JMETER not recording a particular site - jmeter

Jmeter is not recording a particular site. However, it did record for the very first time, later something might have happened, below is the set up.
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder > port 7878
Firefox > localhost (7878)
open firefox > start HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and open
Jmeter records perfectly as expected.
Now, after sometime i did the same, this time nothing is being recorded however, the site got opened on firefox.
Additionally, when i have stopped recording on jmeter, i was still able to open the site and perform actions on firefox, but for other sites i get "The proxy server is refusing connections"
Can anyone please explain this behaviour?

A couple of assumptions:
Your site uses HTTPS transport and Firefox isn't configured to record HTTPS traffic
Your site is running on your local machine and Firefox is configured to not to use proxy for local addresses.
In Firefox network configuration make sure:
Use this proxy server for all protocols box is checked
No Proxy for: input field is empty
If it doesn't help you can try out the following:
Add the next line to file
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
Look for anything suspicious in jmeter.log file
If nothing help you can consider an alternative way of recording a JMeter test - JMeter Chrome Extension

Here is the step by step procedure to record a scenario in JMeter.
The easiest way to use recording is from "Templates" .
Step1: Open your Firefox browser and from Network Connection settings configure the proxy server as HTTP Proxy:, Port: 8888.
See image here
Step2: Run your Jmeter.bat file and open "Templates" under File dropdown list and click "Create".
See image here
Step3: Expand WorkBench and select "HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder". And click "Start" at the bottom of the page.You will have two pop up to Allow Firewall and Temporary Root CA Certification Installation.Allow all those and now go to your browser and do your browser activity.When it's done "Stop" the HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder.
Step4: After this you will get the recorded script in JMeter with all your activity in the browser.It will automatically update under Thread Group.This script will contain all your page requests during browsing activity. Sample script after recording is shown here.

If it's HTTPS, then you have to add its certificate to jmeter.


JMeter Script Recording Issue - Proxy Working, but No Recording

The current state of my JMeter setup and test plan is:
JMeter 5
Certificate Authority generated and imported into Firefox.
Checked that the port # in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder matches that in the proxy server set up in Firefox.
Have added a Recording Controller to my Thread Group.
Have added Cache and Cookie Managers to my Thread Group.
When I start the proxy server, i.e., Start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, I can walk the example application I'm testing - including HTTPS requests. (And if the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is not started I get "The proxy server is refusing connections" message from Firefox.)
I have ensured that the selected Target Controller in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is a recording controller I've added to my Thread Group.
No Sampler/Requests are being added under the Recording Controller.
Has anyone else encountered a situation in JMeter in which the proxy server seems to be working correctly but no sampler/requests are actually being recorded? And even if this case is novel, do you have any suggestions? Thank-you in advance for your advice.
Take a look at jmeter.log file - if there is an issue with your setup you should get some clues regarding what's wrong from there. It is also a good idea to add the next line to log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.proxy" level="debug" />
it will increase log level verbosity for the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Make sure your Firefox is configured to use the proxy for all protocols and there are no exclusions for localhost, or your IP address/hostname
Try clearing your browsing history as it might be the case "stale" certificate is still present or something is cached.
As the last resort be aware of an alternative way of recording a JMeter test using JMeter Chrome Extension - in this case you will not have to worry about proxies and SSL certificates.
You shouldn't create your own Test Script Recorder script, simply because you can make mistakes, just use predefined JMeter's template
Choose Menu: File -> Templates
(Recording is selected) Click Create
Your Recording script is set
you need to add ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA certificate in your firefox by setting
Go to tools > option > Certificate > View Certificate > import certificates.
Now restart the firefox.
just a late reply but facing same issue...
Have you tried to clean the 'URL Patterns to include' in HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder ?
It did work for me and could record was the proxy was not recording.

The proxy server is refusing connections JMeter

I am trying to load test for my web application. I followed all the steps as per JMeter guide. After that enable proxy server also using port number 8080.
Please take a look my proxy server description in Firefox:
Please check my JMETER Configuration
Output after did all configuration
I am new for JMETER load testing, hope you guys will help to solve this problem.
Remove localhost and from "No Proxy for" area in Firefox
Since JMeter 3.0 default port for HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is 8888 so you either need to switch it back to 8080 in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or configure Firefox to use port 8888. See Bug 59006 for details
You will have slightly better JMeter configuration for recording if you use "Recording" template, from JMeter main menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording and click "Create".
The main problem is Firefox expects that you would have installed a trusted Certificate before listening for requests using proxy server (via your port number 8080 as quoted above). Note that this is a Trust issue. Firefox does not trust your requests.
To resolve this issue, see below steps:
In Jmeter, from "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder" once you click "Start" button to start recording and listening to requests, Jmeter creates a temporary "Root CA Certificate" in your Jmeter "bin" directory/folder automatically.
This certificate has to be uploaded on Firefox to enable Trust.
Note that the certificate has validity of 7 days. See screenshot below:
Next go to your "Firefox preferences" and click "Privacy and Security" Tab, scroll down to the "Certificates" section and click "View Certificates" to upload the generated temporary CA Certificate in the previous step (step 1). See image below:
Click the "View Certificates" button to add the temporary Root CA Certificate generated above. Note that the CA Certificate is located in your Jmeter "bin" folder.
See the certificate in the bin folder below:
Upload the Certicate as seen in the screenshot below:
Finally, as soon as the Root CA Certificate has been added to Firefox successfully, go ahead and start recording your requests. Everything should be work without issue.
After adding the certificate to your browser you have to hit 'Start' on the recording on jmeter before you access your website on the browser.
For jmeter test recording, you've to follow this sequence-
Add jmeter test script recorder
Set up the proxy ( you've done till here)
Click start in test script recorder(you must click start only then your links(pages) will load in browser )
Add the certificate generated in jmeter/bin folder(you only need to do this once)
then you can browse using the firefox browser

