Can I alpha sort base32/64 encoded MD5 hashes? - sorting

I've got a massive file of hex encoded MD5 values that I'm using linux 'sort' utility to sort. The result is that the hashes come out in sequential order (which is what I need for the next stage of processing). E.g:
In the interest of speeding up the sort operation (and making the files smaller), I was considering encoding the data as base32 or base64.
The question is, would an alpha-sort of the base32/64 data get me the same result? My quick tests seem to indicate that it would work. For example, the above three hex strings correspond 1:1 to these base64 strings:
But I'm unsure as to the sort order when it comes to special characters used in Base64 like "/" and "+" and how those would be treated in the context of an alpha sort.
Note: I happen to be using the linux sort utility but the question still applies to other alpha-sorting tools. The tool used is not really part of the question.

I've since discovered that this isn't possible with the standard base32/64 implementations. There exists however a base32 variation called "base32hex" which preserves sort ordering, but there is no official "base64hex" equivalent.
Looks like that leaves creating a custom encoding like this.
This turned out to be very trivial to solve. Simply encode in base 64 then translate character to character with a custom table of characters that respects sort order.
Simply map from the standard Mime 64 characters:
To something like this:
Then sorting will work.


Find and replace (increment) ASN.1 BER hex value

I have a long string of hex (converted from BER ASN.1) where I need to find and increment a particular value which is incorrect.
the ASN.1 tag is 84 and the length byte will change from 01 to 02 when the value > 127dec. And the value to increment will therefore become 2 bytes.
The value should start at 00.
- Original file: ...840101...840107...84020085...84020097
- New file: ...840100...840101...84020080...84020081
Any ideas how best to do this, preferably using standard bash commands?
Ilya Etingof hinted at this already, but to be explicit about it, BER uses TAG, LENGTH, VALUE (TLV) encoding, where the VALUE can itself be a TLV. If you change the length in a TLV that is nested inside a TLV, you will need to update all of the lengths of the enclosing TLVs as well. It is not a simple search/replace operation.
Assuming you have the octet-stream in text work already, you may consider searching/replacing pieces of text with awk or sed. If you can only use bash, may be variable substitution (${parameter/pattern/string} or ${parameter:offset:length}) would work?
Keep in mind however, that BER is quite flexible in the sense that (sometimes) the same data structure may be encoded differently and that would still constitute a valid encoding. The rationale behind that is to allow the encoder to optimize for its very own situation (e.g. save on memory or CPU cycles or on copying etc).
What I am trying to say that depending on your situation there may be a chance that your search/replace logic may fail. The bullet-proof solution would be to fully decode your BER octet stream, change the data structure you need and re-encode it back into BER.

Ruby 2: Recognizing decomposed utf8 in XML entities (NFD)

Problem is simple: I have XML containing this value
This appears to be valid XML format for representing a u with an umlaut, like this.
But all the parsers we have tried so far result in u¨ -- two distinct characters.
This form of unicode (UTF-8) uses two codepoints to represent a single character; and is called Normalized Form Decomposed or NFD, and in binary is \303\274.
Most characters can also be represented as a single codepoint and entity, including this case. The XML could also have included ü or ü or ü and in binary is \195\188. This is called Normalized Form Composed. Any of these would work fine.
Getting Right to the Question
So I think the question is one of:
Is there a parser (doesn't seem to be nokogiri) that can detect and normalize to our preferred form?
Is there a reasonable way for us to reliably detect entities in the NFD form and convert them to the NFC form (or is there something that will do that out there?)
The character you’re using, U+00A8 (DIAERESIS) isn’t a combining character – it is distinct from U+0308 (COMBINING DIAERESIS). (I’ve only just discovered this myself – I don’t know what the use for the non-combining diaeresis is).
It looks like in this case this behaviour is correct and your XML is wrong (it should be using ̈ and not ¨).

What characters can des(unix) have?

All lowercase and uppercase, all digits, dot and slash.
Have I missed anything?
This seems like an very easy question found to find at Google but actually I haven't found any information about it :(
Edit, if anybody missunderstod, what characters can the OUTPUT have.
I'm not asking what kind of stuff I can hash, I'm asking what the hash looks like.
DES (and many other encryption algorithms) work on a bit level - it has no concept of what's a valid character and what isn't, the range of the output characters can be anything from 0x00 to 0xFF.
Any output to the contrary is likely just characters not supported by whatever you're trying to display the output with, which are typically replaced by some predefined character.
The output can also be converted to hex characters for cosmetic or storage purposes (I'm not sure whether the des command would do this - it's simple enough to see by just running it), e.g. a single 'a' (0x61) character will be converted to two characters: '61'. The resulting output characters would thus be in the range A-F or a-f and 0-9.
Note that keys require ASCII, but this is not a requirement of DES itself, as can be derived from "Bugs" on the same page, and it doesn't affect the range of output values.
The DES algorithm is considered obsolete and unsafe. The DES standard (FIPS 46-3) has been withdrawn in 2005.
Use at your own risk.

Compression algorithms for Strings

I have to generate QRCodes using concatenated object properties. These strings might be long, that's why I'd like to know which compression algorithm to use knowing that my String's length is between 25 an 100+ characters
thanks in advance,
I am assuming that since you are going to use compression before you store the strings that these QR codes will not be readable by any client, it would have to be an application that you wrote (b/c you are storing character with an unknown encoding, the client won't be able to decode).
Instead of compressing and storing the long string in the QR code, have your application create a URI (like a GUID or a URL) and when your application decodes that URI it looks up all the values (uncompressed) that you wanted to store in the QR code. Then your app can just look up the format in any way it wants.
For example, assuming your persistant storage is an xml file, but it could be anything:
<URI = "">
Encoded on QR code: "", values can then be looked up.
The algorithm used to encode QR codes is dependent on the type of data you encode. See
If you know, for example, that you always have the same number of digits per id and therefor could just string them together without punctuation, you can encode them as purely numeric and you'll use 10 bits for every three characters.
If you need some kind of separator, if you use something in "0-9A-Z $%*+-./:", you'll stay alphanumeric and get 2 characters in 11 bits.
If you give it arbitrary data (note that this includes any lower case: the list above does not include lower case letters) you're going to be using 8 bits per characters.
So numeric only would end up being 60% smaller.

