Correlation in new line-LoadRunner - correlation

Hi guys I'm new to LoadRunner and I'm trying to get the following number: 3185,
but this number is changing - it's dynamic and it's always between 2 lines as you can see in the following example . I tried using:
web_reg_save_param("var", "LB=Internal ID=176)", "RB=________", "Ord=All", LAST);
but it's not working.
I'm not able to get the dynamic number, as in this example : 3185.
Can anyone help me please?
Action.c(862): t=29925ms: 4-byte response body for "" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=176)
Action.c(862): 3185
Action.c(862): web_custom_request("test_2") was successful, 4 body bytes, 209


XML Parsing Error : AJAX Chat

I am just trying to plant AJAX Chat for my website users. I have successfully completed the installation process with database configuration. But when I am trying to brows the its returning this error given below:
XML Parsing Error: junk after document element Location: Line Number 2, Column 1:
I think that the problem is in AJAXChatTemplate.php , and here the code is:
function getContent() {
if(!$this->_content) {
$this->_content = AJAXChatFileSystem::getFileContents($this->_templateFile);
return $this->_content;
And the error message is like:
" Non-static method AJAXChatFileSystem::getFileContents() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in line 37"
Now please any one can help me to fix the problem. What is the problem here I can't really understand. Thanks.

Specify query parameter for a single HTTP method

To illustrate my problem, I made a condensed example from the blueprint tutorial.
# Gist Fox API
# Group Gist
Gist-related resources of *Gist Fox API*.
## Gists Collection [/gists{?since}]
### List All Gists [GET]
+ Parameters
+ since (optional, string) ... Timestamp in ISO 8601 format: `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ` Only gists updated at or after this time are returned.
+ Response 200
items: []
### Create a Gist [POST]
To create a new Gist simply provide a JSON hash of the *description* and *content* attributes for the new Gist.
+ Request (application/json)
"description": "Description of Gist",
"content": "String content"
+ Response 201
Then in my apiary documentation I get the following:
GET /gists{?since}
POST /gists{?since}
However, for me it makes sense to have the since query parameter only for the GET request. Unfortunately I didn't find a way to achieve this result:
GET /gists{?since}
POST /gists
Is it something possible?
(Thursday, 23 Oct 2014)
The fix has been deployed; could you please give it a try and let me know if everything works as expected?
The bad news
It is our (Apiary) bug and you're not doing anything wrong :-(
The good news
It is a known bug we are currently working on and it is going to be fixed with the end of this week (Sunday, 19 Oct 2014) :-)

How do I read large amounts of CGI data via POST in Rebol3?

I'm trying to upload an image using POST. Then on the server to get the POST data, I use:
data: read system/ports/input
...but it seems that the data is truncated.
There doesn't seem to be some specific boundary where the data are truncated. I'm uploading images in range from cca 15-200kB, and the resulting data are few hundreds to few tens of kB long, so there's no artificial boundary like 32'000 bytes.
Does anyone have experience with getting data from POST?
The read action on system/ports/input works at a low level, like a stream.
Continuous reads will return partial data until the end of input is reached.
The problem is that system/ports/input will return an error at the end of input instead of none! or an empty string.
The following code works for me to read large POST input:
image: make binary! 200'000
while [
not error? try [data: read system/ports/input]
append image data
with r3-64-view-2014-02-14-1926d8.exe I used
while [
all [
not error? try [data: read system/ports/input]
0 < probe length? data
append image data
print length? image
And did
D:\own\Rebol>r3-64-view-2014-02-14-1926d8.exe read-img.r < r3-64-view-2014-02-14-1926d8.exe > err.txt
and got

How to solve distinct-values error

How to solve this error in XQuery. I want the data to be distinct with out duplication in XML result. I tried to add distinct-values in front of the doc in for statement, but this error was depicted.
Engine name: Saxon-PE XQuery
Severity: fatal
Description: XPTY0019: Required item type of first operand of '/' is node(); supplied value has item type xs:anyAtomicType
Start location: 23:0
This is code :
for $sv1 in distinct-values(doc('tc.xml')//term/year)
let $sv2 := doc('tc.xml')//term[year= $sv1]
let $sv3 := doc('tc.xml')//student[idStudent= $sv1/idStudent](:HERE IS THE ERROR LINE:)
let $sv4 := doc('tc.xml')//program[idStudent= $sv3/idStudent]
{$sv1 }
<a50_60>{count(doc('tc.xml')/mydb//program[doc('tc.xml')/mydb//term/year =$sv1][avg>= 50 and avg < 60])}</a50_60>
thank you in advance.
distinct-values() will atomize your input, this means that $sv1/idStudent won't work because $sv1 is not an element. Instead of using $sv1 on the line that give an error I think you should be using $sv2.

Runningvalue with a sum(iif

I was successful using Runningvalue here:
But when I try the next step to only capture the status "A"'s and determine the runningvalue
=Runningvalue(Sum(iif(Fields!status.Value = "A", 1, 0),Sum,"Tablix1")
/ Count(Fields!status.Value, "Tablix1"),)
I'm getting an error: "Has an incorrect number of parameters for the function 'Runningvalue'. I've tried this a number of ways and can't get it to work.
The following expression run without error at least:
=Runningvalue(iif(Fields!status.Value = "A", 1, 0),Sum,"Tablix1")
/ Count(Fields!status.Value, "Tablix1")
There were a few issues with extra commas/parentheses and key words.