Jmeter saving the results of recording

Is there a way to save results of recording as well? I have to record it several times if I forget not to close the window, which I always do.
The recorded activity will automatically save under your Test Plan.You will find all the recorded samples under the "Recording Controller"**After you stop recording you will see the recorded script in JMeter with all your activity in the browser.It will automatically update under **Thread Group.This script will contain all your page requests during browsing activity.
Here is the step by step process of recording browsers action.
Step1: Open Firefox browser and from Network Connection settings configure the proxy server as HTTP Proxy:, Port: 8888
Step2: Run your Jmeter.bat file and open Templates under File dropdown list and click "Create".
Step3: Expand Work Bench and select "HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder". And click "Start" at the bottom of the page.You will have two pop up to Allow Firewall and Temporary Root CA Certification Installation.Allow all those and now go to your browser and do your browser activity.When it's done "Stop" the HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder.
Step4: After this you will get the recorded script in JMeter with all your activity in the browser.It will automatically update under Thread Group.This script will contain all your page requests during browsing activity. Sample script after recording is shown below.
So after finishing your recording you will get the Recorded Script as a .jmx file after saving.
You would also like to go through the Apache documentation of HTTP(s) Script Recorder for further details.
JMeter has an inbuilt functionality to save the recording. Maybe you can follow the content that is available on this page.

Can not record browser action in jmeter

I am using apache-jmeter-2.6. I want to record browser action using HTTP Proxy Server. But The actions are not recording.
I have defined HTTP Request Defaults under Thread Group,I have given value for the server name that looks like this:
And I left the Port Number field empty as it is given with the Server Name.
In HTTP Proxy Server under workbench, I have given the Port value:81 and added ".*.html" in URL Patterns to include.
I have set the proxy server setting in firefox browser with Port:81 and Http Proxy:
Now when I start the proxy server in jmeter and do different actions in my browser, i get nothing in my listener which is 'View Result Tree'.
I have searched for the ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt file in different directories of my pc so that I can install it in my browser but did not find it anywhere, seems it is not created.
I have also deleted proxyserver.jks and then tried everything again, but no success.
What am i doing wrong here? How do i fix this?
My java version is 1.8.0_77.
Thank You.
First of all I recommend you to upgrade your JMeter version.JMeter 2.13 version is available.The performance of JMeter is being constantly improved, so users are highly encouraged to use the most up to date version.
Ensure you always read changes list to be aware of new improvements and components. You should absolutely avoid using versions that are older than 3 versions before the last one.
Here is the step by step process of recording browsers action.
Step1: Open your Firefox browser and from Network Connection settings configure the proxy server as HTTP Proxy:, Port: 8888
Step2: Run your Jmeter.bat file and open Templates under File dropdown list and click "Create".
Step3: Expand Work Bench and select "HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder". And click "Start" at the bottom of the page.You will have two pop up to Allow Firewall and Temporary Root CA Certification Installation.Allow all those and now go to your browser and do your browser activity.When its done "Stop" the
HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder.
Step4: After this you will get the recorder script in JMeter with all your activity in the browser.It will automatically update under Thread Group.This script will contain all your page requests during browsing activity. Sample script after recording is shown below.
Hope this will work for you.
You need latest JMeter first! Download here.
Check this tutorial on recording.
ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt can be found in JMETER_HOME/bin folder.

Jmeter-Recording issue

I am trying to record a http web page using JMeter 2.3.3 version. I have setup the JMeter proxy and tried, but didn't work. I have followed the below steps.
Launch jmeter 2.3.3, added thread group to test plan
Under Workbench->add->non-test elements-> added HTTP proxy server. proxy server setting are port:9090, target:use recording controller, grouping:donot group samplers, Type:HTTp request and checked the boxes of all under http sampler settings
Saved the settings
Now in browser(IE 7.0 or firefox 3.0.16), under connection settings, setup the manual proxy settings as local host and port as 9090 (no auto detect settings nothing, only manual proxy). Setting saved
Now in the JMeter, started the http proxy server.
Open a browser and hit the webpage needs to be tested.
The page is not opened. In fact because of the changes made in browsers, no pages are opened. Whenever I try hitting a page, the pages are recorded in the JMeter. But without the page open, how can I test.
I looking for an immediate answer and my work is blocked. Immediate answer would be appreciated.
I suspect that you need to configure JMeter to use a proxy in order to load the pages you're trying to test.
Please Configure your browser with Address:localhost and port:8080. and then start recording the script.
Open browser IE.
Go to option and select connection.
Select "LAN Setting".
set Address:"localhost" and port:8080.
Follow this step and start recording script.
Please check if you have checked the redirect automatically check box in the HTTP Proxy settings in JMeter.
