Data analysis by combining Tableau Desktop with Hadoop or Spark?
If the answers for the above questions is no, then could you please
recommend any other open source (free) reporting system that satisfy
these requirements.
Thank you in advance and best regards to all of you
Tableau has drivers to connect to several "big data" No SQL databases, and has added a Spark SQL driver as of Tableau version 8.3.
The full list of supported drivers can be found on Tableau's website at
Your question about logging user interactions is not at all clear, but you might have better luck instituting logging at the database level instead of at client level.
In response to your question regarding user interactions, I'd recommend you take a look at the views_stats table in the Tableau Server database.
Instructions for connecting to the 'workgroup' database:
Versions 8 and 9 includes a Spark connection
As far as logging users goes, Tableau Desktop is designed as a single license tool for developers and shouldn't need to be logged.
If you're interested in logging users, you may be thinking of Tableau Server, which has built-in functions for things like that as well as a REST API, which has some additional functions.

Looking for Xmldb Oracle library [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Where can I download the jar library Oracle xmldb: ?
You can download the initial release from the site, or the Under the database download you would see a separate option for the client. This should contain the jar file you are looking for.
If it is specifically the version you are needing, you will have to have an Oracle account WITH support account, login to the support site(s) (Flash: , HTML: After doing so, you will use the patch search tool. Of the patchset listed files for 11g patchsets, the client is 3 of 6. For example, the Windows 32bit patchset id is 10404530.

What is the best database query tool for PostgreSQL on OSX? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm interested to find the best desktop database query tool for PostgreSQL. Some options are PGadmin, RazorSQL. I'm interested to know which are the best ones.
After evaluating a bunch of GUI-based options for OSX I settled on Navicat for Postgresql because to me, it has a more natural UI than pgAdmin (at least for OSX).
I find pgAdmin has a better query analysis tool though so I've got it installed as well.
For some definition of 'best' I humbly offer up psql; it is fast and easy, free, and already installed. :)
For query only I use DbVisualiser. It is a cross platform Java application.
There is no "best". But I do like pgAdmin, works on any OS, not just OS X, and is for free. You could also use OpenOffice Base to connect to your database, using JDBC.
We Use PGAdmin. Not had any issues with it other than the following (unsatisfactory answered - by myself) question I posted a while back.
You might want to try SQL Workbench/J (Java based):