Least used delimiter character in normal text < ASCII 128

For coding reasons which would horrify you (I'm too embarrassed to say), I need to store a number of text items in a single string.
I will delimit them using a character.
Which character is best to use for this, i.e. which character is the least likely to appear in the text? Must be printable and probably less than 128 in ASCII to avoid locale issues.
I would choose "Unit Separator" ASCII code "US": ASCII 31 (0x1F)
In the old, old days, most things were done serially, without random access. This meant that a few control codes were embedded into ASCII.
ASCII 28 (0x1C) File Separator - Used to indicate separation between files on a data input stream.
ASCII 29 (0x1D) Group Separator - Used to indicate separation between tables on a data input stream (called groups back then).
ASCII 30 (0x1E) Record Separator - Used to indicate separation between records within a table (within a group). These roughly map to a tuple in modern nomenclature.
ASCII 31 (0x1F) Unit Separator - Used to indicate separation between units within a record. The roughly map to fields in modern nomenclature.
Unit Separator is in ASCII, and there is Unicode support for displaying it (typically a "us" in the same glyph) but many fonts don't display it.
If you must display it, I would recommend displaying it in-application, after it was parsed into fields.
Assuming for some embarrassing reason you can't use CSV I'd say go with the data. Take some sample data, and do a simple character count for each value 0-127. Choose one of the ones which doesn't occur. If there is too much choice get a bigger data set. It won't take much time to write, and you'll get the answer best for you.
The answer will be different for different problem domains, so | (pipe) is common in shell scripts, ^ is common in math formulae, and the same is probably true for most other characters.
I personally think I'd go for | (pipe) if given a choice but going with real data is safest.
And whatever you do, make sure you've worked out an escaping scheme!
When using different languages, this symbol: ¬
proved to be the best. However I'm still testing.
Probably | or ^ or ~ you could also combine two characters
You said "printable", but that can include characters such as a tab (0x09) or form feed (0x0c). I almost always choose tabs rather than commas for delimited files, since commas can sometimes appear in text.
(Interestingly enough the ascii table has characters GS (0x1D), RS (0x1E), and US (0x1F) for group, record, and unit separators, whatever those are/were.)
If by "printable" you mean a character that a user could recognize and easily type in, I would go for the pipe | symbol first, with a few other weird characters (# or ~ or ^ or \, or backtick which I can't seem to enter here) as a possibility. These characters +=!$%&*()-'":;<>,.?/ seem like they would be more likely to occur in user input. As for underscore _ and hash # and the brackets {}[] I don't know.
How about you use a CSV style format? Characters can be escaped in a standard CSV format, and there's already a lot of parsers already written.
Can you use a pipe symbol? That's usually the next most common delimiter after comma or tab delimited strings. It's unlikely most text would contain a pipe, and ord('|') returns 124 for me, so that seems to fit your requirements.
For fast escaping I use stuff like this:
say you want to concatinate str1, str2 and str3
what I do is:
then to retrieve original use:
note: the order of the replace is important
its unbreakable and easy to implement
Pipe for the win! |
We use ascii 0x7f which is pseudo-printable and hardly ever comes up in regular usage.
Well it's going to depend on the nature of your text to some extent but a vertical bar 0x7C doesn't crop up in text very often.
I don't think I've ever seen an ampersand followed by a comma in natural text, but you can check the file first to see if it contains the delimiter, and if so, use an alternative. If you want to always be able to know that the delimiter you use will not cause a conflict, then do a loop checking the file for the delimiter you want, and if it exists, then double the string until the file no longer has a match. It doesn't matter if there are similar strings because your program will only look for exact delimiter matches.
This can be good or bad (usually bad) depending on the situation and language, but keep mind mind that you can always Base64 encode the whole thing. You then don't have to worry about escaping and unescaping various patterns on each side, and you can simply seperate and split strings based on a character which isn't used in your Base64 charset.
I have had to resort to this solution when faced with putting XML documents into XML properties/nodes. Properties can't have CDATA blocks in them at all, and nodes escaped as CDATA obviously cannot have further CDATA blocks inside that without breaking the structure.
CSV is probably a better idea for most situations, though.
Both pipe and caret are the obvious choices. I would note that if users are expected to type the entire response, caret is easier to find on any keyboard than is pipe.
I've used double pipe and double caret before. The idea of a non printable char works if your not hand creating or modifying the file. For quick random access file storage and retrieval field width is used. You don't even have to read the file.. your literally pulling from the file by reference. This is how databases do some storage.. but they also manage the spaces between records and such. And it introduced the problem of max data element width. (Index attach a header which is used to define the width of each element and it's data type in the original old days.. later they introduced compression with remapping chars. This allows for a text file to get about 1/8 the size in transmission.. variable length char encoding for the win
make it dynamic : )
announce your control characters in the file header
for example
delimiter: ~
escape: \
wrapline: $
width: 19
hello world~this i$
s \\just\\ a sampl$
e text~$someVar$~h$
ere is some \~\~ma$
rkdown strikethrou$
gh\~\~ text
would give the strings
hello world
this is \just\ a sample text
here is some ~~markdown strikethrough~~ text
i have implemented something similar:
a plaintar text container format,
to escape and wrap utf16 text in ascii,
as an alternative to mime multipart messages.
